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» days till my b/day
» days till Tiffany's b/day
» days till Mika and Issac's b/day
» days till Ashley's b/day
» days till Stephen's birthday
» days till Anna's birthday
» days till Reagan's birthday
» days till Phillip's Birthday
» days till my youth group goes 2 mexico

If you want your Birthday up here let me no. thanx








Welcome to my site. This is brand new so...yea lol...hav fun. - The song that is playing is "Old and Wise" by The Alan Parson's Project. ENJOY!!

hey i dont wanna put any1 on because i no ill 4get some1 if ya wanna b on tell me and ill put ya on

~hey kaitlyn!!!!! ur one of hte best friends ive evr had n i hope we talk   all tha time evn when we r old ppl lol, ur great, i wouldnt wanna no t b   ur friend evr!! lol
~stephen, ur an awsom friend n i dont wanna loose ya, ill b w/ u thru   w/e n i hope u will 2 bust buds 4evr!!! luv ya like a bro!!!
~kathryn (Big K), im glad i got 2 no u ur soo funny, we as in evy 1 need   2 get 2 gether mor often cause that wz awsom at tha park!!!! luv ya   lots big sis!!!
~anna, ur another 1 of those friend who ya cant do w/o n im tankful 4 it   so stay tha same!! lylas; l8r
~Reagan, hey ur cool n its fun talkin 2 ya, i still dont no how u got my   s/n lol w/e tho its fun im glad tho cause ur an awsum friend (well at   least i think u r lol) ttyl
~ashley, hey im really really glad we're still friends, i learned a lot from   us goin out thank u soo much it wz awsum, jus member that im always   here 4 u when u need it n evn when u dont need it n ill always love u   like a sis
~tiffany, hey its great gettin 2 no u n ur so awsum 2 bad u live in new   orleans....:'( well hope fully sumthin good will happen lol luv ya!!

hey if ur not on here then ill put u on l8r cause i didnt get round 2 it wen i redid my prof. so if ya want on just tell me or ill get round 2 it som time
(i hope lol).



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