L33T Ranma
Chapter 1
a Ranma 0.5/MegaTokyo crossover
by Black Dragon

Standard disclaimer applies. Ranma belongs to the all-powerful and most revered Rumiko Takahashi. MegaTokyo belongs to Largo-san and Piro-san. This was done on a challenge. Don't sue me or flame me, I'm only partially resposible for this.

As far as continuity goes, the Ranma part takes off after the Mt. Pheonix battle and failed wedding, etc., and the MegaTokyo part right after Piro and Largo are forced onto the streets.

Key: ( ) are comments, " " are words in English, { } are words in Japanese, ' ' are thoughts, and [ ] is writing of some type.

L33T Ranma!
The Beginning of a Legacy...


"Man, this absolutely B1T3Z!" Largo whined for the umpteenth time and a half as he and Piro trudged down the street.
The three had been quickly evacuated from the apartment after Tsubasa had left the country, and having no money whatsoever, had found it rather difficult to find a place to stay for the night.
Piro looked tired, which mostly had to do with Largo's constant whining. Behind them Ping-chan was rushing to keep up, as she kept stopping to greet people or look at the merchandise inside store windows in that overly-cheery way of hers.
"All right Largo, ALL RIGHT! I know this sucks, but it's not that bad. We don't have any money, but at least I have a job now. All we need is a place where we can stay for a week so that I can get paid. Then we can afford a cheap place until I can collect enough cash for a trip back to the states."
"I still don't know why Junpei wouldn't let us crash at his place! Not even to a fellow L33T!"
Piro glared at him. "Well, that would be because when you neglected to return his computer, Tsubasa ended up selling it with the rest of his stuff! You're lucky Junpei didn't fillet us!"
Largo grunted, not acknowledging the explanation. "Not only that, but we don't have any beer!"
Piro's head hung and he tried desperately to ignore the man behind him.
Largo just tapped Piro on the shoulder when he realized the smaller man wasn't listening to him. "C'mon Piro, when can we buy beer? We lack beer, dude!"
Ping-chan rushed up beside Piro, then glanced back at Largo. {Is something wrong with Largo-san?}
Piro grunted before replying. {There's lots wrong with Largo-san.}
"Beer dude! B33R!"
Piro looked up at a street sign. "Hmmm...... Nerima district. MegaGamers is around here, so if we find someplace nearby, we won't have to pay for transportation."
Largo thrust a fist into the air. "PH33R MY LACK OF B33R!!!" His tirade was cut short as Piro grabbed the front of his sweater and yanked him down so they could see eye-to-eye.
"I'm VERY sorry, Largo, but you'll have to go without beer for a while. Right now, we've got very little income, and very much expense. We have to pay for food and shelter, and still save enough so that we can get home. Believe me, if I could afford to buy you beer, then I would, if for no other reason than to shut you up. But seeing how that is not the case, you will not be getting any beer, unless maybe a nearby liquor store explodes and you can sneak out a few cases in the confusion. GOT THAT?!!"
Piro suddenly let go of Largo, and the larger man was sent sprawling backwards into some trash cans.
Piro stood there in the middle of the street, breathing deeply in trying to reign his anger. Largo and Ping-chan simply stared at him stunned.
{P-Piro-s-san, are you o-okay?}
Piro was about to answer Ping-chan when a nearby liquor store exploded.

{Baksai ten ketsu!}
{Eat this pig boy! Mouko takabisha!}

Piro watched in open mouthed shock as another explosion tore apart the next building, and a young man wearing a yellow shirt and black and gold bandanna was blown into the street they were on.
Largo had paid more attention to the liquor store.
"YES!! PHR33 B33R!!" he rushed into the remains of the building to loot it.
Ping-chan looked around the street to notice that the rest of the people nearby hadn't given the destruction anything more than a glance, merely adjusting their courses to take them out of the crossfire.
{What the hell is going on here?} Piro was just barely able to talk, still stunned by the display before him.

The man with the bandanna, who had just plowed through a building's wall, quickly jumped to his feet and jumped up, only to be kicked down into the street again by another guy that appeared overhead. This one was wearing a bright red shirt and black pants, and had his black hair tied into a short pigtail.
Ryoga (I think we all know who he is, so I'm just gonna use his name) got up yet again, and furiously tried to punch the other boy, but couldn't seem to get in a clean strike.
Ranma, for his part, was simply dodging, occasionally giving a quick kick or punch when Ryoga left an extra-large opening. Eventually the lost boy backed him into a wall, and gave a single ki-powered punch right for his face. Ranma hopped up and kicked off the wall, landing behind his opponent as the fist tore through the brick with ease.
Ryoga tried to turn around to attack again, but was stopped when he found that his fist was still stuck. He angrily tugged at the offending appendage, and the wall started to give way, large cracks spider-webbing from the deep impalement.
Ranma smirked. {You gotta learn to control your temper ya know, or else you might make a mistake or something.} Then, before Ryoga could get angry enough to break free, he added. {Mouko takabisha!}
The ki blast tore through the air and exploded on contact with Ryoga, shattering the wall and sending the lost boy into the ground amongst the rubble.
Ranma crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head. He was about to turn around and leave, when a strange and excited voice rang out.

"WHOA!! That was SW33T!!"
Ranma whirled around to see Largo, with a tall stack of wooden cases next to him. Then he blinked in confusion. "Nani?"
Largo shook his head, then thrusted his hands out palm first, in imitation of Ranma's manuever. "Just like a hadouken! You gotta do that again!"
Ranma simply stared at him, unable to comprehend. He knew the man was a foreigner, and he was speaking English, but Ranma didn't know enough English to understand him, especially as he was speaking so quickly from being so excited. {Huh? What'd you say?}
Piro, who was still partially stunned from the battle, suddenly felt obligated to translate. {He... uh, asked if you could do that again.}
Ranma blinked again, then looked back at Largo, then finally to Ryoga, who was recovering from the blast. Under normal circumstances he would have been happy to oblige, but Ryoga was now harmless to him, and blasting him at this point would be like kicking someone while they were down.
Ryoga started glowing a sickly green. Ranma noticed.
'Oh, I guess he's not harmless then. In that case...' "Mouko takabisha!"
The blue energy bolt hit dead center, and Ryoga collapsed into unconsciousness.
"4\/\/50|V|3!!! How did you do that?!" Largo's eyes were shining as his vision panned from Ranma's face to his smoking palms.
This guy was starting to worry him. {Look pal, I'm sorry, but I don't know much English...}
Piro suddenly stepped in front of Largo and bowed. {So sorry, he doesn't know any Japanese. I'm Piro, this is Largo, and the robot girl over there is Ping-chan.}
Ranma turned his head when he heard "robot girl", but quickly discerned that she looked fairly normal and lost interest.
Piro waited until he had regained his attention. {Forgive me for asking, but what was all that about?} he pointed to indicate the general collateral damage, as well as the unconscious Ryoga.
Ranma just shrugged. {Martial arts match. I'm Ranma Saotome, and that guy over there is Ryoga Hibiki.}
Piro's eyes boggled. {That was a martial arts match?}
Ranma rolled his eyes. {Obviously you're new around here. What brings you to Nerima?}
Largo was getting tired of not understanding what anybody was saying. "C'mon Piro! Ask him how he did the blue fireball!"
Piro ignored him. {Well, we're from America, but currently we're stuck here with no money. We need to find someplace cheap to stay at until I can make enough for a plane ticket.}
Ranma nodded. {You came to the right place. Nerima has the lowest property values in the country. Some say the world.}
"Hey Piro! How do you say 'that move was 4\/\/50|V|3' in Japanese?"
Again, Piro made no move to acknowledge his companion. He bowed to Ranma. {Well, thank you for your time. We must be going now.} Turning around, he started to leave, when a strong hand suddenly held him in place.
{Hold it. I might know a place you can stay...}

A few moments later, Ranma, Piro, Ping-chan, and Largo (who was hauling around a stack of cases of booze on a hand cart) stood in front of the Tendo dojo.
"Hey, |\|1c3 pl4c3."
Piro translated. {He said it's a nice house.}
Ranma nodded. {Thanks. It actually belongs to my fiancee's family.}
Ping-chan whirled around. {Fiancee? You're engaged?} That was odd. Ranma seemed far too young to be married.
Ranma sighed and hung his head. {It's... a long story. Several long stories actually.}

At that moment Kasumi opened the door. {Hello Ranma. Who are your friends?}
Ranma indicated each of his companions. {This is Piro, this guy with the hair is Largo, he only speaks English, and this is Ping-chan, Piro says she's a robot.}
Piro bowed and scratched his head sheepishly. {Actually, she's a PS2 accessory, but, anyway...} Piro really didn't know what to say next, so he looked hopefully at Ranma.
Ranma understood and turned back to Kasumi. {Look, they don't really have any place to stay for a little while, and seeing how the old freak is MIA, I thought that maybe we could give them his room for a few days.}
Kasumi put a hand to her mouth. {Oh my, they don't have any place to stay? Of course they can stay here! I'll prepare a room right away! Oh, and we'll need extra settings for dinner! Excuse me, but does Ping-chan eat?}
Piro looked at Ranma. {Old freak?} Then he realized that Kasumi had asked a question and bowed in apology. {Uh, not really, we just plug her into a wall socket at night and that seems to keep her running.} Ping-chan nodded brightly in confirmation. Again he bowed. {I'm very sorry for freeloading and intruding on your home, but we only need a week before I can get paid at my new job, and then we can afford a place of our own.}
{Oh it's no trouble at all! Please, stay as long as you like!} with that Kasumi left to inform the rest of the family and make bedding arrangements.
Largo tapped Piro on the shoulder. "So what's the deal man? Can we crash here or what?"
Piro nodded. "Hai. I mean, yes."
"S\/\/33T! Help me with my beer, would ya?" Piro sighed and assisted Largo with transporting his liquor.

The reactions to the new houseguests varied. Nabiki and Soun were quickly upset at the prospect of more freeloaders, but that had simmered down to reluctant submission as soon as they learned that the two men were not martial artists.
Genma ignored the whole occurence. It wasn't his house, after all.
Akane was initially fuming at the sight of Ping-chan, immediately assuming that she was another one of Ranma's "girlfriends". After a while though, it was clear even to her that there was nothing at all between them, and that they mostly just ignored each other.
Kasumi, was, of course, Kasumi, and was only happier at the prospect of more guests. After telling everyone and making extra preparations for dinner, Kasumi left to move all the lingerie from the second guest room into the attic. She hoped grandfather Happousai wouldn't come back while the Americans were still here. Otherwise, he'd no place to sleep!

{So, uh, Piro was it? Tell us a little about yourself.} Akane decided she might as well get to know these two better since Ranma had dragged them under their roof. Naturally, if either one of them turned out to be perverts, they'd be moving out a lot sooner than planned, via Akane air.
Piro scratched his head and rehearsed his speech in Japanese to make sure he didn't mess up. {Well, there's really not a lot to say. I just recently graduated college, I'm from America, and I'm very interested in Japanese culture. Me and Largo came to Japan after a little...... um, accident, but unfortunately spent too much money to make it back home. Up until today we've been living at a friend's place, but he recently left the country to pursue a lost love. Oh, I also just got a job at Megagamers.}
Ranma nodded, then gestured to Largo. {How about you?}
Piro turned to Largo. "He wants you to tell them a little about yourself."
Largo grinned, then stood up. "First of all, inform them that I am the ultimate L33T master of all FPS, RTS, RPG, and one-on-one combat games, that my life has been a constant struggle of ph33r and +3rror, as sometimes I am forced to confront evil even without the aid of beer! I am the teacher of Junpei the L33T! I AM LARGO!!"
Ranma and Akane stared at him as he posed dramatically, one fist thrust into the air above them, and wondered what the hell he just said. Akane knew more English than Ranma, but Largo's command of the language, plus constant use of acronyms, totally threw her off.
Piro turned to them. {Largo is an idiot. He's a total mental case that I took pity on and managed to pry out of his padded room in time to take him on a quick trip to Japan. He seeks moral guidance from an imaginary hamster. He also plays a mean game of King of Fighters.}
Ranma and Akane nodded. They had plenty of experience with nutcases.
Largo looked at Piro. "How come you look at me every time you say 'baka'? What does that mean, anyway?"
Piro once again ignored him. {What about you Saotome-san?}
Ranma grunted. {Just call me Ranma. As for my life, well, since you're gonna find out eventually anyway, I might as well tell you about Jusenkyou......}

15 minutes and a lot of tiring translation later......

Ranma glared at Largo as yet another glass of cold water was dumped on his head.

"Dude! That's amazing! He can throw ki blasts and he's a hermaphrodite!"
Piro sweatdropped. "Uh, not really. It's a curse, remember?"
Largo nodded sagely. "Ah, yes. Obviously this man is yet another victim of all the 3V1L around here." he clapped Ranma on the back reassuradely. "Wow, than that means that those are real!"
Ranma looked up at Largo, wondering how he attracted so many weirdos and what had made him think to invite them to stay, even if for a little while.
Piro yanked Largo away from Ranma. "That's enough Largo. Remember, we're guests here, and they can throw us out any time they want." He bowed to Ranma. {Thank you again for letting us stay. I'll try to repay you somehow.}
Ranma just waved off the comment. {Just don't break anything expensive and you can consider the debt repaid in full, okay?}
Piro blinked, then nodded happily before leaving. 'Hmm... I'll have to have a talk with Largo.'

Piro wearily put away the few changes of clothes he owned into the little box near the corner. In truth, he was just tired though. Running into Ranma, even if they had been almost reduced to collateral damage, had been a remarkable stroke of luck.
Suddenly, Piro sensed a presence near his shoulder and sighed. "Hey Seraphim. Come to chew me out for freeloading?"
The two-inch winged girl in a miniskirt that served as his conscience rolled her eyes before lighting up a cigarette. She took a deep drag, then let the smoke out in a wavy cloud above her.
"Actually Piro, I was going to congratulate you on your dumb luck and concern about Largo ruining things, but if you want, I have a nice two-hour lecture on how it's not right to burden strangers memorized from a training session in New York."
Piro looked surprised. "So why are you here?"
Seraphim floated in front of him so she could look him in the eyes. "You had the right idea when you gave Largo the lecture on Japanese manners and proper guests' behavior. The problem is, that doesn't mean jack to the moron. I know that you're not going to take advantage of these people or disturb them any more than you already have, but you've introduced Largo into a foreign environment here."
Prio blinked. "Japan is a foreign environment to Largo."
Seraphim raised an eyebrow. "And how has he fared so far?"
Piro sweatdropped. "Uh, well...... there were a few incidents, but he seems to sorta like it here......"
"He burned down a hardware store, got hit by a bus, groped a cosplayer, attacked a nightclub, went to jail, and even destroyed a quarter of Tokyo with Rent-a-zilla."
Piro's sweatdrop grew, and he gulped. "Uh... well, he meant well... sort of......"
Seraphim sighed. "I tried to give Boo new instructions, but I'm not sure it'll help much. That pathetic rodent is useless, even without the language barrier."
Piro blinked. "He can communicate now?"
Seraphim nodded. "Yup! I enrolled him in a signmaking class for sentient animals and Jusenkyou victims."

"Squeak!" [Largo! Pay attention!] Boo was honestly trying his best, but his speed at generating signs, coupled with his limited mastery of hammerspace and Largo's nanoscopic attention span, made his task all but impossible.
"Ah, good booze! I'm glad they have imported stuff, that sake junk is just awful!" Largo took another sip from the bottle as he walked through the hall to his room that he shared with Piro. Entering, he saw his companion talking to the older chick in the apron.

{But should she really stay in here with you two? It just doesn't seem proper.}
Piro shook his head. {It's all right, really. All she does is plug into the wall and then go to standby mode. It's not like she'll be undressing or anything. Me and Largo will be on our best behavior, I promise!}
Ping-chan nodded. {I'll be fine Kasumi-chan! Piro's nice!}
Kasumi smiled at the young robot girl and excused herself from the room. She wasn't totally convinced, but if Ping-chan was she saw no reason to press the issue.

Largo passed right by her and stopped in front of Piro. "Hey Piro, where're these peoples' gaming setups? I've got an itch for some MvsC2! Or maybe some Onimusha! Do you think they have a multiplayer connection for Quake 3?" Piro suddenly cleared his throat, which was enough to attract his attention.
Piro glared at him. "Largo, listen. This is a dojo. Chances are they don't even have a computer. I've taken a quick look around, and I'm positive they don't have any gaming systems."
Largo gaped at Piro. "No gaming systems?! What the hell are we supposed to do all day?! Why I'm just gonna go-"
Largo turned around to leave, and had almost made it when he noticed Boo squeaking furiously and waving a sign that said [Wait! Stop!] in front of his face. He stopped just long enough for Piro to catch the hood of his sweater.
Piro dragged him up close, then stared him directly in the eye. "You are NOT going to complain about the lack of electronics. We are in a Japanese household, and the Japanese are very big on manners. To demand anything of a host that has no reason to trust you and has taken you in without payment is very bad manners. Do you want to get thrown out on the street again?"
Boo squeaked angrily and thrust another sign in fron of Largo's face. [Yes! Listen!]

"B-but, how does Ranma know the hadouken if he doesn't play games?" Largo stammered. Piro grunted. "I don't know. It wasn't even the hadouken, he called it the 'mouko takabisha' or something. Anyway, Ranma's a martial artist, and we've heard what his life is like. Between training and fighting, when would he have time to play games?"

Largo stared at him, and then comprehension suddenly dawned on the young man. At first Piro didn't know what was going on, so rare was the appearance of this expression.
Largo shot up from his kneeling position on the floor, startling Piro backward and tossing Boo off his shoulder. He raised a fist to the air and a lone tear slowly slid down his face.
"Of course! How could I be so blind! I am here for a reason!!"
Piro blinked. "You are?"
"YES!! Ranma, the totally 4\/\/350|\/|3 martial artist, cursed with a hot female bod and cruelly deprived of such titles as Street Fighter and Half-Life, crosses paths with me, the master of the L33T! Obviously God Himself has marked this chapter of my life, and it is therefore my God-given duty to ascend Ranma, and make him L33T!! Junpei was the first, but Ranma shall be my true heir! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!"
Piro gulped. "You-you're not serious, are you? ........... Crap, you are serious."
"All will learn to PH33R LARGO AND RANMA, THE TRUE L33T!!!"

Seraphim poofed back into existence, then sighed and leaned back against Piro's ear. "I warned you."
Piro whimpered and fell back onto his futon as Largo kept laughing maniacally. "What should I do?"
"Work the language barrier a little bit, try to discourage him. I've also got some help to run damage control on Ranma's side, though I'm not sure how reliable she'll be. I hate these lazy temp workers." She threw a glance at Boo who was still on the floor trying to regain Largo's attention, and the hamster shrunk back under the hardened stare.
Piro looked at her. "What sort of help?"

Ranma was doing his usual evening meditations that he did whenever he didn't have a challenge or fiancee-saving quest to attend to. As he was upside down at the time, he didn't immediately recognize the tiny figure that suddenly appeared and approached him.
{Wow! How do you do that?}
Ranma blinked, then flipped himself over. Then he stared at the winged two-inch girl before him dressed in a sweater and jeans. {Uh... hello there. You wouldn't have anything to do with that whole Pheonix Mountain/Jusendo incident, would you?}
The girl blinked at him. {Nope, never heard of it. Anyway, I'm-YIPE!!} the girl tripped over one of the minute cracks in the dojo floor, falling flat on her face, and sending her two long blond ponytails (Hint! Hint!)scattering in a wide fan.
Ranma sweatdropped and gently picked up the tiny girl from off the floor and held her gently in his palm. To most other people the situation might have seemed completely surreal. To Ranma, it was only slightly weirder, though a lot tamer, than normal.
The girl stood up quickly, and scratched her head as she blushed in embarrassment. {Hi! I'm Usagi, and I'll be your new conscience!}
Ranma stared at her. Then he sighed forlornly. {All right, whatever.} 'At least it's not another fiancee.' **********************************************************************************

Author's Notes:
Well, what do you think? Should Ranma become L33T? Should Akane become Zilla food? Should Ping-chan become engaged to Ranma? Should Boo finally get a full-time contract complete with a month vacation and full medical and dental? Should Seraphim give up and go back to trying to keep Donald Trump out of trouble? Stay tuned!
C&C appreciated. As for flames......
Usagi's head pops up, "Flames aren't nice! You shouldn't send flames!" Boo appears and writes up a sign, [Yeah, what she said!] Sq33k!