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Virgo August 23 - September 22

Symbol: the Virgin
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Ruling House: Sixth House
Element: Earth
Quality: Mutable
Body Parts: stomach, intestines
Keyword: HEALTH
Date with destiny: Taurus, Capricorn
Run for the hills: Gemini, Sagittarius
Where you glow: crunching numbers
What makes you tick: efficiency
Fitness forecast: Pilates
Play date: cleaning up the neighborhood
Perfect jobs: copy editor, nurse
Best accessory: lint brush
A sure thing: perfect pleats
Destination: Switzerland
Pleasure: organization, routine, dedication
Pain: messiness, inefficiency, lateness
What's my line? A stitch in time saves nine.

Virgo is symbolized by the Virgin. You're flexible, yet practical. You get a kick out of organization and anything that puts your analytical mind to use. Watch out for perfectionism! Virgos feel and operate best in a position in which they can help others.


Sweet Virgo. You get so tired of reading about how good you are, right? Just once you'd like to hear how secretly bad you are. Well, when it comes to beauty, that's just not the case. Lurking behind your mask of perfection is ¡K even more perfection! You carry yourself with such dignity that it would seem something sinister MUST be going on behind the scenes (you've got to wonder how Sophia Loren still looks so amazing!). Really, though, Virgo, it's just a well-regimented beauty routine and diligent good grooming.

It's this Mutable Earth Sign's natural dedication to the small details that keeps you looking so stunning. Your vanity or medicine cabinet is well stocked, as you have a product for everything! Your nails are to die for, and your skin is blemish-free. You pride yourself on keeping up appearances, and delight in name-brand cosmetics that withstand the test of time and trends. Motivated as you are to present a perfect female image, you don't skimp on quality, but quantity is another story.

You prefer light, feminine scents and soft, muted earth tones. Your beauty comes from your dedication and reverence of perfection and of beauty itself, as well as your pure-minded yet realistic attitude toward life.



Need a quick fix? Call a Virgo. Those born under this Sign simply love to analyze and bat things around and are bound to come up with some answers. The mental, smart Virgo is a talker and a helper and likes to facilitate solutions as a service to others. Even so, Virgos crave independence and a space of their own, so don't expect all their cards to be laid on the table -- some things are best kept private.

Members of this Earth Sign are forever realistic and will set practical, achievable goals for themselves and the others on their team. Virgos are task-oriented and highly organized, a very loyal colleague and often the conscience of their group. They will get things done but are often reluctant to take the credit! The Virgo's perfectionism can often lead to nervousness and ill health, so a bit of balance, the yin with the yang, is a lesson well learned.

If there's one thing a Virgo can do (and they can usually do plenty, thanks to their strong work ethic), it's create a winning team. Their discerning eye and discriminating style is hard to beat. Virgos find it easy, and a pleasure, to be the thinker, problem-solver, organizer and supporter of the team. It's important for them, though, to take care of themselves as well! All work and no play can make anyone a dull boy. When Virgos remember to criticize less and emphasize (the positives) more, a lot can be accomplished.

The Virgo office is (what else?) highly organized, with a slew of computers and other electronic gadgetry for maximum efficiency. Slobs should definitely hang out elsewhere. When a car is required, a midnight blue Mercedes that purrs like a kitten is both elegant and reliable. If it's time to talk business, take the Virgo out for a light salad in a squeaky-clean restaurant, and you're bound to get results.

Virgos are well suited as chemists, doctors, investigators, nutritionists, managers and entrepreneurs -- veterinarians, too, the better to help a pup in need.



Virgo is the Sign of Health, which means that you're probably very conscious of your body's vitality. You're likely to skip dessert in favor of some nice, healthful fruit and bran, which is good for your intestines -- the part of the body that Virgo rules. You're one of the few Signs who truly enjoys the whole routine of exercise and looks at it as leisure rather than work. Long bike rides could be your best workout bet. Golf and cross-country skiing, too, are a good idea. Virgo is all for taking the steady route to success, so you may want to avoid doing anything high-impact. Extreme sports are likely to upset those with nervous stomachs. It's probably best to stick with a more standard jogging routine.



Every night before bed, Virgo, armed with a can of starch, can be found dutifully slaving over the ironing board. You take good care of your clothes, and they return the favor. A minimalist by nature, you sniff at trends that require pants so big you need to hold them up. As well, you disdain any clothing you can't move in. The thought of girdles makes you laugh outright. Price is important when you're picking out this season's wardrobe. You would never go to the sales rack to buy something under par, preferring instead to spend more for better quality. When you leave the house, you're wearing traditional styles with pleats ironed to a perfect angle, and there is not a speck of lint to be seen. The outfits you buy are simple, tailored to fit and will last a lifetime.

For fun the normally conservative Virgo might give in and wear a crop top to display a belly of which they can be truly proud. With hair in a bun, or pulled back in some other neat, out-of-the-way style, you fit in naturally with every season's trend. Nothing but earth tones for your closet. Natural colors and fabrics in browns and beiges fit you just fine. Not given to wearing much jewelry, you might try out a sardonyx, the earthier member of the onyx family, to add that bit of glamour without insulting your skin tone.



If you ever need a designated driver for a night on the town, Virgo is the one to call. Not only will they show up for any and every important occasion, they'll be early enough to take care of last minute details and put everything in order. The Virgo is the most helpful friend you'll ever have. They'll help you work out at the gym every day, they'll help you remember not to gorge on junk food, they'll remind you to brush your teeth at least twice a day, and they're there to assist in the planning of the minute details of your life. All this helpfulness might drive you batty. At the same time, if you ever actually do need something, Virgo will be right there for you. They give excellent advice and are fast on their feet in crisis situations. Their practical outlook will help you through the rough times, so long as you don't embarrass them with any big displays of emotion. If you can handle your Virgo buddy jumping up to do the dishes as soon as dinner is over, you'll have a loyal, intelligent and interesting friend for a very long time.

Best Friend Bets: Cancer, Scorpio



With its analytical mind and penchant for helping others, Virgo is one of the most selflessly virtuous Signs of the Zodiac. The Sign of the Virgin possesses high-minded ideals toward which it works constantly; second-best just doesn't satisfy Virgo, who requires perfection in all things. Virgos apply the same high standards to themselves that they do to their friends and loved ones; at least they're fair about their scrutiny and diligent criticisms! That's right, Virgo tends to place too high a premium on perfection, and sometimes can't seem to let well enough alone. Others can begin to feel a bit hen-pecked when Virgo's around, due to the Virgoan tendency to criticize constantly and focus on minor (often unimportant) details.

All this nervous attention to detail can leave Virgo itself feeling a bit harried at the day's end. The Sign of Virgo rules the stomach and digestive tract; have you ever developed a stomachache just from worrying too much? That's how many Virgos feel all the time! They may work themselves into a self-critical, nervous frenzy and be simply unable to unwind. But what is all this focus on perfection for? Perfection isn't exactly a human trait; as humans, we tend to verge more toward chaos, or at least toward somewhere in the middle. Even Virgo -- interestingly enough, when Virgo is out of synch it might actually become quite sloppy. As do all extremes, Virgo's obsession with perfection needs balancing.

Furthermore, and perhaps more importantly, all this hyper-attention to detail may be drawing Virgo's attention away from more important matters or from larger truths. That old saying, "Can't see the forest for the trees," could easily apply to Virgo. Could this be on purpose? Virgos should think about whether they might be focusing on the details as a way to avoid the truth of the bigger picture. But they should also try not to let that suggestion send them into an over-analytical frenzy! Virgo's truly analytical mind is both a strength and a weakness. The same quality that makes Virgos wonderful accountants, lawyers and researchers may also make them think too hard about things not deserving of so much attention. Virgo must try to learn to distinguish what does merit close scrutiny and criticism (such as a public policy that hurts more than it helps) from what doesn't (such as the way your family takes off their shoes by the front door and leaves them there in a messy pile).

There are some very real health risks in never allowing oneself to relax and unwind. Virgo can be something of a hypochondriac, and hypochondria can actually lead to real medical conditions. And even if it doesn't, what's the fun of constantly worrying about possible health problems? Virgo must learn to relax and let go, which may be easier said than done. Those born under its exacting influence may have to look to other Signs of the Zodiac for help and inspiration. For example, Sagittarius is perfectly able to see that forest that Virgo is never able to see for all the trees. As the Sign of the Philosopher, Sagittarius concerns itself with the larger truths that Virgo may miss or not understand. Virgo can look to Pisces to learn to stop criticizing and start understanding the reasons behind others' shortcomings; perhaps criticism isn't the best way to help someone. And Gemini can inspire Virgo to relax and use that sharp mind for fun, not toil.



If you're a Virgo, you might be a little bit shy around strangers, but with those you know and love you're sweet, warm and sympathetic. Virgo is an Earth Sign, which means you're honest, reliable and down-to-earth. You like facts, both analyzing them and challenging them! You might be a bit picky, too. Your parents may call you a fussy eater. You know what you like and that's that! You might like to be alone more than other kids. You thrive when you're left alone to read, think or do any other quiet, solitary activity.



The modest Virgin is not likely to get caught bouncing a check. Those born under this Sign are blessed with common sense and self-reliance and manage their money (and that of others) very well. As befits their cautious and reflective nature, Virgos like to size up a situation first, making them good business partners. These honest and trustworthy folks are also chronic worriers, so they'll definitely mind the store! A business with a Virgo involved will run like a finely-oiled machine since perfection is the name of the game.

The bottom line with Virgos is that they are very good with money. This suits their analytical mind! The accounts will always be in order, and they can really stretch a buck, being as measured as they are. The Virgin also hates to waste money. Having money in the bank is a bonus for Virgos since it will eliminate one more worry! This isn't the most important thing in life to the Virgin but every little bit helps. Virgos will definitely save for a rainy day and don't mind working hard to do so, especially since it keeps them from having to depend on others, a perennial Virgo concern.

The Virgin is also a budgeting magician, someone who knows how to live on little and still have fun. A Virgo can tell you that "some of the best things in life are free" and really mean it! Virgos are rarely big spenders, hate to borrow, and hate to lend money even more. About the only time they'll lend is to a family member in need or in a case where they're sure they'll get it back.

A regular paycheck is music to the Virgin's ears, and if it's paid weekly, even better. The vagaries of freelance work are quite unkind to the Virgo constitution, believing as they do that a bird in hand is worth a whole lot more. Let someone else play roulette with the paycheck!

The fun for Virgos isn't in spending money, it's in cultivating less tangible assets such as knowledge and friendship. Now that's golden!



As the Sign of Service, one of Virgo's favorite roles is to be of help to friends and lovers. The industrious, efficient and well-organized Virgo will rarely have trouble pulling this off, and a banquet at their hands will mean an evening of delectable treats. Ruling Planet Mercury symbolizes Communication; Virgos are possessed of an ability to reason clearly, resolve issues and take a romance to new heights. Virgo can, at times, be shy and a bit repressed, so someone who can bring them out of these depths will be rewarded with a vibrant lover. Concerned with health as they are, a doctor-nurse fantasy is the max for this Sign!

The well-toned Virgo often has a body which is the envy of many, thanks to a healthy regimen of diet and exercise. It's safe to say that a heady game of tennis followed by a leafy salad would be aphrodisiac enough for those born under this sign. Many encounters with Virgo will be a well-choreographed ballet of excellent taste, seeing as how neat surroundings and stylish accoutrements are considered important to these folk. The level-headed Virgo is also a conciliator where romance is concerned, perhaps because being in love for them means falling hard. All that effort cannot be wasted. As a result, this perfectionist aims to please, and Virgo's lover will be one happy camper. Wise partners, though, will know that the Virgin also needs a place to call home

A natural state for Virgo in love is to analyze the situation while exploring it deeply. This will show off the Virgin as steady, solid and far from a flirt. Virgos are much more the true romantic; they love giving as well as receiving, passion and uninhibited joy. Virgos really know how to make their partner feel special, so some heat between the sheets is likely to occur! It's one lover at a time for the loyal Virgo, who reveres a relationship blessed with total honesty lest jealousy and feelings of inadequacy come to the fore. Love comes to Virgo slowly, carefully and sweetly, and the desire to learn all about their lover makes those born under this sign ideal lovers themselves. A Virgo in love is a sight to behold, a relaxed and confident soul.

So often, the sizzle in sex is in the details, and Virgo is a master of minutiae. The lover as perfectionist is Virgo personified: someone who will see to it that the little things are never overlooked. Virgos finish what they start in the bedroom, and this cozy chamber is likely to be a dreamy den decorated with discriminating taste. The servant in Virgo is only more than happy to be everything their lover desires; if that lover can bring out Virgo's sensual self, the reward will be a most liberated lover. A cool exterior tends to mask Virgo's wild side, often a fantasy world filled with erotica safely under wraps. The lover who can reach these sexual treats through artful seduction is lucky in love indeed.


Sun Sign

Virgo is the sixth Sign of the Zodiac, to be exact, and that's the way Virgos like it: exacting. Those born under this Sign are forever the butt of jokes for being so picky and critical (and they can be), but their 'attention to detail' is for a reason: to help others. Virgos, more than any other Sign, were born to serve, and it gives them great joy. They are also tailor-made for the job, since they are industrious, methodical and efficient. The sense of duty borne by these folks is considerable, and it ensures that they will always work for the greater good.

Virgo is represented in modern Astrology by the Virgin, although this association should not be taken literally. Rather, Virgos tend to take on some of the qualities of a Virgin, things like modesty and humanity. Some might consider them repressed, although Virgins would argue that it's a noble quality, as opposed to a negative one. Most of all, Virgos enjoy indulging their practical and logical side and poring over their projects to the nth degree. To say these folks are good at fact-finding almost understates the case, since Virgos revel in their exacting (some would argue pedantic) behavior and are a whiz with minutiae. Virgins are an asset in the workplace as they can be counted on to get things right the first time, every time -- and no detail will be overlooked. They are also balanced and fair in their assessments in keeping with the Mutable Quality assigned to this Sign.



Virgos are often the foundations upon which plans are built, so jump into the online world full force. You may leave your tutor by the wayside as you take off to explore all of the elements. The exacting nature of Virgos ensures that you'll receive all of the data and see the Web page pictures promptly. You can edit any site or run the figures in any spreadsheet without expending much memory at all. Backing up your system and noticing all of the nuances of the Web are the type of tasks that get your attention. Your practical nature keeps your experience simple. Fact-finding expeditions encourage you to consult any and all of the experts available on the Web.



... since the Virgin has an internal (and external) clock which hums to perfection. When traveling, the Virgin can jump out of bed at 7 AM, make a 7:35 train, pull into the station at the scheduled 8:32 and know that the next bus is due in seven minutes. Is this even fun? You bet, since those born under this sign are highly organized and love a routine, even when traveling.
Better yet, call it a rhythm, for hitting the road with these folks will be a delicious mix of sightseeing, knowledge-gathering and good, clean fun. And heaven help the one who upsets this apple cart! Virgos love this sense of order, thank you very much, meticulously planning their trips well in advance. These folks want to experience as many things as possible and will try to fit it all in on every trip, the better to get their money's worth.

The major museums would certainly be visited in Florence, while the best Cajun bets would be savored in The Big Easy. Looks count, too, which is why the Virgin's luggage is always nice and the day's attire is both clean and pressed. Although they enjoy traveling with a partner, Virgos are also perfectly happy to hit the road alone. Whatever the case, it will be a sensible journey


Select a sign below :

Aries . Taurus . Gemini . Cancer

Leo . Virgo . Libra . Scorpio

Sagittarius . Capricorn . Aquarius. Pisces