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Jacon 2003

Jacon 2003

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This page will be up purely to show the pictures I took at Jacon 2003. I will get a picture of my costume soon, but for now, the pictures are just of fellow cosplayers and some of them are pictures of the cosplay competition. Please excuse me if some of the cosplay competition pics are fuzzy or small. I was sitting in the back. ~~
I cosplayed as Rosiel on Earth from Angel Sanctuary, Eve cosplayed as Pudding from Tokyo Mew Mew, and Leah and Allen cosplayed as Yuu and Miki from Marmalade Boy.
I also have a page for my Fitcon 2003 pics as well as my own personal webpage,
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at: Enjoy!

These were the very first cosplayers that we saw. They were a sister duo as InuYasha and Sesshomaru.
The girl to the right is my friend Eve, who cosplayed as Pudding from Tokyo Mew Mew. Her friend, who cosplayed as Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew, is the one on the left.
Our friend Jason, also known as Mr. Hentai, was also at the convention. He cosplayed as Mana. (J-rocker)
Mana was reluctant of being photographed with his personal manslave, but after Allen "persuaded" him, so to speak, Mana gave in. (This is blackmail, people.)
This guy cosplayed as Legato from Trigun. I had to get a picture of this guy, because he brought a bag of fried chicken. (Remember Legato's food obsession? The first villain to actually EAT!) I like the spikes on his shoulder, too.
OH MY GOD. O_O This is one of the best(and few) Yu-Gi-Oh cosplays that I've seen. He had a Dark Magician card! And a Millenium Puzzle! *squeals*
Another InuYasha cosplay, this time with a Miroku. The Miroku cosplayer gave me a little sticker with the words, "Please bear my child" on it. ^^;;
This guy cosplayed as a random furry, and I'm still trying to fathom it's greatness... @_@
Mana again, sans the wig. And with glasses. We spent like, a half hour just working on his makeup. o_O
*squee* This girl cosplayed as Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho! I thought it was super shibby, especially since I had bought a Kurama pin earlier. ^_^
This girl was the only Tenchi cosplayer that I saw there! She cosplayed as Ryoko, and she did a fabulous job on the hair, don't you think?
*squeak* A female Miroku cosplayer! See, this is what I want to do... Okay, so maybe her costume wasn't as elaborate as it could have been, but still! A FEMALE Miroku cosplayer!!!
Amiboshi! Amiboshi from Fushigi Yuugi! I have a Boshi obsession, so I chased down the twins that cosplayed as these two. Amiboshiiii~! :D His sister cosplayed as Suboshi, and they hung out with a Mitsukake cosplayer, too.
And this girl is the Suboshi from Fushigi Yuugi cosplayer. Their costumes were really awesome, and her Ryuusiedens were kickass. I liked how they dyed their hair green, too! She went around the Con, asking people to "touch her balls." ^^;; I got a kick out of that.
This guy cosplayed as Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin. I probably should've asked for him to turn around so we could see the big symbol on his back, because it was there! It was a damn good costume.
One of several Vash cosplayers! His costume probably wasn't the most elaborate as the others, but he managed to do the "Love and Peace" pose, while the other ones didn't. ><
A Sailor Neptune cosplayer! I thought this costume was awesome. There was a Sailor Uranus cosplayer walking around the Con, too, but I didn't get a picture of her. ;_;
THIS COSTUME ROCKED!!! This girl is one of the only Sango(from InuYasha) cosplayers I know who actually cosplayed Sango in her Demonslaying outfit. Her giant boomerang was cool, too. :D
A Yahiko(from Rurouni Kenshin) cosplayer! This costume was so awesome, that Leah got to glomp him. And that made him happy. :)
More Tokyo Mew Mew cosplayers! These two girls cosplayed as the same character, Zakuro the Wolf Girl!
And more Fushigi Yuugi cosplay! This guy cosplayed as Chichiri, and I thought his mask rocked.
Your eyes do not deceive you, my friends. It is exactly what you see before you- a guy cosplaying as Legolas from The Lord of the Rings. Every freakin' five seconds, people asked this guy for his picture! o_O
And to go with the Yugi cosplayer earlier, a Bakura cosplayer! His eye makeup was rawking, and he had a Change of Heart card! ^_^
*laughs* This girls' costume was infamous by the end of the Con. She spent six months working on an Optimus Prime(from Transformers) costume, and it was insanely elaborate. But I pity the poor girl inside it when she had to go to the bathroom... the costume wasn't made out of cardboard, people!
*squee* TEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-KAAAAAAAAAAY!! Digimon cosplay! And from the earlier seasons, too! I almost cried and hugged this girl when I saw her costume. Simple, yet brilliant.
This girl was one of only two other Angel Sanctuary cosplayers there. (Not counting myself, mind you) She did a really superb job on her Michael costume- she even had the red hair and elaborate dragon tattoo!
Now THIS is an unlikely couple. ^^;; The girl to the left cosplayed as Yui from Fushigi Yuugi, and the guy on the right cosplayed as Tidus from Final Fantasy X. And yes, he is wearing a "Free Glomping" sign on him.
This girl is officially one of my new best friends. Her name is Rashirley, and she flew all the way from Puerto Rico to cosplay as Rosiel in Heaven from Angel Sanctuary. I was in shock to discover that we cosplayed as the same character! Her costume was way better than mine, though. ~_~ She had the three wings and the face tattoo. We spent about a half hour looking through my Angel Sanctuary artbook and talking about how much we hate Sara and think that Setsuna deserves someone better, like Kira. ^^ We spent a lot of time walking around the Con, looking for our little Katan manslaves. We managed to get about three volunteers. :D
More Rurouni Kenshin cosplay! To the left, a girl cosplaying as Kenshin; to the right, another girl cosplaying as Misao.
Ranma 1/2 cosplay! From the left: Ryouga, Shampoo, InuYasha, and male Ranma. I'm not sure what InuYasha was doing there, but that cosplayer had the scariest eyes I've ever seen... *shiver* O_O
A Shippo(from InuYasha) cosplayer! I thought this girl was so cute, especially with the tail! ^_______^
This picture will need some explaining... the Tidus cosplayer is in the middle, and he had a harem of girls who followed him everywhere. This was probably a result of the "Free Glomping" sign he wore.
...And then Tidus made his girls go glomp the Mitsukake cosplayer. ^_^
It's Mitsukake(from Fushigi Yuugi)!!! *everyone cheers*
And then, of course, I had to get the Boshi twin cosplayers together. My Boshi obsession made me stalk them throughout the entire Con... o_O
Eve in her Pudding costume, again. We made her a sign that said, "Will work for Money" on it, and she went around the Con, doing crazy monkey dances for spare change. Apparently, she was so cute and such a good dancer, that we managed to make about three dollars! The Mitsukake cosplayer called me her pimp several times... ~_~
The following several pictures are somewhat dark... that's because they were taken during the Cosplay competition and I was sitting in the back. This act was really funny, with two cosplayers as Link and Zelda from The Legend of Zelda.
This was the Boshi twins' cosplay skit. It was absolutely hilarious, and included a couple of gay twins, a molested Mitsukake, and two insanely hilarious lines:
"Hey Mitsukake, you wanna stroke my balls?"
"Yeah Mitsukake, wouldn't you like to touch this long, hard, flute?"
And then they chased him offstage, touching him innapropriately. ^_^

There were Matrix cosplayers there, too! This guy cosplayed as one of the twins from the Matrix, and did a really hilarious skit- no dialogue, but he basically looked through his jacket and pulled out a series of random objects, like floppy discs, a Matrix VHS cover, several things that squeaked, a condom or two, and a bottle of powerade. When he pulled out the powerade bottle, he held up a sign that said DRINK MORE POWERADE on it, and when he turned it over, it said THE MATRIX HAS YOU. Sadly, this was the only picture I got of the Matrix group. :(
This group was a Final Fantasy group with the Tidus cosplayer, and a really dramatic Yuna. ^^; She created another one of my favorite quotes to date:

*everyone cheers* MANA!!! It's Jason, again! He did a fabulous song and dance skit, which won him a Fan Favorite award for the Cosplay Competition. He sported a blonde wig for this one, and won a standing ovation. At the end of his performance, myself, Eve, and Leah all stood up in the back and yelled, "WE LOVE YOU, MR. HENTAI!!!!"
The Ranma group did a cosplay skit! ^_^ It was really cute, and they had an Akane and Mousse with them! They all got to beat up on Ranma, too. ^^;;
This was the first cosplay skit that we saw, and it was a DDR parody. It had a Shinji cosplayer and the Yahiko cosplayer in it, too. ^_^
This was the very last cosplay competition skit that we saw- it was a Survivor parody, where they had to vote off a cast member. There was a very elaborate Belldandy(from Oh My Goddess!) cosplayer, a very funny Dark Mage cosplayer, and the very awesome Kaede cosplayer.