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Pssst! Come join the Yahoo! group "Inu Yasha Yaoi and Yuri" aka "InuYasha_YaY"! If you like yaoi or yuri, come join and contribute, talk, listen! InuYasha_YaY
Oi, minna. I am Anata. On behalf of myself and my tomodachi, Neko, I welcome you to Hanyou no Tabi. I apologize for any broken links, but I'm still working on this site. If you notice a broken link or a link that doesn't lead to a "Coming Soon!" page or its proper place, please email me. Or, rather, us.

Manga info.


Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha, nor does Neko. However, I/we own this site and all of the fanfiction, character profiles, and rants. Technically, I don't own the manga information, but I did write them. I'd appreciate it if I would be asked before anybody takes anything from this site. You never know, permission might be granted.