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The Site

You are entering a different dimension, a dimension of ghosts and ghouls. Witchs and wizards. Wars, battles and an overall planetary struggle for power, controll, and command. The public contorts against you. You, yes you, and all the other sons and daughters of the great and wonderful Master Cloud Strife. So, bow down to me, your current and overall master of doom. Command you, I shall. Obey me, you will. If something should happen to me, one of my sons/daughters shall rise to the occasion, take the throne, and take controll over all of Planet Fantasy! That is far away now, and I am still your Ruler, with my wonderful wife..... well, she's dead; Dark Ruler Ha Des poisoned her, of course, one of my sons will surely kill him, a reward of 100,000 Booey is on his head. (See challenge 1.)
