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The Gaean Chronicles
Saturday, 15 May 2004
Some people go this way, others go that way, and some go both ways!
May 15th, 2004:

---->The Month of the Dancing Asparagus

(This is an on going astrological parody! Stay tuned to see what astrological phenomenon awaits you in the months to come!)

*Note: The Astrological predictions written below are complete nonsense, hence the word "parody" so don't take any of them seriously!

Thousands of years ago, a tribe in South Africa claimed that during the month of May, their crops rose from the ground and started dancing to ancient hip hop music that the gods were playing above. They saw it as a sign of rebirth and creativity, so all year they observed different anomalies in nature and recorded all the strange events on stone tablets. The following year they made a monthly astronomical chart from the strange events they recorded the year before. Thanks to their ingenuity, we can still have a good laugh about what they predicted our lives would be like. Their monthly astrological chart is as follows:

January: The Month of the Singing Hippos
February: The Month of the Random Toucan
March: The Month of the Spitting kangaroo
April: The Month of the Rabid Lima Bean
May: The Month of the Dancing Asparagus
June: The Month of the Radioactive Chicken
July: The Month of the Disgruntled Potato
August: The Month of the Happy Lettuce
September: The Month of the Naked Panda
October: The Month of the Illiterate Monkey
November: The Month of the Corpulent Leopard
December: The Month of the Flying Zebra

This month, as you have already probably guessed, is the Month of the Dancing Asparagus. During this month you will experience many strange encounters with nature, such as monkeys randomly falling out of the sky and latching on to your head, and birds randomly dropping dead as you walk down the street. On the bright side, you will only experience mild side effects such as drowsiness, loss of breath, and a tenancy to sneeze forty times in a row before witnessing all of the strange events going on around you. If you are a writer or artist, you will experiences many random moments of creativity that might lead you to drawing and or writing on the nearest object you see, whether they are people or toasters. If you are half chimpanzee, you will experience the need to climb trees in obscure places like the Himalayas. If none of the above applies to you, do not think you will be getting away scotch free; chances are that you will turn into random items for the rest of the month, and eventually be taken to a zoo until your weird symptoms pass. Well, that is my prediction for the month of May; I hope everyone gets through the craziness all right. As for me, I'll be happily on my way to the Bermuda Triangle, the only place that can counter the weird effects of the month of May. I'll see you all next month!

---->Quote of the day:

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited; imagination enforces the world."

-Albert Einstein


Um...I guess some introductions are in order. My name is Emma Lee, and this is my online creative writing diary! Here you will find my stories, art work, music, crafts, lyrics, (plans for world domination), and obscure facts about who I am. I will start each entry with my astrological prediction for the month, go into the daily quote, and then post my journal entry for the world to see. In this section, I will post all of my creative works and journal entries, so don't be shy; come read! With the introduction out of the way, you may enter the labyrinth of random bursts of creativity that pave the groundwork of my inner being and lead you to the gate way of my mind...

Journal Entry #1:

It was dawn; I was in my towel when the ninjas attacked...uh oh, wrong story. Sorry about that! Now on to mine...

After a hectic week, it is always nice to site back, relax, and write a good novel. That is what I am doing today; writing my fantasy book series, and taking some time to enjoy a whole day of well deserved R&R. "What made my week so hectic?" you might ask. Well, to answer that I will have to take you back a couple years. It was my sophomore year of high school when I started to date a boy my best friend didn't agree with and when all my troubles began.

Well actually, I have been having problems WAY before this incident, so I will share my life story with you, before continuing with the last one. Here goes...

*Note: I have changed all names to protect the innocent!

I was born in Culvert City, California on December 23, 1985 to a writer whom I will call Alice, and a composer, artist, ECT (the person I inherited most of my talents from), who I will call Luis. When I opened my eyes for the first time, I didn't think life was so bad. My mom and dad seemed to love each other, and my grandfather seemed like a nice guy. (He was in the delivery room.) In the years following my birth however, I would come to learn that not everything is what it seems.

At age three, my mother took what she could carry out of our house, and carried me to our car. As we drove away from the house, I asked mom where we were going. She replied by showing her battered face and saying; "Your daddy has a problem with drinking. We have to live with a friend of mine in Arizona now." Later on I found out that not only were we fleeing for our lives, but that my dad had sent a hit man after us, so for three long years my mother lived in fear that one of us would be taken out when we least expected it. Luckily we survived, but our troubles did not end there.

My Mother's friend who we moved in with ended up being a kleptomaniac and stole all of the things my mom worked so hard gain one night when she was at work. After that, we never saw her "friend" again. The following year I had to move in with my grand parents at age eight, because my mother started to have back problems from all the years my father hit her. There, I learned that my mother's drama didn't just start with my father hitting her.

My grandfather told me that when my mother, aunt, and uncle were little kids, they had been kidnapped by his first wife and beaten, raped, ECT, by her new husband. Grandpa and my step grandmother didn't se my mother, my Aunt, or Uncle until they were each in their twenties. He told me that they were lucky to live through the horrible experience, and that my mom was even luckier to live through the experience with my real dad.

Well, you would think the drama would start there but it doesn't. The bible has a famous quote that the sins of the fathers will be visited upon the children. I didn't inherit any bad habits, but I did inherit an uncanny ability to attract people who were out to hurt me. Hence, my accounts of trauma began when I was in the first grade.

My mom had just been remarried to a man whom I will call Robert, when they decided to have a baby. I was excited to get a baby sister or brother, so I had no complaints. Anything was better than the life of fear I lived before.

I wasn't happy, however, with their decision to move to Flagstaff when she was born. I liked my new home in los logos apartments, even though it was located in the ghetto and was famous for their foot long cockroaches. But, there was nothing I could do about it; what my new dad said went, so after my sister was born on September 4, 1993 we moved to my current home town of Flagstaff Arizona.

If only my troubles had stopped between the open lands of Lake Havasue and Flagstaff...

Since second grade, I have been cut, beaten up, abused, burned, assaulted, sexually harassed, and all other forms of abuse you can think, of by my peers because I came from a different background and am...well...different.

I won't lie to you; I do think out side the box, and have a unique outlook on life, but don't we all? It is our differences that make us who we are. Unfortunately, difference is something that many people cannot accept. This is the reason why I have been abused from my peers ever since I can remember, and why I have had to separate myself from society to learn how to accept myself.

In eighth grade, I became so depressed with the way people treated me, I couldn't get out of bed for three months. Luckily, I was able to graduate without repeating the year, but there are so many things I regret missing out on. Because people didn't want to accept me, I was isolated from every activity in the school.

I only had two really good friends; one who would end up betraying me in the years to come, and another who I am sure was sent to me by god. The second friend, who I will call Missy, has loyally stood by my side ever since I met her in the seventh grade. For that, I owe her my life.

Getting back to my story, I can only describe my High School experience in two words; utter pain. My freshman year, I faced the same abuse I always had, and sunk into another pit of depression. I almost killed myself at the end of the year, like my best friend Sara did earlier in the year, but I stopped myself when I realized that I would hurt the people I loved by doing so. I remembered how sad I was when I found out one of my most loyal friends had put herself in front of a train, and I realized that if I killed myself, I would be taking the easy way out.

Life is about experiencing things and learning from those experiences, so I figured that I would hold on a little longer to find where I belonged in the scheme of things. My sophomore year, I was grateful that god gave me the will to continue living, because it was then that I met the love of my life.

I know it sounds cheesy that I would fall in love at such an early age, but I did, and I am still with this person today. Rick has been a true blessing to me and my family. He has encouraged me to be myself, and to pursue my dreams of becoming an artist, writer, singer, composer, and cinematographer. I do not know what I would do without him; thank you so much, Rick. I love you...

Anyway, getting back to my original point, the friend who did not approve of my relationship, who I will call Lita, has made it her personal responsibility to slander my name and give me a bad reputation to everyone in my community. Since my sophomore year, she has told everyone that I am a worthless piece of garbage that is not worth talking to, and has given me such a bad reputation, that I cannot go anywhere now without someone giving me an evil stare and saying they wish I would die.

All year I have had to deal with people beating me up, assaulting me, and spreading rumors about me that are not true, just because Lita is jealous that I am dating someone. On the bright side, this whole ordeal has taught me how to stand up for myself, and has given me a deep compassion for people who have had to face the same torcher I have had to deal with my whole life.

Because I know how it feels to be the odd man out, I have dedicated my life to helping three random people a day. It you have ever seen the movie pay it forward, I do the same thing the little boy did; I spread a message of tolerance to every one I meet, and encourage people to take a moment out of their busy lives to help someone who is suffering.

Well, I think I have shared enough about myself today, but I will write again soon!

Until then, it was a pleasure telling my story to you all! Cheers!

Posted by anime5/lyraalluse at 4:35 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 15 May 2004 5:11 PM EDT
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