Humorous Convos


xlexusxgirlx: u know me

JonnycoW2003: u will laugh so hard u'll piss

xlexusxgirlx: either type it all out

xlexusxgirlx: or show it to me later

JonnycoW2003: CLICK IT

xlexusxgirlx: paste it in a message

xlexusxgirlx: MAKE ME

JonnycoW2003: CLICK IT!

JonnycoW2003: Hot Guys

xlexusxgirlx: wooo i almost clicked that

xlexusxgirlx: u almost had me

xlexusxgirlx: ur clever

mustang18chick: ur on drugs I swear

JonnycoW2003: ur on rugs

mustang18chick: NEKKID

mustang18chick: NEKID NEKID BOY

JonnycoW2003: yea

mustang18chick: woowowowowowowowoowowowowowowowwowowoowwowowowowoowowowwo

JonnycoW2003: but u enojyed it

mustang18chick: stfu

mustang18chick: you should have a nice hot cup of

mustang18chick: shut the fuck up

JonnycoW2003: imma cnadian sucka!

JonnycoW2003: i own you.

mustang18chick: shit

JonnycoW2003: im a black canadian!

JonnycoW2003: i have a big tree

mustang18chick: i have a big bush!!!!

JonnycoW2003 (3:24:03 PM): uk now u like dem boobies

mustang18chick (3:24:07 PM): dem

mustang18chick (3:24:09 PM): boobies

JonnycoW2003 (3:24:16 PM): yes

JonnycoW2003 (3:24:17 PM): dem

JonnycoW2003 (3:24:19 PM): boobies

mustang18chick (3:24:25 PM): yes

mustang18chick (3:24:27 PM): dem

mustang18chick (3:24:29 PM): boobies

mustang18chick (3:24:41 PM): damn boobies!

JonnycoW2003 (3:24:50 PM): no boobies are good!

MvHChEeR2006: i just sneezed 5 times

JonnycoW2003: bless you 5x

MvHChEeR2006: thanks five times

JonnycoW2003: spanks you, five times.

MvHChEeR2006: ?

MvHChEeR2006: you're supposed to say your welcome 5x

JonnycoW2003: spanks you 5x more.

JonnycoW2003: tell him, when he calls to stfu. And then tell him you're blowing up balloons.

xxgottahavuxx: wat? haha

JonnycoW2003: jsut trust me, the effect is everlasting

xxgottahavuxx: wat do i say and wat does it mean?

JonnycoW2003: it doesnt mean anything, which means you win, becuase then his mind will try to compute things that dont even make sense

JonnycoW2003: kinda like how ur doing now...

JonnycoW2003: the girls are going crazy again

xxgottahavuxx: lol screaming?

JonnycoW2003: no, making weird growling sounds

JonnycoW2003: and hand gestures from around the wall

xxgottahavuxx: oo wow

xxgottahavuxx: haha

xxgottahavuxx: thats cute

JonnycoW2003: yea if you're into that kinda stuff...

JonnycoW2003: my sister has like 6 friends here

JonnycoW2003: they came up to me

JonnycoW2003: and this one girl had a small cup in her pants

JonnycoW2003: adn told me to look

JonnycoW2003: and it lookedl iek she hada boner

JonnycoW2003: ....

JonnycoW2003: completely uncalled for!

xxgottahavuxx: ooooo wow sounds like fun!!!

thatinklybear: do u have fruity loops 5 or 4

JonnycoW2003: Fruity Loops 67

JonnycoW2003: im godly

JonnycoW2003: Yea, they say water has chemiclas that make you die fast.

JonnycoW2003: they say Apple Juice is the best thing for you.

xxgottahavuxx: hahah that bull

JonnycoW2003: if only it was...

xxgottahavuxx: yes u r

JonnycoW2003: yup.

JonnycoW2003: wait what did i jsut agree to?

xxgottahavuxx: ur tellin lies haha

JonnycoW2003: oh. well then I just told the truth. that i was telling lies. So does that make me a liar or doesthat make me honest?

xxgottahavuxx: wiat WAT?!hahaha

JonnycoW2003: Yes, confusion.

JonnycoW2003: i win!

xxgottahavuxx: no!

JonnycoW2003: oh yes.

xxgottahavuxx: ohhhh noooo

JonnycoW2003: there's nothin u can do about it.

JonnycoW2003: the first step is denial :-D

xxgottahavuxx: ooo watch me

JonnycoW2003: k im watchin ya, like a hawk.

JonnycoW2003: but ur still not winning.

Dark Namco: dude lemme come over so we can cook again

mustang18chick: ¿ - ò k æ I n ‘ q Ý @ ¥

JonnycoW2003: wow

JonnycoW2003: I dont speak Chinese

hellzlilangel870: im just not tha steryotypical cookin cleaning type grl! im more like tha hav mi mom and tha house cleaner lady do it 4 type of person

JonnycoW2003: a.k.a. The Lazy Ass.

HABITAT216: is that cell

JonnycoW2003: yes

HABITAT216: does it work

JonnycoW2003: yes

HABITAT216: sweat

JonnycoW2003: sweat?

JonnycoW2003: dont u mean sweet?

HABITAT216: my bad

JonnycoW2003: mi perro es mas inteligente que tú.

mustang18chick: a mi, no me gusta hablar con tu

JonnycoW2003: ya sá

mustang18chick: sa?

mustang18chick: ya se?

JonnycoW2003: ya sé

mustang18chick: estupido

JonnycoW2003: estúpido*

JonnycoW2003: idiota.

mustang18chick: uh have we not established that im too lazy to add in accents?

JonnycoW2003 (1:29:00 PM): hey lets go bowling.

SunnyGrrl90 (1:29:08 PM): lol

JonnycoW2003 (1:29:24 PM): doooooo u wanna.

SunnyGrrl90 (1:29:45 PM): i have to stuudy

SunnyGrrl90 (1:29:48 PM): today

JonnycoW2003 (1:29:48 PM): no

JonnycoW2003 (1:29:49 PM): no

JonnycoW2003 (1:29:49 PM): no

JonnycoW2003 (1:29:50 PM): no

JonnycoW2003 (1:29:50 PM): no

JonnycoW2003 (1:29:51 PM): k

SunnyGrrl90 (1:29:54 PM): lol

SunnyGrrl90 (1:30:02 PM): go with your invisible friend

SunnyGrrl90 (1:30:05 PM): er, imaginary

JonnycoW2003 (1:30:07 PM): well

JonnycoW2003 (1:30:13 PM): he cant bowl very well

JonnycoW2003 (1:30:19 PM): its hard for him to pick up a ball

SunnyGrrl90 (1:30:46 PM): oh, ya, good point

Dark Namco (3:53:57 AM): oh and he asked out a girl while i as there

Dark Namco (3:54:22 AM): some noob sophomroe named allison

Dark Namco (3:54:26 AM): and then his mom read his text messages

Dark Namco (3:54:29 AM): and he got hella pwned

JonnycoW2003 (3:54:42 AM): LOL!

Dark Namco (3:54:53 AM): she readt them outloud to his family

Dark Namco (3:55:01 AM): and he like blushed while eating buffalo wings

Dark Namco (3:56:27 AM): i yelled out owned like 10 times while i was there

JonnycoW2003 (3:54:42 AM): LOL!

JonnycoW2003 (3:45:52 AM): l

Dark Namco (3:45:59 AM): l

JonnycoW2003 (3:46:03 AM): l

Dark Namco (3:46:09 AM): l

JonnycoW2003 (3:46:13 AM): l

Dark Namco (3:46:17 AM): |

JonnycoW2003 (3:46:23 AM): |

Dark Namco (3:46:30 AM): its blue and orange rain

JonnycoW2003 (3:46:34 AM): dude

JonnycoW2003 (3:46:38 AM): wtf are we doing

JonnycoW2003 (3:46:39 AM): lololol

Dark Namco (3:46:41 AM): LOL