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*Welcome to~

Hiya, my name's Tyra, your main webmastress of this site! I bid you guys welcome to our site!
Anime: GIRLS' WAY' is a site that both Suzanne and I had dreamed up. We both have planned to make a site full of our Anime Interest, including the original information that is needed! But why is it 'GIRLS' WAY'? That's because we, us two girls, have tooken our favorite shows, turned them upside-down, topsie-tervie...but, that is located in our 'Products' section, seperated from the actual information, images and other stuff! Here we have Animes, Information, Images, Humor, Fan Fiction, Fan Art, Links, and more! You just don't know what we'll come up with next! ^_~

We now have a Forum where you can freely add all your Fan Work on and edit them when needed to!! That's right, you heard me! All is allowed, but here are a couple of rules-
1) If there is adult content such as yaoi or het, PLEASE put up a WARNING!!
2) You don't have to put up a diclaimer, we already know that none of us owns either of the anime, we're all just fans of there's no need to have a disclaimer!
3) You don't have to be a member to write or show your art work or even post!
4) Flollow the 3 rules above always, everything else I don't CARE!! Now, go and enjoy yourselves! ^__^

Go HERE to get to the Forum

Please sign the Guestbook before you leave!

Here are some WebRings
That I have joined, located down below~


And "PROUD" to be a part of it!


Toonami WebRing Here.

*Want to link to me?
Here's one of our banners...
please take one! ^__^

Disclaimer: We do NOT own anything that is related of any shows, comics, magazines, books, ect. They belong to their propper and official ever they are! :P The only things we do own are our stuff (things we've collected and bought), our fan work, and this site:
Girls' Way @
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