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Welcome to my site!



Heyaaa~! Sorry if I haven't been updating much. I was just a little tired after making this site for a month! I just needed a break. Now for the updates:


1. Yaayyy!!! Inuyasha: A Never Ending Dream is now in Anipike!


2. Thanks to Ryan Culhane and Serena, we now have 2 fics up! Check 'em out!


3. The Bravenet Guestbook is working just fine. All you guys have to do is SIGN! I can't make improvements on the site if you don't sign. The guestbook does not have S.A.R.S. =O


4. About the BGM (Background Music, I think) section...hmm... I'm not sure anymore 'cause I think my free sever space might not be enough. But then again I can always move the site!^.~


I think that's about it already. So have fun~! n.n ~chibiHiei



Omigosh!!! I finally got this site up! XD I'm chibiHiei, and this is INUYASHA: A NEVER ENDING DREAM.There's not much yet, just a couple of wallpapers. I'm still working on the fanfics.^^ Errr.... I have plans on having a downloads page for some Inu BGM, tell me what you think about that!

Oh well... I'm only a beginner so please bear with me. I might not update regularly but I will try my best. Ganbarimasu! 

Lotsa thanks to my friends out there: Aya, Kotori-chan, Berserker, Oshee-kun (thanks for the help!), you great guys I chat with, and most especially Heat-niichan. Thanks for your support guys! Thanks to Susa Bunny for the layout of the site, too. Also, this would not be possible without God who's up there watching. Arigato Kami-sama! =D

So I hope you'll enjoy your stay here, minna. Once again this is chibiHiei, signing off! Don't forget to visit the links page! *bows many times*

Note: The Guestbook might not appear in the site. If it's there, then there's nothing to worry about. If it's not working, please send your comments and suggestions at


Welcome to my site!

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