Erik's Anime Fansite
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Erik's Anime Fansite

It's been a fucking looonnggggg time since i have done anythng to this site but w/e i thnk its don for anyways i might start up a blog or sumthing. This site is devoted to anime and i may post new things up so be patient. If you have any ideas e-mail me at I will respond so dont worry and if i like your idea then i will be sure to take action. Anyways Have fun and search around.

Soon To Come

X Gallery, Page about Rurouni Kenshin, Page about Love Hina, Page about X, and a ton of new links.

Top 5 Anime
  • Rurouni Kenshin
  • Love Hina
  • X
  • Ghost In The Shell
  • Trigun

Sean's Anime Page


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