
If it 'aint broke, I haven't been around recently
Background: Glitch is the Self-Insert I started to take over Director's Cut's production role as a side-project. With a far more flexible plot, totally fluid characterization, and no fourth wall to speak of, Glitch is the paragon of random nonsense, masterfully condensed into a semi-coherent storyline. Some people say I'm a little hard on myself as far as personality and intelligence is concerned, but I have to say that this is actually a fairly accurate description of myself, with the minor exception of Black Dragon's unusually prominent optimism.

Plot: Black Dragon, Lord of Chaos, and shameless self-promotionist, is trapped with nothing but standard NPC anime traits and a badly malfunctioning dimensional storage pocket, and must find a way to guide Ranma to happiness, or at least a feasible conclusion to the series.

Story Background: Black Dragon is killed because of his idiot brother, and sent to the Canon Ranma 1/2 universe through a hole in the cosmic beaurocracy. With the forces of death working (a little) behind him, the forces of alternate fanfictions working on the side in unrelated storylines, and the forces of the original creators working against him, Black Dragon must struggle to survive against all odds, and the curiously prominent Edu-Kei-Ken. Microsoft continues to build its economic empire, and overly-mysterious figures watch from above as events unfold and chaos spreads throughout the Ranmaverse.

Black Dragon's Forces

Needlessly Inserted Guest Stars

Opposing Forces