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Bordom Killehs
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Wow, oh so long...
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: Twist
Lalala... oh? Wow. Long time since I put up my last story type thingy... ^.^ Oh well. Yeah, the Marius and D one SUCKED. So, instead, Im putting up a 'quickie' I did in English while I was bored. This one sucks to, but its been so long since my last story, Im desprate...

I got the name idea from Amy Brown. ^.^;;; (Please, bear with me...)


…Queen Maab…

I met a feary, one day. I was 5 years old… and I remember it perfectly. After I went home, I told everyone. Sadly though, they said it was all in my head, and it never happened. I was always told that Fearies do not exist. I actually believed it, after a while. But after I turned 12, I believed in them again. It was hard for me not to. ‘Tis is the story about my second meeting with Queen Maab. The most handsome, and alluring Feary I shall ever meet.

I jumped on my sleeping brother, then darted into the kitchen before he could hit me. He wouldn’t mean to, you see, but it was kind of… automatic, for him. Anyways, I stifled a giggle as I heard Jeff yell a few ‘words’, and start to get up from his slumber. Some people just said he slept a lot. But I said he hibernated. You would too, if you knew how long he slept. Ack! Back to my story! Alright, so, while I was peeking into the hall from the kitchen, I suddenly caught a heavenly scent, coming from right behind me. I recognized that smell all too well. I remember it from long ago… The scent of the damp sun on honey covered leaves in the summer breeze. Ah… How I have missed it! I slowly turned around, intoxicated by her being. Her lovely, Raven Black hair… Her rose lined lips, skin of milky white… eyes like Honey looked me down… Her legs, as firm as canyon walls as she hopped down from the counter, and walked towards me, her lips curved into a slight smile.

My mind was racing. My own eyes grew wide, as her slender fingers found their way around my waist, and pulled me into a tight embrace. My thoughts started to blur, as I started to weep. It had been such a long time, since I have seen my sisterly friend, Queen Maab! Right then, I was pulled out of my trance as Jeff sauntered into the kitchen, yawning.

“When is breakfast?”

I had to lean towards him, to hear what he was saying. Then, out of nowhere, I giggled, put my hand to my mouth, and smiled.

“Silly goose! Its almost lunch!” WHOA! Did I just do that? How weird! The only time I acted like that was to get daddy or mum to get me something… Strange. Oh, so strange… It might have been because of Queen Maab. *Hey! Wait, where is she?!* I turned back around, to where she had been, then started to search for her. You see, the kitchen is huge. Which is just what my mother wanted. Jeff gave me a series of strange looks as I looked into the oven, under the island, and in the pantry.

“Meagan, you okay? What are you looking for?” He asked, while looking in the fridge. I knew he wasn’t worried about me. It wasn’t rare for me to spaz out, then act weird, all of a sudden. Nor was it common, mind you. I stumbled out of the pantry, tears welling in my eyes. It had been such a long time since our last meeting. I hated the possibility that this might be our last. Or the fact that we would not meet again for a long while, if we did. And all because of Jeff. I let out a sigh, then wiped my tears away, before he could see them. Then, I looked to him, and smiled.

“Oh, its nothing. Thought I saw a gecko. Nufin’ much!” I flashed him a quick smile, then hurried to my room.

I burst into tears when I fell onto my bed. My tears slowly slid down my cheek, onto my pillow. I slowly opened my eyes as I felt a cool hand, as smooth as water, touch my bare back. I looked up, and the grief that was once their was long gone. She looked at me, a warm and inviting smile on those pale lips. I sat up, knowing that everything was going to be alright.

I will never, forget that day. Although… I know, I cannot speak of it, as much as I yearn. I know that people will just find me crazy, and I will end up as the town looney, like Belle’s father, in the Disney movie, Beauty & The Beast. Oh well, that is why I am writing it, instead.

<(*.*<) <(*.*)> (>*.*)> Miss Dream at 9:43 PM CST
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Slept so long
Hello, again! The first entry of the new year! Yay! My next story is going to be a follow-up on the first D meets Marius fanfic! Yay! Altho... Im thinking about changing Marius' name to something else, so it wont be a fanfic, and I can acutally publish it in a magzine for writers of short stories and stuff... oh! And I went through the D story, and I saw so many mistakes! Lol. Oh well. I went through the one in my documents and corrected it, but Im too lazy to do the same with the one on here. Oh, and... Hmmm... well... other then that, not much! Heh.
<.< >.>
So bored...
Well, back to writing... oh! Which reminds me, so far on the story Im writing right now, I've writin' FIVE pages! Oh yeah! XD

~Asylm Chik
~"And there's not a bloody thing the king of Sweden can do about it!"

Heh heh...

<(*.*<) <(*.*)> (>*.*)> Miss Dream at 5:26 PM CST
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Friday, December 24, 2004
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Slept so long.
Okay! I forgot to write a disclaimer for the D and Marius story! Soooooo....

Disclaimer: I do not own Marius from the Vampire Chronicles. I am simply using him untill I can get an idea for a story of my own, untill then, I will continue using him and D together. And not that way Cheshire, you perverted kitty. Anyways...


Alright... I dont really care about Christmas. I dont care if I get anything at all, and Im not one to 'get in the spirit.'
No, really, Im not. But yeah... Merry Christmas.


<(*.*<) <(*.*)> (>*.*)> Miss Dream at 7:37 PM CST
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
LOVE YASHA!!! .... (D: ...)
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Trans-Siberian Orchestra... I dont think I spelled it right, though.
My brother just now (1:59 P.M.) read the vampire story. He said it was good, but D needed to do alittle more. And he said that I needed to call her by her full name: Delilah. And I was like: Well, I do agree on D moving more, but as for the NAME, heck no.
Oh, yeah, about my lack of cursing... well... my mother read my fanfiction bout Sean from the Claris Project, and well... she wasnt too happy about the words bastard, and f***. -.-' Sooooo, I promised her I would try not to curse, unless I was in character, and the character cursed alot. *smiles* Yup...

<(*.*<) <(*.*)> (>*.*)> Miss Dream at 1:58 PM CST
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D meets Marius. (Cheshire: Oooooh! *wink wink, nudge nudge*) (Me: Oh, shut up)
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: with my ... never mind, forgot how to spell the word... sooo... Im going to play with my brother's violin!
In this fan fiction, D, my character, meet Marius... a character from Anne Rice's The Vampire Chronicles. But if she somehow stumbles upon this, then DAMN, I'm in trouble. *smiles* Enjoy!

D Meets Marius.

D walked outside, into the bitter cold night. She sighed, pulling up her coat alittle. "Damn, why now..." She looked around while stepping from her brothers porch, and went into the ally by his house. She knew it wasnt the smartest thing to do, but then again... she didn't care.


Marius moved around outside, with his long bloodred trenchcoat flowing behind him. He slowly moved down a winding path, acting as human as possible, towards the lake. His hair tossed this way and that, and his eyes shimmered in the light of the moon. His pale hands were hidden in his coat pockets, along with the many wrings he wore on his fingers. He sat down on a bench near the lake, and stared at the moon, and its celestial beauty.


"Lets see, moonlit park... or well lighted streets..." D stood in the ally for 5 minutes, trying to decide which one to pick. "Umm... I'll go through the park!" Once she had decided on the park, she began to have a weird feeling. She ignored the feeling though, and continued to walk through the ally. Before long, the ally stopped, and revealed a park. The park had a fairly large lake, and a dense patch of trees to the north of the lake. It was quite beautiful, really...


Marius just sat there, and closed his eyes while leaning his head back. He slid his tounge over his fanges slowly,then brought his head up and a mortal was by him. He smiled and moved closer to her, and whispered things into her ear. The woman smiled, and laughed while touching his leg. He moved down while kissing her neck, finding the largest vein. Then once he did, he opened his mouth, and bit down hard. She cried out, screaming, but the scream quickly died along with her. Marius pulled away from her neck, and licked his lips. He disposed the body in a fire that was nearby, and sat back down on his bench.


D heard a short, but very loud, scream, and she stopped in her tracks. She was by, what the visitors called, 'The Forest', and looked in the direction of the scream. It was a womans scream, but there was a man sitting on the bench. Not another woman in sight. "How strange..." She muttered to herself, and, being the oh-so curious lady that she was, walked over to the man, and stood in front of him. "Excuse me... sir?" She asked, uncertain he would answer her. It never came to mind that he might have been the one that caused the scream.

His eyes moved up, and he looked at the woman. He smiled some, but then adjusted alittle and he spoke. His voice was metallic, and almost seductive. "Yes, m'lady of beauty?" He smiled warmly at her, and his eyes watched her every move...

D stiffened up when he called her "M'lady of beauty". She was called hott, and sexy, but she never paid any attention to that, it was common... but when he called her a lady of beauty, she blushed ever so slightly. Though... on her pale skin, it was evident. "Umm... did you hear a scream...?" She studied him with her dark green eyes, as her black hair tossed, and fell onto her face, so she brushed it aside. "It sounded like a womans..."

He smiled, and stood up slowly. "Ah, yes, that was my fault... I became... hungry." He smiled, showing his fangs. He walked to the lake, and looked into it... and he turned slowly, looking back to her.

Relization struck her like a slap to her face. 'Of course! Hes a vampire!' "Oh... oh! Well... DAMN!" She was at a loss for words, but not really frightened. If he was going to kill her, it was her fault. She walked right into it. D was in awe. "Mmm... Oh, I didn't know vampires existed..."

He slowly walked up to her, and placed his cold hand to her warm face, then quickly pulled it away. "Well... we just keep it hidden from the world... well, the victims know, but they arnt here anymore." He walked over to another mortal. (D was like "Wait, where the hell did HE come from?!") He stood behind the man, looked over at D and smiled. He whispered something, like a horse trainer would to a wild horse... then bit. He snapped the mans neck. He dropped the body, and kicked the neck hard. He then threw the man's body into the fire like it was just some old rag doll. "No... I respect my food..."

(Poor poor man. never knew it was coming. Sad world.)

D stared. She was speechless. But then, finally, she raised a brow. "Wait, okay... you call THAT respect? You just kicked the man in the neck and tossed him into the fire like a log! Dude, I don't think thats respect." She took a step back, but she tripped over a rock, and fell. On her way down, she grabbed for the bench post, and sliced her palm. D let out a little yelp, and stood up, feeling stupid. She clenched her wrist with her other hand.

He looked at her, then her blood covered hand, and looked away. "That... thats a vampires respect, love..." He walked over to her slowly and removed her hand from her wrist. He removed a handcloth from his pocket, and cleaned up the blood. After the blood stopped flowling, he held it there, then looked right at her.

She ran her hand through her hair with her free hand, and blushed ever so slightly again. She tried not to smile, so she bit her lip. "Umm... Thank you." She lowered her eyes... then looked back up at him.

He nodded, and pulled the cloth away. He placed his hand over the open wound. He pulled his hand away, and all that was left on her hand was a barely visible scar. He smiled, walked back over the bench, and sat down. He looked at her, and smirked. "Your welcome."

D stood, looking at her hand impassively, and started to think, 'How the HELL did he just do that?!" She came to her senses soon enough, though. "Umm... well... right! I have to go now...!" She bowed slightly,and turned around. "It was nice meeting you, sir! Even though I dont know your name... Bye!" She smirked to herself, and walked towards the trees, after all, they did lead to her back yard. But, once she reached them, she had another curious feeling, so she turned around. She didnt see anyone there, so she looked at the beautiful moon, and smiled. She said nothing, and turned around... again. She walked through the trees, and arrived at her house. She was thinking about him, going over what happened. "I met a vampire..." She smiled, and laughed.

Umm... yeah! Thats tonights fan fiction! Heh... oh! Yeah, I was RPing with this one guy (I wont put down his name) and his character was Marius. *sighs, and giggles* Once we were done, I looked over it, and I was like: Oh... this would acutally be a good fan fiction!
So, I revised it, and it was acutally really nice. I put more detail into it... made it longer and such... Yup! Oh, and I did get his permission, so I wont feel guilty... *smiles* Ah, oh well! I hope you like it.

Hmmm... well... I dont know what Yuffie has to do with this, but what the hell!

<(*.*<) <(*.*)> (>*.*)> Miss Dream at 1:38 AM CST
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Chau Li dies... Again.
Mood:  energetic
Erm... yeah... I'm stuck on killing Chau Li, and using FF characters. Hehe.

Chau Li woke up.He was cold. There was snow every where. Chau Li had no clue how he got up there, but of course, he was too stupid, and high off of morphine to remember, anyways.

He was hungry. Chau Li saw yellow snow, so he ate it. And, being the stupid bastard he was, he liked it. He was getting delusional and thought he saw a hooker with long hair some how sticking out of the side of her head, and had a bikini on.

OOC: Mmm... hes a kinky one, no? hehe. Sorry!

"I am Yunalesca!" the hooker stated, not waiting for him to ask. She started to dance around in the snow, making ... noises. Then, suddenly, the snow changed into lemon drops!

"I'll give ya a dollar if you... strip for me!" Chau Li asked, with a lusty look in his eyes. He stood up, after seeing the gum drops that were really lemon drops. But he couldn't tell, 'cause he was high.

"I only take Gil!" She yelled, and glowed for a brief moment before realizing that her bikini was falling off, so she re-hooked it. "Ahem, sorry! MEGA DEATH!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Chau Li screamed, then suddenly got smart, and shoved the morphine up his arse. "HA!"

A weird dude with a funky hat suddenly showed up out of no where. "MWEEE HAAAA! I have come to steal your sol!"

Yunalesca then fell back, anime style. "You mean soul!"

Everyone in the entire world then gasped at her intelligence. "What?" She asked "Just 'cause Im a hooker, Im not stoopid!"

The dude in the funkaaaaaaaay hat then said "I don't give a DAMN!" And he took his claws and reached into Chau Li's chest... but goes right thru. "NOOOOOOOOO! DAMN YOU, MORPHINE!" And he dissapeared.

"YEAH!" Chau Li copied Rain's victory dance, very poorly, might I add, and instead of a 'V' for victory, he did a 'W'

"Oh well" The hooker sighed, shrugged, and pushed Chau Li off of the cliff that wasnt there 5 minutes ago.

"WEEEEEE!" This went on for about... ten minutes.

Chau Li some how survived falling from the million story tall cliff by landing on something big and red. He looked down to see that what he landed on was a red lion looking thing with a flaming tail and a 13 tatooed in roman numerals on his front leg.

"OH MY GOD!" A smaller red looking lion thing said. "HI! IM MOOMBA!" He smiled. "YOU killed Red!" He grew angry. "Nice to meet you!" He smiled again. "NOW DIE!!!" He casted Firaga and Fire 3 on Chau Li.

Sudddenly, word captions appeared at the bottom of... something.

Moomba casts Firaga!"
Moomba casts Fire 3!"
Chau Li takes 9999 hit damage!
Moomba fell Chau Li!
Moomba received 179 gil!
Moomba received 357 experience points!
Moomba received 3 viles of morphine!

And Chau Li died, again. Then the Moomba ran back to Riona. Then Jackie beat TLA! For the 10th time... and Alex finally confessed his un-dieing love to D... and she slapped him, 'cause he kissed her with out permission. And Rain caught a silver fish, and made curry.

The world soon died of bordom, so it couldnt rejoice when Chau Li died.

THE END! Or is it...?

<(*.*<) <(*.*)> (>*.*)> Miss Dream at 6:05 PM CST
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
Chau Li's demise.
Mood:  party time!
Umm... well, I dont own any of these characters... but... please don't take my story, its under the copy write law. Soo.... HAVE FUN READING! *eye twitch*

Chau Li was incredibly stupid; he had no personality what so ever. After stepping on one of those little nail thingys, he realized that they hurt... alot. Really really bad, too. Kinda like when somebody stabs your eyes with flaming forks. And just when Chau Li thought his luck could not get any worse, his amulets fell into the water.

"WASCALY WABBIT!" Chau Li shouted, because he was as mad as Elmer Fudd when Bugs Bunny out smarted him. Chau Li was such a loser. He got high on the morphine he found on his boat once he decided that the genius of getting doped up was the smartest thing an idiot could do in these circumstances (don't forget, he had VERY POOR JUDGEMENT). So, now that he was high, Chau Li decided to go clubbing.

After a few hours of dancing on the boat, and coming very close to falling off a few times, he realized that well... he was still on the boat. Growing sad and depressed again, Chau Li forgot about Dah Vid, and DaNang. After an unknown length of time, he came to a waterfall and because he was still high, thought it was a great big monster; so he jumped onto the river bank which wasn't there five minutes ago, however, he did not forget to grab the rest of the morphine. After all, even though he was stupid, he had to remember his priorities. And so, he wandered into the forest which had just magicaly appeared, and after a walk which seemed to take forever, hecame to a cliff. Well, since he was so sad and depressed, he decided to jump off the cliff. After all, isn't that what they're there for? Like I said, he was not very bright.

"WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" His parting word of wisdom was heard for about three or four minutes before he landed. Kersplat was the last that was ever heard from him. While he was taking his trip of a lifetime, he saw things and people new to him: a fleet of flying monkeys following a green, old hag on a pink bicycle, way too small for her as it was cracking from the weight, a bunch of different type clocks and a blonde muttering to herself, while slowly falling alongside him, except she wasn't upside down, and a weird looking ninja chick. Somehow though, he survived although he was now rearranged in a somewhat rather odd manner, well...let's just say, he now had a face only a mother could love! He found Tidus and Yuna's bodys at the bottom of the cliff surrrounded by many different colored animated spheres. The ninja chick then jumped out of nowhere, and shouted "HEY! GET YER DIRTY HANDS OFF OF MY MATERIA, NOW! AND THAT MEANS YOU TOO, TIDUS!"

"What the heck..." Chau Li exclaimed, surprised as any, well...normal, person would be.

"Hi, I'm Yuffie the "Ninja Chick", and now I'm going to kill you! DIE!" And with that, Yuffie picked up a blue sphere which caused her to glow a bright green. Yuffie chanted a few words, then screamed "Leviathan!" and a giant aquablue dragon appeared from the water. Leviathan is a water element dragon who came at her every command. Out of nowhere and without any expanation, the word "Tsunami" appeared above Chau Li's head which caused even him to look up in awe. Of course, being the genius he was, he had to touch it, he didn't think he was that high! And so, he drowned from the Leviathan's Tsunami, and Yuffie stole all the materia.

And all in all, the world rejoiced, I danced in the bathroom while singing 'All Hail Lord IL Palazzo!', and Menchi went bunjee jumping... out the window without a bunjee rope.

<(*.*<) <(*.*)> (>*.*)> Miss Dream at 11:46 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, December 11, 2004 11:49 AM CST
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Friday, December 10, 2004
Ah, a new blog!
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Solitaire
Ah, dont you just love the smell of a new blog, even tho, technicly (I kno, I spelled it wrong) you can't smell it? Well, I do! And Im deticating this blog to stupid fan fictions, even tho, I don't like most of the stories Im making fun of, so really, they arnt fan fictions, just spoofs... and that probably made noooooooo sense...


Mss Dream: Hey... how did you escape Katies dimond chain and cage? O.o

CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Uhh... err...

Katie: HEY!

CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: BYE!

Katie: WAIT!

Mss Dream: ...

<(*.*<) <(*.*)> (>*.*)> Miss Dream at 5:46 PM CST
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