Takahashi Soup

Background: I had this idea rolling around in my head about the same time as I was thinking about Nexus II. But whereas NII is a powerful, epic tale involving characters of mettle and grand, inspired plots, Takahashi Soup falls back to the roots of comedic anime: fanservice, absurdity, and mindlessly repetitive physical violence.

Plot: Ranma is the fraternal twin brother of the infamous lecher and weirdness magnet Ataru. Together they overcome challenges and learn about the important things in life, by which I mean Ataru gets beaten up a lot while chicks try and get into Ranma's pants.

Story Background: Ranma and Ataru are fraternal twins, growing up together as their father Genma takes them on a ten-year training trip to make them into tough, unstoppable martial artists. There are some unexpected side effects, as one of them becomes a cowardly, nigh-untouchable pervert, while the other becomes a bitter, cynical super-warrior who always has to bail his brother out of a pinch. Guess which is which.