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CODE RED!!! - Antony Barka 9/14/03

Breaking news! Backdraft group launched out in their Gilvader today and attacked the ZBC! The ZBC base was completely destroyed, and the entirety of the ZBC was forced to move out in their Ultrasaurus. Currently, the Ultrasaurus is moving towards Guylos, in hopes of deterring BDG attack. All available ZBC members are asked to report to the Ultrasaurus ASAP. The BDG is also sending out a recall to all available BDG pilots to meet in the Gilvader. Check the War Zone for new information about the war.


The changes just keep coming - Antony Barka 8/18/03

We have updated the Class System and the Zoid Joining System. Make sure to take a look if you don't want to miss out. Look for the New!!! sign on a page, and if it is there, make sure to read all of the page. We need your feedback on the new system, so before you can change your signature to reflect these new changes, you must e-mail Myself, Kucha, and Shadow, telling us what you think of the new system.

We're trying something new - Antony Barka 8/14/03

We're putting up a Picture Gallery to show off our work. If you have an Image you made and would like it up there, just e-mail it with your name, the name of your picture, a brief description of it, and what program you made it in. Note: It does not have to be about Zoids.


Well, it looks like we're doing pretty well - Antony Barka 6/20/03

The site's off to a great start. However, I fell that it can reach a higher potential. If you can get all of your friends to sign up, then there will be more battles, meaning more action, more teams, and more money. The more people we get, the more popular the site will be. Also, please take note of the link to us section. It will help us greatly if you link to us, and if you do, we will be sure to link back to you. In the mean time, Happy Role-playing, we added two new RP forums. Some news might be role-played in those forums, so be sure to check it out.


And on the last night he rested... - Antony Barka 6/12/03

    And then he partied! We have everything up! The Site's Officially Up!!!

The Stats are Up - Kucha Flare 6/10/03

    We have gotten all the Class D Zoids stats up and we are working on getting the bios up. We are also adding a new Special Equipment page in the Resource section. The parts are almost up too.

The Site's Up - Kucha Flare  6/09/03

    We just got the site up. We welcome all you Zoid fans to join Next Century Zoids. We are looking for new judges/staff so contact the current staff. That is Myself (Kucha Flare), Antony Barka and Shadow Blade.





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