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It was a humid, sticky night that night on July tenth. The clouds dragged by in the sky sluggishly and the massive moon slung itself in the sky like a drunken man over a friend's shoulders, tinged with red. It was a night of nights, however, despite the heat and dryness. It was New Year's eve for all who lived in Caitalla. It was time to roll back the calanders, look back on past mistakes and prepare for the new coming year. Festivals were buzzing to life in all towns, lighting fireworks, selling merchant wares and food and entertaining young children and adults alike with simple games. Occasionally, one would get lucky, and a Guardian would come for the festivities. But this doesn't start off in such a broad area. It starts off in a smaller town known as Gilga, a small dusty town to the mid-west, just south of the Clockwork slums.

A wandering nomad tribe had been on the plains for a long time and had been meaning to stop for food recently. Gilga was the first rest point they had seen in quite a few weeks, so they took this opportunity to stop here, rest, perhaps enjoy the festivities, then carry on as they usually did. Now, these were not human travelers. No. They were what one would call in this world 'Griffs.' No different from the mythilogical beast of a griffen in appearances, but in their skull, they carried a mental state rivaled only by some of the smartest Drakks, the draconic species in the mountains. They had their own kingdom underground, secluded in the middle of the ocean, made entirely of gold. But most griffs, like this group, had begun to leave at this point, due to an amazingly corrupt and cruel dictatorship.

Our Story-Weaver, though, is not the Griff Kingdom, or the entire tribe. It is a smaller member of it; a member by the name of Jaciam. Smaller than the rest, being only 5 feet at the shoulder, she wasn't always included in the games. Not neglected, no, but shunned for her size and occasionally, her opinions. She had dreams of going and taking back the kingdom. Destroying the poor ruler. Helping all the enslaved creatures. These were thoughts regarded merely as foolishness.

Jaciam was also along the path of studying the Druid skills. She found the thought of adventure quite pleasent, with the thought of glory, self-confidence and riches behind it. What a dreamer, what a daredevil, a druid ontop of it all.

She was strolling behind the tribe as they entered the town streets which were already alight with excitement and stands. Her eccentric blue eyes wandered around, taking everything in with interest. She'd never been to a festival. She had only seen the fireworks in the night sky. Vendors called to them, knowing they'd be the ones to purchase a large quantity of supplies. Children jumped about in glee as they saw the Griffs, having never had the experience of Griffs in their town. Jacian ruffled her feathers as one small child ran infront of her to stare up in curiosity. "What are you? Mommy says I shouldn't talk to you." the little boy said, eyes wide. She replied simpley, "A Griff seeking adventure." and carried on, tail swishing from side to side.










[Snare the bird]

< Last-Edgen-6217 >

< Blade unsheathed soundeffect >-< Footsteps SFX >

< Baby Kite is laying on ground-Crying SFX >

Kael: What a waste of matter...what a waste of breath, space and life. < growls >

Avari: ...It was not I that gave birth to this...I refuse to believe it was I who brought forth this monstrosity, Kael.

Kael: We must accept what has been done, and right this wrong. This beast will be put down and let the blood seep into this earth, back to the hell from which this soul came from. Take this wretch into your red teeth and don't let it come back to haunt the angels again.

< raises his hand, knife aimed at child>

< Shadows furl around in the background as everything but they turn red>< fluttering SFX>

< Shadow tendrils strike out and pull Kael's hand back>< Whooshing SFX>

Kael: Who dares to do such-< cut off >< screams loudly as tendrils wrap all around him >

Avari: < scream >

< spurting, crunching and splashing SFX >

< Kato and Kanzuki slither from the monstrous forms and step from the shadows and into the light >

Kanzuki: It'sss too bright out, Kato...< growling >-< puts a ciggarette in his mouth >-< lighting/puffing SFX >

Kato: < splashing/footsteps SFX< picks up the still sobbing Kite > What a darrling...

Kanzuki: What a whiny punk! Can't you make it ssssshut up? < growl >

Kato: We did just kill her parentsssss...

Kanzuki: Trrrruuuuue...< hissing soundFX >-< Light flump SFX >

Kato: Mmmm...sssshall we be offf?

Kanzuki: Yesss. < footsteps/splash SFX>-

[Scene two]

< fire crackling/splashing SFX >

Kato: Sssstay sssstill, will all be better soon...

Kanzuki: Sstop mooving, dammit! < spurting/cracking SFX >

< loud wailing/shrieking >

Kato: She is demon...

[Scene three]

-Text: Many years later-

Kite: < wandering around streets in early morning, with Kato and Kanzuki > Why did you wake me up at this time? Don't you have any sense of time?< yawn >

Kato: Husssh child, we hunt for angelssss, not loaf around all day...

Kanzuki: ...BAH. I'd would've liked to of slept in...< growling SFX >

Kato: Ssssh. A bad example...

Kite: Do we eat the angels?

Kato: Yesss...they taste...< looks thoughtful >

Kite: Like chicken? < raises a brow >

Kanzuki: ..Yeah, actually.

Kite: Go figure...

< rustling SFX >

Kite: < looks around curiously > I'm going to go see what that was. < darts off without another word >< whoosh soundFX >

< blur of motion-chase >< Dance006-Sound_Di-wav-4602 >

Kite: < pounces on the being she had been going for >< thump SFX > Who are you? What be you? Angel, man or beast?

Rico: < wiggling >< dirtshifting SFX > I be what I be!

Kite: < stares down > You look like you be angel, but you sound like ye be man...

Rico: Like I said! I be what I be!

Kite: Interesting... What's your name? < gets off and sits up >

Rico: I am Rico. What name graces you?

Kite: Kite! < twitches her ears >< swishSFX >

Rico: < smiles > Nice name. < shakes her hand >

Kite: Rico, why do you not strike out or tease me?

Rico: Why do you question? There is no reason for me to do that..

Kato: < calling off > CHILD! We have found our prey! Come back and let's go home!

Kite: ...Eh..I must be off...Rico. But maybe we can meet again!

Rico: I'll be waiting! < nods >

Kite: < gets up and runs off >< footstep SFX >

[Scene Four]

< food is being set on the table in a shady house >

Kato: Where did yooou run off to, child?

Kite: ...I thought I saw something. < chewing SFX >

Kanzuki: Bah, probably just wanted a break from you, Kato. < laughs >

Kato: Quiet, beast.

Kite: < clink SFX > I'm going to go for a walk.

Kato: Be back before sundown. We go hunting again...

Kite: I will. < gets up from her chair and exits >< chair scraping/door opening-closing SFX >

Kanzuki: ...I'll go after her...

Kato: Please do.

[Scene Five]

Kite: RICO! Where /are/ you, you stupid git?

< wing flutter/landing SFX >

Rico: Who's a stupid git?

< tripping/thump SFX >

Kite: ...You. Don't do that again!

Rico: Many pardons! < smile >

Kite: Ah, whatever...< gets up >< patting SFX >

Rico: A walk, then?

Kite: ...Yus.

< fading footsteps >

Kanzuki: ...What a friend...what a delicious looking friend...Kato will be most pleased...Master even MORE so...< fading cackling >