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Ansem's Report ~ Our guild
Ansem's Report ~ My Webby for the guild

Hey whats up.well someday I will finish my Natume story....its about Kh Natumes a made p chara. well I will put it up later......Yes my name is Dagger....from ff9.....I love to play any the ffs earthbound and kh and mario and lots more....I like to watch tons of anime....Well gots ta say hey to all my friends! [Friends] Hey akai/ansem your the best owner ever! Hey Sara....moogie...and riku...lolz Good. Sephiroth and my babe Bad. Sephiroth...all though there isnt one in the guild yet...but there better be soon! lolz and sorry if i forgot you....but neomail me at xx_final_hearts_xx or email me at kk well gots ta run! lol
