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Member Since: March 16, 2004
Layout: Boa
Color[s]: Black, White & Gray
Designer: Yakusoku_Ai
Last Updated: March 16, 2004
Music: Every Heart
Language[s]: Japanese/English

A Penny For Your Thoughtz

No matter how long
you've known a person...
You will see their true side
until a certain situation arises..
No matter how much
you love the person...
Always, in the end...
you'll end up getting hurt...
No matter how much
you trust someone...
In the end, you find out that
you can only trust yourself...
Some things are meant to be kept to yourself....
Some things are meant to be unspoken...
Some things are meant to be hidden...
Some things are meant to not ever brought up....
Within a ...your world can turn upside down...
The question is...are you prepare for it?
Who is going to help you?
Only you can turn it right side up...
No one can make you feel inferior
WITHOUT your consent...
It's funny how good memories can start to make you cry.
It's funny how people can change their minds just like that.
It's funny how forever never seems to really last.
It's funny how much you'd lose if you forgot about your past.
It's funny how friends can just leave you when you're down.
It's funny how when you need someone they never are around.
It's funny how people change and think they`re so much better.
It's funny how many lies can be packed in one "love letter".
It's funny how people forgive even though they can't forget.
It's funny how one night can contain so much regret.
It's funny how ironic life turns out to be.
But the funniest part of all, none of that's funny to me.
Why try so hard to be perfect to somebody; when being yourself and trying your best is what is all you need. Would you want somebody to like you because you were perfect? Or would you have them like you because you had a good time, and being able to be yourselves around each other? If they liked you for being perfect, that means you will have some standards to keep up for the rest of the relationship. Where as if they liked u even if you weren't perfect, you would NOT have to work as hard to be perfect for the rest of the relationship.
Also, why would you want someone to like you for being something you're not? Some people act so different to be that special someone's ideal person...It' NOT being true to yourself and you will end up being unhappy. Don't pretend to be something that you're not. If the person doesn't like you for who you are, then he/she is NOT right for you. DON'T change for anyone. NO ONE is worth changing yourself and pretending to be like something that you're not You have to be true to yourself in order to have some happiness in your life. If you live like can you be happy? You were born to be unique and to be were NOT born to be perfect or be something you're not where you aren't true to yourself. The right person will like you for who you are...not something you're not...
In Life...
People will come and go...but the memories will always stay... Do not be mad for the people who left you, be glad that you had met this person and share memories together. No matter where the person leave to, remember...they will always be there for you when you need them.
Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing and is your voice caught within your chest?
It isn't love, it's like.

You can't keep your eyes or hands off of them.
It isn't love, it's lust.

Are you proud, and eager to show them off?
It isn't love, it's luck.

Do you want them because you know they're there?
It isn't love, it's lonliness.

Are you there because it's what everyone wants?
It isn't love, it's loyalty.

Do you stay for their confessions of love, because you don't want to hurt them?
It isn't love, it's pity.

Do you belong to them because their sight makes you heart skip a beat?
It isn't love, it's infatuation.

Do you pardon their faults becaue you care about them?
It isn't love, it's friendship.

Do you tell them everyday that they are the only one you think of?
It isn't love, it's a lie.

Does your heart ache and break when they're sad?
Then it's love.

Do their eyes see your true heart and touch your soul so deeply it hurts?
Then it's love.

Do you accept their faults because they're a part of who they are?
Then it's love.

Would you give them your heart and your life?
Then it's love
12 Better Explanations...of LOVE.

"We all want to fall in love. Why? Because that experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moment, an hour, and afternoon. But that doesn't diminish its value. Because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives."

1) Don't turn your back to love when it's already in front of you. Don't drive it away from you, because if you do, someday, you'll think again, why you let love go when it was there next to you.

2) In Love, think things first over if you're sure about how you feel. Don't fall too hard NOT knowing where you will stand, 'coz it will hurt real bad if things don't go the way you want them to be.

3) It's an irony to know that it takes hours for someone to have guts to say "hi" to the one he likes, days to admire, weeks to miss the person, months to love, but just a blink of an eye to say goodbye...

4) Go for the person who loves you. It is not wrong to love someone who belongs to someone else, but it is much better to love someone who could also love you in return.

5) Love isn't something we hold, it is something we set free. It's not something we just do, but it's something we don't imagine to be. Lastly, it's not something we choose, it chooses us...

6) The scariest thing about falling in love is getting hurt. The scariest thing about getting hurt is not being able to love again. The scariest thing about not loving again is being alone forever.

7) When you follow your heart, worry not where it will lead you, for your heart knows the way. And if you do get lost or reach a dead end, use your head to lead you back home.

8) When you truly care for someone, you don't look for faults, you don't look for answers, you don't look for mistakes. Instead, you fight for the mistakes, you accept the faults, and you overlook excuses.

9) It's better to lose your pride to the one you love, than lose your loved one to your useless pride.

10) Love is .........not " it's your fault ", but "i'm sorry ", not " where are you ? ", but " i'm here", not " how could you ? ", but " i understand, not "i wish you were here ", but " i'm thankful you are ".

11) The beginning of love is to let those we love be just themselves, and not twist with our own image. Otherwise,we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.

12) If a relationship is truly meant for you, your love will find a way to make it happen, and God ill be there to make sure it will stay.