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Hangin' Out — Profile

Name:  Kyoji
Birthday:  12 January, 1992
Bio:  Hiya well I'm not going to tell you my real name only a handful of people know. I love to RPG as most of my friends and partners know. I like to write and fantisize. Boarding is another hobbie of mine as well as Rock Climbing. Fear me and my playdough mallet! grrrrrr! I am band-aid girl! hehe (p.s. I've been asked many times if I am Koygi on Nukeworld, I'm NOT! ^ ^ we just happen to have smiliar nicknames. I even asked him if he knew who Kyoji was, he doesn't, he made up that name)
Blog Created:  Wednesday, 20 August 2003
Last Updated:  Wednesday, 20 August 2003 - 4:39 AM
Blog Entries:  1

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