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January 20 - February 18

Symbol: the Water Bearer
Ruling Planet: Saturn / Uranus
Ruling House: Eleventh House
Element: Air
Quality: Fixed
Body Parts: ankles
Keyword: FRIENDS
Date with destiny: Gemini, Libra
Run for the hills: Taurus, Scorpio
Where you glow: in a picket line
What makes you tick: philanthropy
Fitness forecast: yoga
Play date: attending a technology fair
Perfect jobs: environmentalist, computer whiz
Best accessory: a time machine
A sure thing: being original
Destination: Costa Rica
Pleasure: innovation, originality, friends
Pain: conservatism, being categorized, emotional outbursts
What's my line? Think outside the box.

Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer. You possess a quick intellect and an expansive mind keen on innovation and progressive thought. You're a rebel, but one who really needs people around. You have tons of friends, but you tend not to get too intimate with any one person.



As an Aquarius, you are a gorgeous vision of shimmering awkwardness, a lovely mess of high self-respect but occasional insecurity, a brilliant innovator with a charitable, giving heart. Your regard for the citizens of the world -- including the non-human citizens of the world -- compels you to make conscientious and respectful decisions. When it comes to beauty, you like to keep it natural and cruelty-free, but you do love a little flair here and there. You were thrilled when shimmery powders came back, and you jumped at the chance to accent your eyes with a light dusting of glitter.

Underneath the socially progressive exterior of this Fixed Air Sign lurks a future fetishist -- you have a weakness for gadgets, and you love any product touted as revolutionary or new, especially if it's also all-natural. Since you bore so easily, you're always looking for the next great moisturizer, hair color or cuticle treatment.

Although you have the utmost respect for yourself, you're lacking in the self-esteem department at times. You're always worrying that you don't look good enough or that you're not feminine enough. No need to worry, Water Bearer, you look stunning no matter what you do. Your beauty comes from your ability to accept yourself and make the best of the gifts you've been given. You set your own beauty standards, and this independence raises your beauty to a transcendent level. Your beauty is not of this world -- it's out of it.




For a lone wolf, the Water Bearer sure likes to have a lot of people around. Aquarians are humanitarians above all else, idealistic in their beliefs and ardent pursuers of causes. Non-profit organizations and trade unions would be a natural for them -- anything that will help the greater good. This unconventional rebel-with-a-cause cares so deeply about his fellow man that the quest for knowledge and answers is never-ending.

The mentally-quick Water Bearer enjoys a challenge and anything at a rapid-fire pace, whether it's a team meeting or a battle of bantering wits. Aquarians are firm in their beliefs -- they've spent plenty of time thinking about them -- and are bound to get the job done. Their inquisitive nature always has them considering what's new, different and mysterious and how these things can help people in the future. Is the Water Bearer a pioneer or a renegade? Perhaps a bit of both, but there's no doubting that they see the world in their own unique way!

The old "company man" mold is given a firm boot by Aquarians. To them, that world is inconceivable, a total waste of resources. The Water Bearer wants no boundaries and to be able to continually push the envelope -- now that's living! And working, since it's part of the plan. Aquarians will spend countless hours mulling over the possibilities for a project and may even come up with some startling conclusions, but it's all in a day's work. And it's never boring! A dull day is a nightmare for the energetic Water Bearer.

The Aquarius office is probably Zen-like in character, with a low working table and cushions all around for its occupant and guests (remember, everyone is an equal member of the team). That futuristic clock in the corner was probably made by the Water Bearer. An electric car or the newest Beetle would provide loads of fun and make for a handy-dandy way to get to lunch at an avant garde spot with stunning world food and delectable Rainforest Crunch.

Aquarians are well-suited as inventors, politicians, writers, scientists, astronauts, artists and, you guessed it, astrologers!




Aquarius likes to make up the rules as they go along. Always innovative, you're not going to settle for anything you think is out of date. Everyone is equal in your eyes, so when you put together a team (which you, O Sociable One, probably do often), everyone gets a fair shot at getting the ball passed to them. The Water Bearer is an Air Sign, so anything that mixes the two elements is liable to be fun. Surfing, windsurfing, water-skiing and parasailing are good examples of this. Aquarius is a Fixed Sign, so you should be sure to stretch thoroughly before embarking on anything that might leave you feeling sore. Also, don't do anything that might leave you with a sprained ankle. If you're running on uneven surfaces, it's best to wear a brace.




You'll never see a Water Bearer shopping in one of those big, corporate fashion dens that make their profit from monopolies and sweatshops. Thrift stores suit you much better, where you can get the most interesting clothes at the least damage to your pocketbook. You keep up with trends in your own way. You don't buy the new retro fashions, rather you find clothing from the time that this retro was new. Colorful clothing made from hemp, or anything that has shock value, is scattered about your wardrobe. You always have one jump on the next trend, whether or not it finds its way into popular culture. Among the mismatched, eclectic, daring garments in your possession, there is probably at least one gown or suit that is perfectly tailored, perfectly elegant and definitely expensive.

Ankles, though often sprained, are your Sign's favorite body part. Indulge in this by wearing anklets, strappy sandals and t-length skirts. Your hair is constantly changing -- you first dyed it green to shock your parents, but later just kept changing the color to catch the attention of the rest of the world. Henna is useful for this scheme. The makeup you wear is bright, fun and completely cruelty free. If you don't feel like it, though, you won't wear any at all. Adorning your body and clothing with turquoise is a good bet for adding beauty into your life.




Aquarius rules the Eleventh House of Friends, so it's no wonder that they appear to be friends with absolutely everyone. You'll only be deceived by this circumstantial evidence until you try to get close to the Water Bearer, however. Though they have many acquaintances, Aquarius rarely lets people get to know them on a deep level. They are somewhat aloof when it comes to their actual feelings. If you're ever down, though, Aquarius will jump at the chance to buy you dinner -- or buy you anything for that matter. They're not trying to buy your friendship. Why should they? They are, however, very generous individuals and happy to help anyone in times of need. Don't let this make you too clingy. If an Aquarian sees a possible loss of freedom, or if they feel cloistered, they're bound to make a bolt for the door. The Water Bearer is an adventurer. Be sure to keep an open mind, and they'll take you to some exciting new places. The perfect Aquarius companion is one with whom they can make an intellectual connection. If you give them their space while keeping conversation lively, they'll be your friend forever.

Best Friend Bets: Sagittarius, Aries


Aquarius is the most progressive Sign of the Zodiac; ruled by Uranus, the Planet of Rebellion, Aquarius is never satisfied with the status quo and is always forward-thinking, finding creative, innovative ways to improve things. Its other ruling Planet, Saturn, lends it the hardworking sensibility needed to turn those ideas into tangible, concrete results. Those born under the Aquarian influence are known for their quick minds, their magnetism and their social conscience; Aquarians are always the first to espouse viewpoints that favor the oppressed. They also make great and loyal friends and love a party or a gathering that allows them to mix and mingle with all kinds of people. Trouble for an Aquarius occurs on a more personal or private level. While totally at home in a crowd, Aquarius doesn't do so well one-on-one and can actually come across as cool, aloof or indifferent to anyone trying to gain its personalized, intimate attention. Why does Aquarius shy away from intimate contact? In truth, Aquarians tend to be shy and lacking in confidence; that cold demeanor comes not from a cold heart but from a basic sense of insecurity.

Uranus possesses a coolly androgynous energy; that, plus its rebellious tendencies, contribute to Aquarius's uncertain grasp of its own identity. Neither overwhelmingly feminine or masculine and with unpredictable impulses coming seemingly from nowhere, the uncertainty is understandable. Originality is never comfortable, especially under Saturn's more conventional rule, and Aquarius is a true original. However, this same originality can devolve into perverse eccentricity; Aquarius may try to be different simply for the sake of being different. This is an empty, pointless pursuit; eccentricity isn't an identity in itself. Aquarius must try to learn the reasons behind the impulses: What interests foster the humanitarian urge or the desire for progress? The answers to that question may provide Aquarius with the key to its inner self.

Being so forward-thinking may be another reason Aquarius can seem so aloof; this Sign finds it difficult to remain grounded in the present for long. It may actually consider lovemaking and other forms of one-on-one relating to be akin to procrastinating. During slow, intimate moments, Aquarius may feel more and more restless by the moment, wishing it could stop wasting time relating and get back to the workshop (literal or figurative) where it can continue to invent, innovate, create! This restlessness can come across to others as tactless or rude, two of the last things this people-loving Sign would want to be. Aquarius must develop a certain level of comfort with its own ambiguity in order to be truly comfortable with other people, to be able to relate to others as individuals.

Aquarius may also need to harness its rebellious urges before it can truly understand itself. Learning to separate rebellion for its own sake from rebellion intended for revolution is key; learning the value of rules and traditions may help a great deal. Aquarius can look to Taurus in this regard, as Taurus places the same value on tradition that Aquarius places on rebellion. Aquarius can look to warm-hearted Leo to learn the joys of caring for another person in a close, intimate way; Scorpio can teach Aquarius not to fear depth of personal connection.




If you're an Aquarius, you have a zillion friends of all kinds. Aquarius is an Air Sign, which means that you know how to talk to others. People like you not only because you're so super-smart and full of fun ideas, but also because you always have the latest gadgets and computer games. You're a quick thinker, and you like to question the way things are. That's good, Aquarius -- the world needs people like you! Think about a career as a politician or activist for some cause you really believe in. When you talk, everybody listens!


Is the Water Bearer smart? They don't call Aquarians the geniuses of the Zodiac for nothing. Possessed of a quicksilver mind, these folks could make a bundle -- if they ever put their mind to it. It's likelier, though, that restless Aquarians will be more focused on their lofty new ideas or saving the world. That's right, a new world order -- now that's fun to an Aquarian! The visionary Water Bearer may seem distracted much of the time, but that's only because they're living inside their head, a place where the wheels are spinning away. Those born under this Sign are logical, love to think, and enjoy helping others, especially via charities and their pet causes.

Money, for better or for worse, is not at the top of the Water Bearer's list. Any bucks that come to these folks are more than likely to be pure happenstance since there are many more important things to work on. To an Aquarian, money is a means to an end -- like saving the planet! Are they likely to watch the bottom line? Huh?

Aquarians also tend to experience great highs and lows where money is concerned. One day they'll sell a computer program for millions, yet the next day they're being hounded by the IRS. Luckily for Aquarians, they can think their way out of any box. As well, they have an uncanny ability to "see" their way to money, probably because their mind is always working. The Water Bearer enjoys being self-employed, although the erratic cash flow can wreak havoc on the budget -- if they've bothered to make one, that is. A bookkeeper could be an Aquarian's best friend.

Futurists that they are, Aquarians enjoy the novel nature of bartering as well as the more progressive concept of equal-wage-earner couples. No traditionalists here! However, they tend to be more conservative when it comes to spending and don't mind living simply at all. Aquarians are loathe to borrow, and if they lend, they expect to be paid on time.

Shopping is a low priority for Aquarians, but when they do, they'll probably go top-of-the-line. Quality counts with these folks! Always a smart move.




The Age of Aquarius and the futuristic explorations it brings to mind are very much in synch with those of people born under this sign. The Water Bearer is a visionary, caring and giving lover who sees the beauty in friendship and the mutual attainment of shared ideals. These independent souls are a fount of ideas, forever dazzling friends and other groups with their quicksilver mind and humanitarian spirit. Mental fireworks are the sexiest kind for the oft-overflowing Water Bearer, and they are captivated by a lover who shares their quest for a better world. An intuitive partner who is willing to look outside the box in the hopes of becoming a more complete being will win an Aquarian's heart straightaway. The Water Bearer is a flirtatious charmer who is at home with many but also appreciates the pleasures created by two.

Sociable Aquarius rules the House of Friends, which means that many a courtship will begin in a group setting. Once the Water Bearer zeroes in on a target, though, an offbeat and zany romance is likely to ensue. Mental gymnastics are only half the fun, since the Aquarian mind also has a great facility for creative and imaginative play. A visit to a children's museum with the idea of improving already good exhibits is entirely plausible, and something which the Water Bearer can make very seductive. It is safe to say that a partner who appreciates Aquarian quirks is the best bet. Since the Water Bearer will keep some secrets just that, a lover who can gently draw them out will create a romance dance that goes on and on and on.

The analytical Aquarian approaches the game of love slowly, methodically and deliberately. Playing the game of love is fun in and of itself and should not be rushed. While falling in love, the Water Bearer can fill myriad roles for a lover, thanks to their keen mental energy and boundless commitment to a good cause. Conversely, a lover who won't play along will meet an immovable object in righteous Aquarius. The greatest challenge in love for the Water Bearer is intimacy, the emotional and empathetic aspect of love. Without it, love is incomplete, so those born under this sign must find that space where they can feel and trust. If that is achieved, love with Aquarius can soar to the stratosphere.

As befits an Air sign, Aquarians tend to approach sex via the mind. If they can share and discuss their thoughts with their lover, matters in bed will be greatly enhanced. Their natural curiosity will also lead them to experiment with creative play between the sheets, so watch out! Pushing the envelope is a natural response for these folks, and they'll continually test the waters for ever greater pleasures. A delicious mystery lurks beneath the surface of these oft-controlled souls, and the lover who can call their bluff is in for a wild ride. The issue of mind vs. body, and which is more important, is also with the Water Bearer. A lover who can convince them of the pleasure principle will set this sexual being free.

Sun Sign

Aquarius is the eleventh Sign of the Zodiac, and Aquarians are the perfect representatives for the Age of Aquarius. Those born under this Sign have the social conscience needed to carry us into the new millennium. These folks are humanitarian, philanthropic and keenly interested in making the world a better place. Along those lines, they'd like to make the world work better, which is why they focus much of their energy on our social institutions and how they work (or don't work). Aquarians are visionaries, progressive souls who love to spend time thinking about how things can be better. They are also quick to engage others in this process, which is why they have so many friends and acquaintances. Making the world a better place is a collaborative effort for Aquarians.

The Sign of Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer. In much the same way that the Water Bearer brings that precious liquid as a gift, Aquarians shower the world with their thoughts and new ideas. Luckily for Aquarians (and the rest of us), they are at a near-genius level, so their minds churn out some amazing things. Their thought process is also inventive and original. While Aquarians are happy to bestow these ideas as a gift with no strings attached, they are much happier when the rest of the world agrees with them. Naysayers will quickly find out that Aquarians can be impatient, even temperamental, with those who disagree. Yes, these folks can be quite fixed in their opinions, in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this Sign. Even though Aquarians are happy to give, and they do, it's often on their terms and within their comfort level. Generally, that means ample space, since these folks are freedom-loving and individualistic and need to roam (and yes, they do enjoy travel). While Aquarians are generally sympathetic and compassionate, they like it when things go their own quirky way. Some might call their behavior eccentric (and they would be right), but when you consider that the Aquarian's heart is truly in the right place, a few oddities should be overlooked. In their own way, Aquarians treasure their many friends and acquaintances and want to give back as much as they can.




The Aquarian craves the community that exists on the Web. You are likely to be the first to post your opinion on a message board or the one to spark a debate through email, all just to get the ideas flowing. Designing a Web site for a non-profit organization may be where you end up as you conquer your online learning curve. You could catalyze a social movement with the aid of email. Your visionary abilities mean that combining your desires to positively impact the world with the temptation of technology makes for a powerful mix. Spreading the word for your cause becomes a collaborative effort as you meet people who hold your same views through cyberchats. Quick fixes are what you are known for and they'll get you through all of the obstacles that you encounter.




... traveling with the trailblazer of the Zodiac. Those born under this sign are nothing if not different, willing to go anywhere, anytime, with anyone for most any reason. If the reason feeds their social conscience, all the better, for Aquarians are great humanitarians and supremely interested in helping the less fortunate.

Saving the planet for the masses is a good idea, too, so you're just as likely to find the Water Bearer in the rainforest of Brazil as in the wilds of Borneo. Face it, eco-travel was designed with these folks in mind! Aquarians are also sociable creatures, quick to make friends and eager to share their world view with them. Hence, it's likely that they'll travel with a gang, and even if they're not the obvious leader of the pack you can bet they're controlling the agenda. If not, they won't play along.

One thing the Water Bearer doesn't want to handle are the small details -- these folks paint in broad brushstrokes, so it's best to leave the train schedules to someone else. As an Air sign, Aquarians crave mental stimulation, so these nomads need many and varied experiences while on the road. Visionaries that they are, they're also fascinated with new technologies, so there's bound to be a nifty gadget or two in their bag!

Select a sign below :

Aries . Taurus . Gemini . Cancer

Leo . Virgo . Libra . Scorpio

Sagittarius . Capricorn . Aquarius. Pisces