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"I'm Like a Bad Penny, I always turn up"
{{PICS}} {{FAN}} {{BIO}} {{QUIZ}}

(my mind on the net)

"I want to be an AC-TOR" 12/09/03 12:05pm

I had an epiphany, I want to act, I want to direct movies, I want to take pretty pictures. Hollywood baby!

Today I was playing around with my new toy, a Vivicam I will post pictures up real soon, Im working on those pages.

Im Failing a couple of classes, methinks. I turned in a toy for the school toy drive. Exatra Credit YAY!, Helping others Yay!

I just found out that Henry is coming to town. If you haven't heard of him, I strongly urge you to go listen to his spoken word. I had no idea he existed until last year, I went to check him out, and he was hilarious, open minded and touched on a lot of good points. Tickets aren't expensive andthe show lasts well into the night. GO SEE HIM!

"I guess this is growing up" 12/06/03 11:05pm

Well, I know it's been quite a while since I last wrote, November seemed to creep by ever so slowly. I turned 18 on the 30th, turning 18 isn't much different from turning 17, I can tell you that. I guess I can go buy cigarrettes and stomp on them like in a movie I saw not too long ago, I forget the name. I bought a digital camera on Wednesday, but I took it back to trade it in for another one, a better one that I didn't see until after I bought the other one. They were out and they saud they wouldn't have any in stock unti tommorrow.

Scholarship, and college applications are a pain the ass. I can't believe how fast time flew, I can remember freshman year like it was yesterday. I really don't know where I'm going to go or what I'm going to do yet, I need some time. Maybe I should join the service. *shudders*

I went to the school talent show, man, it was horrible. The bands are all so stupid. I can do a 1000 times better if only I knew how to play an instrument.......but trust me, I wouldnt do stupid hardcore rock songs that you can't even understand the lyrics to, I'd do good ol' rock-n-roll, take it back to the basics, back when music was about substance.

"Bad Day, Bad Day, Bad Day" 11/02/03 12:05AM

Man, what a day, I had to go to work today and I got some heat from a coworker named Domingo. He was pissed because he had to take a table that was supposed to be mine, but I was too busy to attend them. SO all night he was calling me names and all that immature stuff jerks say, like punk and pussy and bitch. I don't really give a fuck, I don't hold any anger towards anybody, at least I'm not the bitter and angry one. He wanted tog et out so he could go "partay", but he needs to grow up and understand that there's more to life than that. People are so narrow minded and afraid to be different, and as soon as they meet somebody who is different he become persecuted, if you ask me it's because truly deep down inside they fear nonconformists. I only made twenty dollars in tips today, I had mostly small tables and one really bad one. These two ladies with a bunch of hyperactive kids, they were really cranky and they had me running. 

I have been feeling a lot of negative energy from friend and relatives. I feel like I've become everybody's target and everyone hates me. I'm kind of used to that, I've really ever had a few good friends in my life. I feel out of place everywhere I go, I like it that way though , I'm happy knowing that I don't belong under any label, or group.  That's the way it's been all along.

"Halloween With The Jerks" 11/01/2003 1:24AM

Today I went to school dressed up as Indiana Jones. The Costume was a success everybody recognized who I was supposed to be. I got the day off from work today, and I decided to go to a party I heard about. I went and I met up with my friends, We went to the Donkey Lady Bridge and nothing happened, supposedly if you walk across the bridge and run it back you'll hear her hoof steps running after you. I think its probably just the echo of your footsteps cause I heard them, and I figured that's what it was. I'm not skeptical or anything I believe in most of that supernatural stuff, but I learned that this particular urban legend was probably just made up by a bunch of stoned hippies. Then we went to the tracks, it was packed. The legend tells of a school bus full of children that broke down in the middle of the train tracks, and right at that moment the train was coming and the children didn't have time to get out. I believe in this one, they say if you stall the car and put baby powder on your bumper little hand prints will appear on it. They're the ghost of the children who don't want anybody to suffer the same fate they did. We tried this and holy shit, it's for real, the car was moving by itself and the engine was off, and it wasn't even downhill. Then when we left there we        decided to car surf, we went really fast down a country road while on top of the car, It was all going well until my hat     flew off, and those jerks didn't want to drive back to look for it, that seriously pissed me off. That was a 14 dollar hat, I really, really hate everyone in that car right now