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Welcome to Mani-Vabri!

The name isn't anything in Japanese. It just stands for the reviewers names (Mackenzie-That's me!, Nicole, Valerie, and Brittany.) The HTMLer here (AKA: Mackenzie, duh.) is way too lazy to learn japanese, and due to that, this site will not be intermixed English/bad Japanese! Woohoo! What a change of pace!

Anyway, also due to the fact that Mac is too lazy to do much, she stole this site layout from SilverOracle[dot]com, so she asks that you check that place out. If you can't read this font...well, then screw you, because arial is just too damn boring.

Oh crap-Forgot to mention that there will be cussing. Sorry. Well, anyway, this is the only page with this font. The rest will have arial or something, so they'll be legible. Ignore any misspellings because, despite the fact that I'm on the spelling team, I can't spell worth shit when I'm lazy. Which is all the time.

Well, without much ado, I present to you: MANI-VABRI! .

Layout © SilverOracle[dot]com
Website ©PGM Productions '04