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Versión en Español

Ok, so here it is, for all the people who had asked and even threatened me so, a brief resumee of all the fics I'm currently working on. I know, maybe you guys were hoping for some info I'm not providing, like, for instance, when the hell am I planning to finish these???? Please, I do apologize, bu there's no way I could tell you that much cause I have no idea myself. What I can promise you is that I'm definitely not going to leave any of them unfinished. For any doubt, insult, comment or just a nice chat, please drop me a line at

Card Captor Sakura


The general idea of this fic comes from a very simple question: What if, while facing Yue, Sakura had failed to prove herself worthy of being the Card Mistress? What if the big cathastrophe predicted by Kero had erased everyone's memories of her and viceversa? Well, I'm still trying to answer all this questions.

Final Fantasy: Unlimited


Watch out for this one. I wrote it answering to a challenge and it can be a bit hentai, if short. It's also rather angsty, so I sugest to stay away if angst is not your dish. And if you're underage, don't forget this is sort of hentai. You've been warned.

Chapter 1

Gundam Seed


Angsty... but I just had to write this, for the beauty of tears. Can't help but enjoy breaking cute couples that are not quite so apart. I really have the feeling that this is what would have happened if Gundam Seed had a chapter 51 or 52. Anything else would have been... forced. Or at least, that's my opinion. And the song was just perfect for what I wanted. This story is going to be a one-shot until my muse kicks in again. Then, maybe I'll write a follow up...

Chapter 1

I don't now, but this idea just refused to leave my head, so I had to start putting it in black and white to get rid of it. Even though I keep most of the concepts from the original series, the plot is kinda different. At the early age of 8, Kira Yamato travels with his parents to Heliopolis, a neutral colony when they'll be safer in case the much feared war between Naturals and Coordinators breaks loose. However, they're not to reach their final destiny, for an so-called accident makes the shuttle they had taken explode in the middle of its voyage. The little boy is the only survivor, and he's resqued by an aircraft that rushes into the salvatage mission, but which primary objective was to take to the PLANTs a well known politician, Siegel Clyne...



This one is a direct result of my partial insatisfaction with the end of the series (not the first time that it happens to me and I don't think it's gonna be the last). Mainly, this is nothing more than my own twisted way to play around with the main characters' thoughts and to discover their weeknesses, their fears and above of all, their most intimate desires.

Magic Knight Rayearth

A hacker goes to Cefiro

Another one of those ideas that usually haunt me. In Tokyo Tower, the former Magic Knights are ready to go back to the magic world once more. However, this time everything is going to be different, since they will uncounciously drag along a bizarre character that will cause lots or curiosity among some of Cefiro's inhabitants, mistrust in others, but it surely won't go unseen by anyone.

Battling emotions

The main cause that had pushed me into building this little page to talk about my crazy ideas. Some time after the Pillar System abolishment, an unknown force prevented the Magic Knights from going back to Cefiro as they had done in countless ocasions. Of course, this causes them great pain. What they can't even phatom is the battle each one of them will have to fight when they finally make it back to the magic world after 5 long years. And it's not about swords this time, but about feelings. This fic is posted at FanFiction.Net (

Friends forever

I haven't given much thought to this one. Maybe it'll end up together with another for a longer result. We'll see.

Ghost Love Score

I bet some people have already guessed that this one takes it's title and it's based on a song by the finnish rock group Nightwish. Another alternative universe, where one of everyone's favorite characters dies before even turning 20 and is taken to heaven by an angel. And if you guys think you know more or less what this is going to be about, let me tell you that you are very wrong!

In your eyes (Provisional)

I'm sure this idea is not very new, but I couldn't resist the drama of my own mind displaying it, lol. Hikaru Shidou trains guide dogs. She lives in a very comfortable appartment that she shares with her best friends, Umi and Fuu, and last but not least, she has a boyfriend that makes her happy. But a lot of things are going to change for her when she had to show her training skills helping a wealthy family, one of which members is blind and very difficult to deal with...


It's really hard to say something about this story without giving away too much. For the time being, it's an alternate universe. The magic Knights we all know and love are now duchesses and other members of nobility. Besides, because I wanted and it served my dark purposes, they are also cousins on their mothers' side. And everything begins when one of them is about to marry and invites the other two so that they can be her maids of honor...

Neon Genesis Evangelion


And yet one more case of dissent. Actually, I'm yet to know someone who had 'liked' the end of this series. My very first fic, still far from its conclusion. Truth be told, is the only one I doubt I'll ever get to finish. But I'll try, that's a promise. For the time being, it feels like I'm rewriting the entire thing from scratch. So go figure...

Saint Seiya

A new legend (Provisional)

An experiment. I can't call this any other way. Which is the easiest way (IMHO) to turn a shonen show into a shoujo one? Well... you just have to add a character. But not just any character. It has to have the exact opossite personality to the leading and most dominant presence in the series. The more similar, the more effective. But above all... they have to be of opposite sexes!

Chapter 1
As usual, doubts, insults, comments, death threats, new ideas or just some encouraging words, you can send them all to Thank you very much for reading my stuff!
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