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Kai-chan again. These are all the quizzes I have taken. Okay, not ALL. Here and Here are two places you can go. (Dragon Terminal and Neko Heaven). And Here is the other part of Dragon Terminal. I run that with another friend.

So I'll show you my quizzes.


!!!!!!!!!Do U need a straight jacket?!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brought to you by Quizilla

Lina Inverse: Lina Inverse is one of the most powerful
Scorceresses in the world. With one simple
spell she can destroy a city, with her
favorite, the Dragonslave. Many times she has
cast spells that if are done wrong or go out of
control can destroy the world. She is smart,
yet very agressive. Lina doesn't let anyone get
in her way. Treasure is something she loves and
money too she cannot let go of! At times Lina
can show her kind, girl-like, and understanding
side. Food is one of her favorite things. She
and Gourry fight over it all the time. Empty
stomach all the time! This brilliant girl is
always rearin to go, but normally can't control
her anger. Get her mad and're
blown up!

Which Slayers Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Dark Helmet: You think you know it all, but really
you're just a stooge for someone stupider than

Spaceballs, the character quiz!
brought to you by Quizilla

You are so Filipino, it's scary!

How Filipino Are YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla *Kai-chan: I am actually not Filipino. It scares me.*

You're a Purist!

What type of LotR fan are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Cangrats! You are 100% Canadian! Now go brag to
your friends....

How Canadian Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Combat Legolas. Lethal with the Bow and
Knife. Your skill is unmatched by all. You
fight bravely and will die for your friends.
Cunning Elf you are!

Are you Haldir Type, Legolas Type or Off the Charts Type?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the ultimate Tolkien-ite. If someone tries
to contradict you on a debate, you smack them
with eighty different references in the books
to prove yourself right. If people say the
movies were better than the books, you go on a
rampage and they end up in the hospital. And
if someone's got that minute detail wrong in
their handmade Elven-brooch, you go get your
diamond cutter and fix it for them.

Are You Obsessed With J.R.R. Tolkien
brought to you by Quizilla

You're HEARTLESS! You're one of those people who, when faced with a
hysterical person screaming "MY BABY IS IN
mom's building was burning LAST NIGHT!" You should be shot for being such a callous

Why Should You Be Shot?
brought to you by Quizilla

see ur doctor

do u have a condition?
brought to you by Quizilla

A True Punk You know what the music is about. You're not too
concerned with the image you like what you
like. And if others don't then fuck them!

Punk Or Poser
brought to you by Quizilla

Wow your Kai! You heartless B*****D!

Which Beyblade Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla *Kai-chan- wow, that really surprises me...*

I'm Kai!  Cold, but not too cold!
Kai - Cold and nasty... at least until the end.

Which Beyblade character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a loony. A nut. A psychopath. You should be
locked away and never released! If your mama
knew your true colors, she'd had ridded you in
the womb! You sick fuck... Agghhhh!

Are you mentaly insane?
brought to you by QuizillaYou are socialy void of emotion. You tend to simply
not care. You're most likely a recluse with
little or no friends. Work on it.

Are you mentaly insane?
brought to you by Quizilla

Demolition Boys

Which Beyblade Team would You Be Apart Of?
brought to you by Quizilla

You love Kai! He's dark and mysterious but that's y
u love him! So what if he's a bit of a
betrayer, and a loner, and a powerhungry bit
beast stealing creap? It's that all powerful,
dark kick ass personality that makes u soo
addicted to him! ^-^

Which Guy Beyblade Character Would u Likely to Fall for? (Finished)
brought to you by QuizillaKenny/chief
You love Kenny! He's kind of a computer geek but u
just call him smart. and that's what he is. You
love a guy that always kno's that answer!

Which Guy Beyblade Character Would u Likely to Fall for? (Finished)
brought to you by Quizilla Ray
You love Ray! Ray's just a downright hot guy! He's
got power in his bit beast Drigger and YOU
wanna be a part of it!

Which Guy Beyblade Character Would u Likely to Fall for? (Finished)
brought to you by Quizilla (Kai-chan: Ah, the three hottest guys... *blush* that I could get on the quiz anyways *winks* I'm a mix of all three myself... dark smart kitty!!! ^_^)

Sweet! I Got Oliver!

What Majestic would be your guy? (beyblade related)
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x874f540)
Alrigth I got Johnny!

What Majestic would be your guy? (beyblade related)
brought to you by Quizilla

Now, for my FRIEND... no more what am I, or love match...

aaaaaw aint he sweet *=*
your new buddy is OLIVER. well you chose well as
oliver is caring and will do anything for his
buds . although a bit sloppy hes very sweet and

Who is your beyblade best buddy !!!!! =)
brought to you by Quizilla (Kai-chan: Oliver again? *shrugs and smiles*)
you got, super-hot (hey I'm a girl i can say that)
super-nice REI!!!!!!! you very lucky person,
Rei is caring and thoughtful, you found a true
friend here !!

Who is your beyblade best buddy !!!!! =)
brought to you by Quizilla oooh dont want to see you on a bad day
OOOOh you got KAI the second hottest boy on the
planet of anime (hey Im a girl hehe) anyway if
you can change him from evil to nice then
you'll defo. have a true friend

Who is your beyblade best buddy !!!!! =)
brought to you by Quizilla

You're not to be trusted with sharp objects or
matches. Although you're not clinicly insane,
you are somewhat of a nut. You probably pulled
the wings off of flies as a child. Shame on

Are you mentaly insane?
brought to you by Quizilla
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