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Nicolava Soulfire Renzouken

Name:Nicolava Soulfire Renzouken
Age:531 (Looks about 23)
Height: 6'2
Weight: 198 lbs.
Hair: Platinum Blond
Eyes: Island Blue
Weapons: 2 daggers, the Sword of Truth, his magic
Bio: Nico was born and raised on the same island and in the same village that Alex was. Nico was banished at about the same time as Alex for the same reason: He had magic. He went with Alex, travelling all around, taking different mercenary jobs, everything. Alex and Nico were like brothers. Any job that one of them got, the other took as well. They never worked alone. Nico finally ended up where he is now. He and Alex are now adopted brothers, and Nico is married to the beautiful Marina, Queen of the Protectors of Light. Just like Alex, Nico has never been happier.

Nico Now...
