Previous Site Updates



- Rejoice CitIzens Salvation is at hand... Well not really BUT I have Updated Amethyst League Chapter 09 I know now you all can Die Happy. Also Our Resident Co-Author/whatever has a few things for me to post (If I could remember it). This month will have WAY more updates than normal (Actually it already does) I'm Disabled at the moment so I'll be spending more time with the comp and less at work. Well Enjoy.



- Well here again is a new update but not from me. Blind Man once again delivers another story to my woefully under-updated site, Coldest Crime 00. Cest la Vie or whatever, I may have something before July but as always don't quote me on that. In fact minimize quoting me at all it's bad for your health.





- Well here again is a new update but not from me. Bland Man once again delivers another arc to his Pokegirl Adventure story Arc 2 Part 1: Side Tracked. It seems to be going well for him. As for myself I'm still trying to figure out just how to set up the next few scenes in both my fics. Hopefully I'll have something before summer but I make no promises.





- Before you even start no I am not updating either of my stories (unfortunately thought they aren't hitting that many snags thus far) I'm merely updating the guest Pokegirl section with BlandMan's newest fic Pokegirl's Adventure: Arc 1 Training Run. Hopefully he and I will get together soon and do some more work on SO but I promise nothing.





- Hmm well I doubt anyone's reading this but to the 1 or 2 that are your vigilance has paid off. That's right I'm here to update once again. Strange Occurrences Chapter 08 Part II is done and out I'll send it over to in a week or so. In other news the move is complete that's right I moved from the Nation's Boiling pot to the heated skillet. Oh well hopefully with a steadier job and a bit more time I'll update more, but I'm sure that most of you aren't holding your breath.




- Ok people so I'm not as prompt as I make myself out to be, oh well. Here it is the first part of Strange Occurrences Chapter 08  I hope you enjoy it. I also have updated Amethyst League Chapter 08 anyways work and general procrastination call maybe I'll have something out before August but I make no promises.





- Ok people so I'm not as prompt as I make myself out to be, oh well. Here it is Chapter 07 of Strange Occurrences I hope you enjoy it. The guest page will be updated soon (I hope so) anyways work and general procrastination call maybe I'll have something out before 2005 but I make no promises.




- Ok people I'm alive (for how long depends on the bounty hunters). Chapter 08 of Amethyst league is a bit more done than before but not worthy of pre-reading yet. I have updated C. Rose's section of the guest page and included the work Sudden Burst of Speed (by: C. Rose and Blindman X) on his page. I have Strange Occurrences 07 ready to go just waiting for a bit o' pre-reader feedback.  SO 08 is about 75% done. Hopefully the updates will come more frequently as my muse comes back to me.  See ya.





- Ok people I'm a bit late... Don't try and seek vicious vengeance on me. But here it is Amethyst League 07, 08 has been started and is 45% done. Also ( I guess this is a double update.) I have Strange Occurrences 06 up and posted. 07 is about 50% done. Hold in their somewhat reliable readers I and Blind Man are working to get a couple fics out there. See ya.





-Well my somewhat reliable visitors I have good news. Recently I have been given permission to host some of the works of some great authors (Much greater than myself). So I am adding a Guest Author's section where their works can be found. As promised I will have Amethyst 07 ready before July 30 hang in there people.





-Ok still waiting on some feedback for Amethyst 07 but it will be up before July 30 I swear. I have now A side story for Strange Occurrences to present to you all. It is introducing a new Character as well as my new Co-author in the story Blind Man X (Whose has a few stories already posted here.... Actually only one story.) He will be joining Yume in his trial so I hope the right amount of insanity ensues. I hope you all enjoy the read.





-Hey I have finished 99.9% of Amethyst League 07, I'm just waiting on a few things. I also got  Chapter 05 of Strange Occurrences Done and up, and a side story will be up soon. I am in planning stages now for Amethyst League 08 and 09 as well as chapter 06 of Strange Occurrences.  Blind Man X has begun helping on this story and will become a character in it, to be introduced in the upcoming side story.





-Hey I have finished 98.7% of Amethyst League 07. I also got  Chapter 04 of Strange Occurrences Done and up, and Chapter 05 is 98.7% done. I am in planning stages now for Amethyst League 08 and 09.





- Hey I have finished 89% of Amethyst League 07. I also got married (score) Check out the wife at the link to the left. Also I'm working on updating the site (don't hold your breath)  Chapter 04 of Strange Occurrences is in the plot.... I mean planning stages now as is Amethyst League 08 and 09. I've changed the Poll (bout damn time eh?) and got a new Guest Book (please vote and sign) Anyways that's all for now. Oh I did get to the update sooner than September.





- *looks older and tired* I have finished Amethyst League 06. It's up and posted. Chapter 07 is around 67% done. I also added a new author to the Pokegirl section: Blindman X. Currently I have one of his fics posted here. I have also posted Chapter 03 of Strange Occurrences so enjoy. At the current rate of updates the next one should be......... in September. However I'll try to get it done sooner.





- *smiles in triumph* I have finished Amethyst League 06. It's off to my limited Pre-reader group (I guess one could say quality over quantity) once they finish with it I will post it here.                                                                                                       Yume  (p.s. please send any comments, questions or otherwise to my e-mail address, or write a post in the guest book.) (P.P.S. I have also started an SI and am posting here and on Strange Occurrences )


Update 11/01/01

- Working on a Halloween fic I thought of an Halloween It will be longer than a normal chapter of one of my fics so it may take a while. Chap 04 of Darkness of Dawn 50.4% complete. More updates to come soon.



-Illustration for Chapter 03 of Darkness of Dawn completed and posted.



-Chapter 04 of Darkness of Dawn In the works, as well as illustrations for the series.

-Chapter 04 of Heaven is Wherever You Make It also in the works.


Update 10/17/2001

  Currently Working on the site in my free time please be patient.

I am also working on more chapters for my fanfics and possibly some illustrations for them.