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Zenith Aust

Zenith was born to a human family with the proud Aust name. She had two brothers and was the youngest child. She was raised near the darken nyght's realm until she was 15 human years old and on her 15th birthday she left her home. Out on her own she met up with a clan, the vampire Koven clan, and little before she knew it she was the king's personal guard. Four years passed and Zen was with child, and married to a man named Epoch Crispin; nine months later Uriel was born. Zen, Epoch, and their son Uriel, lived a happy life..One that even the king and queen envied... One cold winter's afternoon Epoch had taken Uriel to visit his family when two familiar men appeared at the castle of vK. Zen was on duty that day, and met the men...her two older brothers. Magus and Aeryn, both happy to see their younger sister, warned her of her husbands cheating antics. Disgusted at her brother’s words Zenith stormed off... It was when she returned that King Marius told her about the alliance with Aeryn's clan and that Magus was a high wizard of the vK. Zen decided that it wouldn't be so bad and made a truce with her family. Everyday was the same dull conversations...the same everything. About a year later, on her 21st birthday, she had been sent out on an errand for Marius when she was encountered by Lord Stephon Ulgrave and two of his "children"; Lady Silk and Lady Lace. The women decided that they wanted Zen for a sister. And Stephon wanted her as his "child." It was then that he attacked her...all of them did. Although Zen was a skilled fighter she could not hold off all three and when she least expected it Stephon had his fangs sunk into her neck. "You want to see your child and husband again correct," the vampire man asked her as the females began to drink her blood. All she could do was lay frightened. And soon enough she passed out... When she awoke she was in a very large perfumed bed with her husband and child beside her. Everything seemed dull to her. Some of her senses faded though others were hightened..She was a vampire. After explaining the whole ordeal to her husband and the clan she sought out Stephon... It wasn't very hard finding the man and his two vamp-bitches. And as soon as they were found she slaughtered them...this started her whole lust for killing. It was about a year later when she became known. Her brother Magus hired her to kill her husband. And she did so with ease. But it didn't stop their. After her husband's death she looked for more unsuspecting prey. It was mainly young vampire females who loved being touched softly. And who couldn't resist her charms. Years of her killing indiscriminately she settled down with 4 other men; Aramus Strife, Tergota Flame, Red Barron, and Orlandu Olfus. In turn each man felt the angry blade of Zen's sword against them and perished. It was then that Zen's precious son Uriel turned on her. It was a cloudy spring day when she encountered her grown son, who had been away training for about ten years. Uriel attacked her. And even though he was her son she didn't back down. They fought for hours, each blow countered by the other's hand and vice-versa. Zenith said, "What in the world are you doing Uriel," as she was knocked up against a boulder. "Mother, your head is worth 350gold..And if there was one thing that I learned from you it's.. I always come first," Uriel stated as his blade finally touched her skin. Zenith, fed up with her son's antics, finished the battle by stabbing her sword through Uriel's chest, piercing his heart. She left him their...dying on the rocks. Many more years had passed and Zen became all too familiar with her surroundings. She was a well known assassin and joined in the Aensland and Methuselah families. One of her colleagues, Morbid Fury, even joined her army of rogues. It was in the Rogulan Army that she met her sixth husband: Syrath Swordslinger. She thought that Sy could ease the pain of Epoch's death...he was a replacement. One night, after they had been married for two years, they had a terrible fight.. Sy accused Zen of cheating on him with the men at WK Pub. You see. She held a great relationship with a man named Desecration Demon... and Sy was terribly jealous. Zenith, angry at her husband, left him. Left everything it wasn't until a year later that she came back and Sy was dead. Zenith was once again alone... She had become the cold hearted tyrant who gave no mercy to those she fought. She even adopted a daughter named Beloved...maybe she could ease her pain? No. Zenith grew angry at the girl and slaughtered her...just like anyone who stepped into her path. It wasn't until four years after Beloved's death that she met up with another of her collogues, the WoL king, Werewolf. She joined his clan as a Hunter in hopes that she could reconsilliate her past....... Werewolf took the vampriss from Zen, turning her into a werewolf creature instead of the killing machine that is so naturally her. Although it's quite a different change she now has a human side. One with emotions and feelings. Though she is still very much a killer...her randomness has died down, and she's more apt to let someone live unless she's paid. What lies in the future for Zenith? Now that her human emotions have returned and she is able to love. What about the precautions of the changing into the werewolf creature? Only time will tell..... AzureEyesAnime Production
