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.:The Gakuen Adventures:.

Konnichiwa minasan! Welcome to The Gakuen Adventures, My website dedicated to the funny mishaps that occur every Saturday at the Gakuen. I made this website just for us Gakuesei's. As an official disclaimer I am stating right now that yes this website is based on humor, and yes I will be sarcastic and poke fun at everyone including myself. Please do not take everything I say to heart, I am friends with all of you and do not intend to offend anyone. If you by some chance are offended please let me know and I will remove the offensive content. However I hope that that is not the case and that you all may enjoy my website in peace. So nothing left to say... enjoy!


March 25, 2005
Wow, it has been nearly a YEAR since I last updated. My computer had a nervous breakdown and we tragically lost him to a nasty nasty virus. *Bows head* Good news though! Earlier this year we got a brand SPANKIN new computer! Oh wow is she a beauty! LOL. But anyway I'm back to working on my site. I'm in a debate though. The Gakuen has changed A LOT since the last time I updated. There are so many students who don't go there anymore, and it's just not the same as it used to be. Granted I still love the place, but it's difficult to do anything with Gakuen Adventures because more than half the people aren't there anymore and I don't bring my camera either >_< So I'm trying to decide if I should convert this to a personal site, but still have elements of the Gakuen throughout it. At this point I think that is what I'm going to do.
But anyway...for new stuff and planned stuff:

As you will notice I changed the colors from bright blues and sea greens to browns an pinks. I like it much better since those are my favorite color combinations. Problem is some of the texts are not showing up so I'll have to figure out how to get rid of this plain old black Times font >_< Also if you stroll on down to the Image section I've placed BRAND SPANKIN NEW pics for ya'll to see! Exciting stuff, no? I'm also going to be adding a "Caption It" page under Fun Stuff where you'll be able to make up captions for some pics. I'll also be adding two other pages. One will focus more on things I'm interested in at the moment like bands/books/movies, you get the general idea. The other will focus on stuff that others are doing, whether it be art/music/volunteering/writng, ect...I want it to be a page dedicated to the good stuff going on ^_^ Oh and one last thing...I'll be adding stuff to my biography page like general info, favorites, my livejournal, ect.
So there's the Agenda for The Gakuen Adventures, though I'm not sure it's going to keep its name. I think I'm going to change it, but I'm not sure what it will be called yet >_< Do not despair my friends, you will still be able to find the Gakuen throughout the site! For now, Matta ne! ~Nicole~

April 27, 2004
Konnichiwa Minasan! WOW! It's already the 3rd update of the Gakuen Adventures! Fascinating! Well I know I havn't seen any of you the past couple weekends, but that's because I was busy or out of town! I will be back this weekend though, so I look for to seeing you all then! To let you all know I have added a new section under Scheduled Events. It is called Recent Events and that portion basically goes over all the things I was planning to do and actually did! In there is my "article" on Relay-4-Life, so please go and check that out, it is long but there are pictures and lots of details from the event, so I hope you all enjoy it. In the next week look forward to a new Weekly Poll. I know I've been neglecting it, but I've been incredibly busy the past couple weeks. Also under the Image section will be the WTF moment of the week, something I know you'll all enjoy^_^ I will also be adding another article on the Magic Mountain trip I just took over the weekend...that will be under Recent Events sometime soon. So I hope you all are enjoying my site so far and please remember to sign my guest book! Matta ne!

April 13, 2004
Wow, another update already? Fascinating! I've added several more pictures to the Gakusei section so be sure to check those out. Again sorry about those of you who are not up yet, but to make you feel better I'm not either ^_^ Well anyway, I've added tons of stuff to the Scheduled Events, and I've also updated the Links section, so be sure to check those out. Also please remember to vote at the Weekly Poll in the Fun Stuff section! Hopefully I'll be able to get more up soon! Thanks for all your patience! Matta Ne!

April 11, 2004
Konnichiwa minasan and Happy Easter! Yeah my first update! I've added a few of you to the Gakusei section so you can go and check that out. Hopefully I'll get the rest up in the next day or so. My apologies to those of you who are not up yet >.< Also you guys and gals can check out the first Weekly Poll in the Fun Stuff section. And remember to sign my guest book! I know there isn't much done yet so bear with me ok? Arigatou!

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