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"Don't look away. I know you're not foolish enough to stay ignorant of the feelings of the people your life was built on."
- Vash to that bratty girl in ep 4

"You were always smiling, real friendly like, but the way you smiled was so empty it hurt to watch you."
- Wolfwood to Vash

"Why doesn't anything NICE ever follow you?!"
"It's a real drag, isn't it?"
- Meryl and Vash

"Now I know why the short haired girl is so pissed off at you all the time!"
- Wolfwood to Vash after falling into a pit in the middle of a desert. ^^

"You got us into this, do something!!"
"You fell in all by yourself!"
"You're the outlaw!"
"What's that got to do with anything!?"
- Same pit, but now they're being chased by a flock of angry robots. (Wolfwood began)

"I'd much rather lead an uneventful life if I could."
"You couldn't if you tried."
- Vash and Wolfwood

"That's cute! Vash is being put in strangleholds by the kids again!"
- Milly, with a bright and happy smile on her face

"My only savior is that she doesn't know how smart she really is!"
- Vash concerning Milly

"I'm saying we all have to make a few sacrifices!"
"And I'm one of the few!?"
- Wolfwood to Vash during the quickdraw contest

"Yeah, I'd advise against it, she's really bitchy!"
- Vash after this dweeby kid tries to hit on Meryl (dub version only, but it's such a great line ^^)

"Whenever I look at you, I'm reminded about everything I hate about myself. It hurts."
- Wolfwood to Vash. Love this one. ^_^ The most interesting part is, he says it in a casual manner, not in one of those serious moods at all.

"There I go again. It's stupid, isn't it? I still keep thinking how I'd like to show it to you...even though that's no longer possible."
- Vash talking to one of his Rem hallucinations

"And to think I could kill every man, woman, and child here if I wanted to. The power of death is intoxicating."
- Legato talking to Vash. That last part was in the dub only, but it's really good!

"It's true what I have been told about this guy! ...He's a complete chicken shit!"
- Monev talking about Vash.

"Everyone who has become involved with him, has somehow gained an emotion they had once lost."
- See? Even Meryl knows Vash is a special huggle-toy.

"He's not my boyfriend!! Stop it, I don't even LIKE him!"
- Meryl. I just thought it was funny because this was said in episode 14, and we know at this point she's falling all over him.

"He's almost horrifyingly handsome."
- Random baddie concerning Legato. *^___^*

"Playing cool, are you? You've got some rocks, mister! Say something, you show-off!"
"...May I have another fork?"
- 'Nother random baddie and Legato's response. ::falls over:: Omigod, you've got to actually hear this one, it's WONDERFUL. ::twitch::

"Don't be hasty, now. I intend to obliterate every last trace of mankind eventually... so why must you rush the inevitable?"
- Legato, sounding a bit corny, but we forgive him.

"Why do you think I killed only half of you? This way, you can see to the bodies of your friends. I'm doing this to teach you the pain of living."
- There was more to this little scpheil of Legato's, but I condensed it.

"If I was so inclined, I could have killed you three times."
- Dominique. How wicked is that?

"Well, if I was so inclined, during this conversation... I could have groped you five times!"
- Vash. ^o^

"You're unpredictable. I like unpredictable men."
"Me, unpredictable?? I'm not the one teleporting all over the damned place!"
- Domi-chan and Vash.

"It would please me if you wore a dress next time."
- Vash about Domi-chan

"Legato, this time it's my turn to hunt you."
- Vash, of course.

"Good God, I have to fight HIM!!!!"
- Vash, holding his head and screaming like a baby, freaking about having to face Legato. ^_^

"My name is VASH THE STAMPEDE!! Forgive the lack of warning, but it's time for my daily massacre! If you do not believe I am the real thing, take a good look at me and start freaking out!!"
- ...who else?

"Losers don't get to go home. They go to Hell."
- E.G. Mine, the 5th Gung-Ho Gun

"Now is that any way for a grown man to behave in front of innocent children?"
- Knives as a kid. Sure Knives, "innocent"

"Normally when you buy an old, used bike, you're supposed to repair it before riding it!"
"Are you dissing my beautiful shiny Angelina II?!?"
"I'm dissing YOU, not your stupid broken bike!"
- Vash and Wolfwood, how we love thee

"We're not God. Not only are our powers limited, we sometimes are driven to become the devil himself."
- Wolfwood

"Oh my god! He's changed into a cat!"
- Milly about Vash (no, this did not actually happen)

"Knives... You aren't human!"
"Damn straight, I'm not! Don't even compare me to those worthless things."
- Young Vash and Knives

"First you're cryin your eyes out like an abandoned baby, and then you run around jumping off cliffs! What the hell's the matter with you?!"
- Wolfwood about Vash

"Well Vash, this must be your girlfriend. You are one lucky devil."
"Whas da matter? Did I embarrass youuu?"
- Wolfwood and Vash about Jessica

"Since you fired that weapon, doesn't it make you more destructive than Knives?!"
"...That's right. I suppose it does."
- Brad and Vash

"Doesn't anyone trust the word of a priest anymore?!"
- Wolfwood

"You are the man who rings the black funeral bell."
- Leonev about Wolfwood.

"However, I do know one guy who whines, cries, and throws tantrums but still mangages to save everyone. He's a crazy man who's not afraid of anything. Even though he's been scarred from head to toe, hell always be there."
- Wolfwood

"In the language of the flower, red geraniums represent 'determination'."
- Rem

"Did you really think the Gung-Ho Guns only come to call one at a time?"
- Leonev

"Hey! Apparently, you're from the outside world! We're peaceful people, and we don't want any trou--" *MASSACRE*
- Stupid guy on board the Project Seed ship. That was helpful. Grey always listens to the words of innocent defenseless people.

"You know what? Now that I actually stop to think about it, this is kind of.... SCARY!!!"
- Vash when he makes shortcuts by shooting himself down through 6 floors.

"I get it! You're Grey the Ninelives. Can't exactly say I'm happy to meet you."
- Wolfwood

"Shit. Why'd you have to do that?"
- Wolfwood, after Grey blew a hole through the floor

"The ones who live outside of time. It really is amazing. My hands grew this big in 13 years. But you haven't changed a bit. You're exactly as I remember."
- Brad

"Every one who touches me dies."
- Vash

"I know everything about you, honey."
"Forget it, sextuplets are out of the question, dear."
- Wolfwood and Milly (good lord!)

"Women are a marvel."
- Wolfwood and Vash (eheh...)

"Can't I kill those either?!?"
- Wolfwood referring to the giant fanged worms Vash wouldn't let him shoot.

"Life is like an incessant series of problems, all difficult, with brutal choices, and a time limit. The worst thing you can do is to make no choice, waiting for the ideal conclusion to present itself."
- Chapel the Evergreen

"Please... Please don't look at me like that."
- Wolfwood about Milly's pouty face after he shot Zazie.

"Every moment hesitated is a moment gone from life."
- Chapel

"Even at such an impossible situation, he kept saying that no one had to die. How can he believe that?!"
- Wolfwood

"When this is over and I'm dead, don't ever shoot anyone again."
- Vash to Wolfwood

"May you go with God's protection. Oh yeah, thanks for the apple."
- Wolfwood

"The cornered mouse will attack the cat!"
"But the cat is wise to the mouse's game. The mouse seeks death in order to escape the pain."
- Chapel and Knives

"An egotistical being like myself can't be allowed to live."
- Legato