Tyra (Me): Heya, this is my first DBZ fic... so I like to say, go easy on me, 'kay?

Vegeta: You know they aren't going to anyway.

Me: Aww, you shouldn't judge people before you get to know them, Veggie... even afterwards either!

Vegeta: Oh really?

Me: Yeah, really!

Vegeta: Hmph! Whatever. It's not like I didn't know that anyway! *glares*

Me: Okay! *smiles widely* Would any of you like to do the honors?

Goku: *waves hands in the air with a big grin on his face* OOOH! OOOH! I WOULD!!!

Vegeta: *crosses arms* Hmph!

Me: Okay, Goku! C'mon down!

Goku: 0-0????

Me: ....er...uh... I mean, say it! *laughs embarrassingly*

Goku: ...... Okay! Lets see here.... Oh, yeah! She doesn't own DBZ or anything related... so... Please don't sew!

Me: Yes, please! I'm just a normal, avera- well, not completely... but I am human.... I think.. But the important thing is... please be kind and- *looks pathetic as tears pour out like waterfalls* don't sew me for all I have! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!!!!

Goku and Vegeta: 0-0???? *sweat drops*

Me: *stops crying instantly and smiles and giggles* I'm done! That was FUN!!

Vegeta: *scoffs* Idiot!

Me: *does a super hero stance, pointing a finger drastically with a colorful, bright background and music playing* Now onward to the fic!!

Goku: YAY!!!!! *grabs Vegeta* VEGGIE!!!!

Vegeta: ........



















Chapter 1 Part 1: The Life of a Prince?

The Prologue (or the opening)











Vegeta was walking in the front yard when he heard a crash from within side the house. 'Great. This is all I ever needed' he thought to himself as he walked up to the front porch. You see, he has just got through training in the Gravity Chamber and he was quite exhausted from training over 2,500 earth's normal gravity... Believe me, it wasn't easy for him but he somehow managed to keep up his health and kept his body intact, sometimes he was badly injured in there, but he never told anyone...never wanting to hear them say something crude or think he's weak... But no one thought that of him, well, except his enemies.


He entered the house to find Trunks and Bra fighting again. "You two!" He got their attention, he continued. "Was it you two who made that loud crash?" "Uh... No!" They both said in union and dropped the remote that they both had in their hands. "Then who was it?" Before they could answer they both noticed that none of them was holding the remote and saw it on the floor. They both dived for it and started to brawl. Vegeta sighed and glared, Trunks and Bra fighting again over the remote to the TV. He was annoyed by the whole thing. "Can you two please grow up, it's just a stupid computer that you two are fighting over!" Trunks and Bra stopped and looked ashamed, like they always did. They never had the strength to yell back at their father because they loved him very much. So they both walked up closely and smiled. "We're sorry Papa. It will never happen again." Vegeta smiled and patted and rubbed his hand in their hair. "Good. Now lets go find your mother." Vegeta said as they followed him. "Oh, Papa, don't worry; Mama is still upstairs doing something!" Bra said as she ran behind them. Bra embraced her father warmly and planted a kiss on his cheek. Vegeta smirked at his daughter, 'My has she grown. And she's still growing up beautifully!' Bra hurried to the front door when she heard a horn hunk from the outside. "Oh! Almost forgot! Bye, Papa! I'm going to go shop with Pan and Marron now!" with that she went and jumped into the car and she was gone. "Oh, that reminds me!" his son blurted out of nowhere. "I've got to meet Goten today! Bye dad!" Trunks ran outside the door then took off into the air like a bat-out-of-hell, sort to speak.



Vegeta smirked; his life was going wonderful now but still didn't feel right ever since Kaka- No, he shouldn't think about that baka... How the way Kakarotto treated him when he was Majin Vegeta, Babi Vegeta, or any sort of evil...but the truth is, it wasn't his fault that he was turned into such monsters... How he was treated long ago as a progeny was too dreadful to even mention of. But, no matter what seemed to happen...the oaf seemed treat him... 'Ugh! I don't know... I'm confused! He's always treated me somewhat different from the others!' He groaned as he placed his hand on his forehead and leaned against the wall. 'Why, Kakarotto? Why? Why do you always haunt me? What do you want from me?" The truth was, out of all Vegeta had done, all he that has said, and even when Goku had punished him, Goku treated him as a...friend. Even Vegeta never knew that the 3rd classed Saiyan Warrior truly cared about him; Vegeta still sensed that there was something else behind all this.










To be continued










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