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Read The Warning!

Welcome to 'Mastermind's Fan Fiction Archive'. It's supposed to sound cool, but it really doesn't. *shrug* I tried.

Anyway, this archive contains fiction about anime, j-rock or even the occasional movie that my friends (*COUGH* Fuji *COUGH*) 'inspired' (*COUGH* made *COUGH*) me to write.

Warning: Inside this site, you will find many fics written about men together, having sex, in all it's detail. Scared yet? Yes, I thought so. By entering this archive, you state that you have a clear grasp on the English language, and don't mind reading about men getting 'jiggy' (My Will Smith quote for the day) with it.

Disclaimer: All fiction posted on this site is merely that: FICTION. Nothing portrayed in any of the fic's ever happened (unless my dreams count..) We hope that the owners of any anime/person/movie realize that the fans are just attempting to show their love for said anime/person/movie, and no infringment is intended.

Flames Policy: Personally, I do love a good flame, but I can't speak for the other writer's on this site. So, out of courtesy, please do not flame/harrass any of the writer's. If you absolutely HAVE to, please send flames to me. I do love reading them. People who rant and rave about something they dislike is so childish, and therefore amusing. Please respect other's right to express themselves as they wish.

So, if you still wish to enter this archive, you may click here. Please enjoy, and feedback is greatly appreciated.