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AnimeBall Z

Umm Uhh.. no0oo0o.. I've been put on the spot I didn't expect ot give a speech (backround murmurs)huh? oookaay I guess i could thank people for coming to my web site Even though their not going to read my Intro. (more murmers) your right I should just give up making this web site I mean who realy wants to know everything about all the MANGA and ANIME here at my site. Especialy Dragon Ball Z. Oh! there reading this My bad. umm I wasn't talking about how degrating you people are i was just uuhh thanking you for coming to look at all my stuff and uhh.. yeah so Enjoy.

uhh links and stuff

Fan fiction
humor of all kinds
kenshin ending song Theme heart of sword
hiei and kurama
Ranma begining info

guide to links my page and fan work and what to expect