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Dragon Ball Z
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Dragon Ball Z Members:-12-Inactive: -3-

Enter The Anime

9-9-03 Update:

the tourny has started.if
u wanna know more
info on it check the Anime T.v page.

Hack's Update:
  Ok i know nobody reads here and that is part of why i haven't updated in weeks on this part but i am gonna say somethings maybe they will reach you. I have descided that the decline in poeple rping isn't entirly because dbz rpg is dieing out after all, i too have school to go to so i am planing on starting a closing of the site untill summer at which time it mey not re-open. if you think you want this site to stay open then let me know, if you want it to re=open later let me know and keep me reminded once the site closes. in final i have not yet closed it but i am currently desiding on at time so unless i get people doing stuff i am going to shut down till they will. also if you happen to think you could run this site better than me or could help better than spike or that you could get more people doing stuff than i can then feel free to let me know because you might have a job and a site but you better believe i will save all the pages before i delete this or hand it over.

Legal Stuff:

To keep from getting sewed or anything here is the legal stuff.

All idea's used on this site belong to their creater not to this site itself this includes pictures, names, and well everything else so don't be mastaken and think we created it because we didn't.