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Welcome to my site this is where I'm planning on hosting the image and set files for YVD. The difference is these set and image files are for JAPANESE cards. Thats right!! Want to use "Master of Dragon Knight" "Five God Dragon" "Magic Warrior-Breaker" ? Well now with these sets files you can add the staples of your decks, or completely recreate your japanese deck for those who are veteran players. I've finished uploading most of the completed set files for the YVD, please consult the README enclosed in the Zips for more information.

I must state that the set files provided and created by myself and 2 other individuals are not endorsed by or Xerocreative, there fore these cards are not legal in their ladders and are meant only for duelists that has experience with Japanese cards. THESE FILES ARE ONLY MEANT FOR "FUN" DUELS.

>> May 16,2002 3:35am EST | Sorry :( | Posted by AnimefanHC
Right off the start I must apologize... seriously a rabid vistor of this site is pointing a speargun at me to do so.... (J/K)

Seriously I'm very sorry about totally leaving the site without notice like that.. it was very rude and unprofessional of me :( Although I don't really think anyone cares at this point :( However just in case for those who might wander back for no reason. I apologize to you.

All that being said I've been trying to update with myself with what's been happening lately... It seems the Image folders I've made no longer works with the more recent releases of YVD. I'm afraid I haven't found a way to correct this... on the bright side the set files still seem to work fine.(I know thats a very small consolation) If anyone happens to know how to make image files work with the newer ver. of YVD please E-mail me about it.

306-Controller of Chaos was released a while ago along with Duelist Legacy 5(DL5) which comprised of the Struggle of Chaos, Mythological Age, and Pharoanic Guardian sets. I may continue work with japanese set files depending on responses to the new poll which should be up very soon. Again I apologize to anyone visits and I'll try to make it up to you all somehow... assuming anyone still visits this site :(

>> 2-26-2003 6:00am EST | Stuff:P | Posted by AnimefanHC
Well there's really been nothing to update on. I've been a bit too occupied to work on any of the image files but expect one by the end of the month..

In case anyone didn't know, a new japanese set the 305-Threat of the Demon World was released about a week ago. The set file for it won't be done until I can find translation for it that I can use to make the set file for it. However the Image folder for the 305 will be easily done, and they'll probably be released simultaneously.

Now for some off-topic non-YVD related stuff...

1)I won a tourney at my local card shop recently and got 20 packs of 305 whee!

2)I just got volume 1 of the anime series Noir w/ the collector's box and I absolutely love it! If anyone hasn't seen Noir yet I highly reccomend it.. its definitely isn't a run of the mill Girls with Guns story, and the music for the action scenes are quite excellent.

3)Lastly, hmmm nothing else really...OH! yes all the games I've been waiting for PS2 was released recently... Xenosaga, Breath of Fire V, and Dot Hack!!! Sadly I don't have the money :(

Well that all for this small update on current status.. now run off and enjoy some anime... oh and get SD gundam the anime.... its hilarious and cute!!! ^.^

>> Feburary 8, 2003 1:26PM EST | Reading... it does your mind good | Posted by AnimefanHC
Will anyone who's signing up for the league please read the league page thouroughly? I'm getting e-mails without usernames or passwords. Some are picking bonus packs that aren't available. READ EVERYTHING please...

>> Feburary 8, 2003 3:55AM EST | Shiest!! | Posted by AnimefanHC
>.< Darn while getting the defualt structure deck files ready for a leage I noticed that the Pegasus structure deck is riddled with errors ther were some in Joey's too although I'm sure there are even more errors in the files that I made the PSD and JYS has been fixed atleast.. to a degree. I'm too lazy to go and change names to american and vice versa, but if you don't know Nobleman of Crossout is the same card as Emmissary of Obliteration... maybe you should be playing with japanese cards.. ne? Furthermore why do you guys not TELL me about these errors.. there's a link to my e-mail in every update post. In anycase the set files for those 2 sets have been fixed and reuploaded with all the other files in the zip so if you want a more optimized ver. there is.. Sorry if I sound a bit moody but trying to start a low tech league isn't easy y'know. BTW anyone catch the Asuka Sohryu impression at the topic title?

>> Feburary 7,2003 6:00AM EST| :( Gomen again | Posted by AnimefanHC
Well looks like there was an error for Kaiser Colliseum that I missed going over 302 :( I fixed it and reuploaded the set zip with the updated 302, sorry again :P *Gets a feeling he'll find another error 2 days later. Anyway there's a new poll up.. how you vote will decide whelter or not I'll add a link to my low tech league plans

>> Feburary 6, 20003 11:30 AM EST| New Images and Revised 302 | Posted by AnimefanHC
Well since I have a free peroid for computer class I'm gonna upload the Image file for the 302 series I finished last night. Speaking of the 302 I noticed some errors I didn't catch the first time and fixed them... yes Black Core is a Magic not a Trap card... gomen -_-' In any case there shouldn't be any more errors as far as 302 is concerned... but you never know.. if anyone finds any errors please let me know via e-mail. Other then that there's nothing else to post. Except maybe this.. the next image folder will be for the Kaiba structure..

Oh and remember when I said I wasn't gonna make the image folder for Booster Chronicles? Well I decided on this I'll make a somewhat incomplete image folder for it.. it won't all the card pics but it will have the cards that can actually be somewhat useful in a deck, Gemini Elf, Needle Worm, Morphing Jar, Magic Thorn, etc and I'll slowly add more every now and then. Okay that's all have fun dueling and using XYZ *now with a pic ^^*

>> Febuary 5,2003 4:18am EST | A New Set! Isn't it... small? | Posted by AnimefanHC
Well I wasn't able to sleep, so I finished up the "Limited Edition" set file, along with its image file. The set should contain all of the cards found in the limited edition packs 1-4. I actually tried hard to went out of my way to hunt down the Limited edition card pics since some of them really look great. They should be in the zips located in the set and image section respectively when this is posted. Well with the exception of a very small no. of cards I'd say my job doing set files is finish ^.^ There's still the matter of the image folder for those files though, which I'm sad to say isn't high on my priorities. Especially Booster Chronicles... OMFG you have noooo idea how boring doing that file was on top of that there's 100+ cards to search for images of... and only 15 of BC's cards are even worth using. So don't expect pictures for Gemini Elves anytime soon... *Hey I'm not happy about it either.. I mean I just got my Duelist Legacy 4 Gemini Elf 2 days ago and I want to see her in my virtual deck too*

Speaking of Duelist Legacy... DL4 was released recently!!! whoot! Mech-Hunter/Mechanical Chaser is a common :P and Gemini Elf is a normal rare ^^ Seriously though I'm not going to be making set files for any of the duelist legacy boosters. Why? simple everything in Duelist Legacy *as far as I know* is a reprint of a card previuosly released in another set, want to use your DL4 Gemini? just use booster chronicles!.. even if its pictureless :P

>> 2/4/2003 8:06am EST| Current Status | Posted by AnimefanHC
Well I just realized there aren't any set files left to really do except limited edition which will be up soon. I've also noticed that the promo set files is missing a few cards like dimensional warrior. One of which I didn't realize till I was looking for it for a deck. I'll fix those eventually sorry for any inconvience. In any case I've been just think up ideas for cards and since I'm currently obssesed with Gundam Seed I plan to make some custom cards based on it :P I also have a new poll up, if anyone thinks I should go ahead and make a set file based on anime/video game cards then please vote :P Since the site's been lacking updates I'm going to put up Song of the week/month again soon. On a somewhat serious note, the next ver: of YVD is going to be program with more advance tools which might mean that the set files I've made will become unusable, hopefully that won't be the case but its just a heads up for you all :( *This is just to a certain party who e-mailed me in regards to custom cards... unfortunately my connection died while reading your e-mail and when I tried to read it again it was gone :( So if it was important please send it again :P*

Layout Made By:Chaos Soldier