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Mai's Cosplay Advice

Hi! I'm Mai and I'm obsessed with Miroku. Just ask Iaika. Okie day. Well, I'm here to bring you cosplay advice since I have recently been to the Anaheim Anime Expo 2003. There are four catagories of advice that I have for you: Costumes, Props, Getting There, and At The Con.


1. Give yourself plenty of time to make your costume. (At least 5)
2. When designing the costume, make sure to gather a lot of images so you get the colors right. Nothing looks worse than a costume with the wrong colors.
3. If you can't sew, there's always somebody else who can do the sewing for you.
4. Save up money at least 6 months in advance because nothing sucks more than having just made the prop and not having enough cash for the costume.


1. If you can't make it yourself, don't make it!!! Or ask a friend...(Like Iaika...)
2. Have some rough sketches of your prop so you can take it to your local home improvement store (AKA Home Depot or Lowe's) to get some help or decide on materials.
3. Have a backup plan incase your prop decides to be posessed or gay and hump other props when you get to the convention.
4. Remember, if you're flying to the con, they won't let you take your props on the plane if they're too big or they are simulated weapons. Those need to be checked.

Getting There:

2. HAVE A HUGE CAR. RENT A LARGER CAR IF YOUR CAR IS SMALL. You'll regret it if you don't. Especially if you have to carry a Zanbatou in a sports car...-_-;;;

At The Con:

1. TAKE A SHOWER!!! I REPEAT: TAKE A SHOWER!!! If you've had a long car ride, that is. No one want to smell your BO after 7 hours in a hot car that has been driving through the desert.
2. I'm serious: If your Aunt Ruby has just visited or will soon make sure you are prepared to have her stay with you.
3. Don't be afraid to meet new people. They may seem scary but trust me-they're probably pretty cool. ^_^
4. Bring LOTS of money for the Dealer's Hall. You're gonna need it.

Cosplay Sites:

Smashing Garb
Final Fantasy Miko's Cosplay Shop
Orange Angel's Cosplay Shop
Final Fantasy Cosplay



The Clan of the Hentai Gaki
Iaika's Website

This site was designed by Iaika Ryokucha Sotoma