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Ayame's Fanfictions

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Hi! Welcome to my little fanfiction corner. As you can see, I don't have much here but feel free to browse ^_^. I'm sorry to say, I haven't had much time since I'm busy with school T_T But anyways. What I DO have up so far are the RPGs (role play) that I sometimes do with my friends. I have a few F4 related RPGs up. I just ask that whoever views them to not flame me or to take the logos I made. Just so that you know, I don't own any of the pictures except for the logos I made from original pictures that people can find on the web. I might post some fanfics on or if I think that most people won't like them, then I'll post them here. I guess that's all there is to it... As the lyrics to one of Hilary Duff's songs go... "GO, BABY, GO!!!" =D

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