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Name: Sonja

Nickname: Blade

Age: XV (figure that one out...)

Hearts: -music- -VIDEOGAMES!!!!- -arcades- -webcomics- -manga- -anime- -friends- -people that think i'm fucked up, stupid but hilarious- -gay, shy or perverted guys(hahahahaha)- -being alone- -my room- -drawing- -snowboarding- -carrying pens in my pocket- -frizbee- -writing- -and other things.... i have to remember them-

Hates: -you- -me- -anyone who puts themself in a group a.k.a. skater, punk, goth, prep, etc...- -people who cant think for themselves- -school- -IB Program- -rap,r&B, hip-hop, pretty much any black music (not to diss Africans)- -religions- -cults- -people who never call you back- -people who damand things from you- -people who spend their time smoking stuff- -people who have no dreams-