Hello and welcome to Link me Banana! An Inuyasha linking network, linking to as many Inuyasha websites as I can. All the sites have been placed into sections according to the content they contain, and they are in ABC order to make things as easy as possible to find. I hope you enjoy your stay and I hope you find something good!

If you own an Inuyasha website that isn't on this list, or you know of one that isn't, PLEASE e-mail me at iybanana@comcast.net, Thanks! ^_^
Also if your website is on this list and something is wrong with it, like the link isn't working or I spelled/got the title wrong, please notify me so I can fix it!

- Banana
Last Updated: August 29th 2003

Pick A Section!
All websites that don't fall under any of the other sections. Such as general information, fan art, and fan fiction.
Entire websites dedicated to one charactor, couple, or group.
Extra Goodies
Miscellaneous sites such as adoption centers, clubs, cliques, fanlistings, and so on.
Image Galleries
Find the visual jackpot with entire sites just for images of the series.
Partly Inuyasha
Websites that contain Inuyasha items along with other things too.
Different Languages
Sites in languages other than English.

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