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Life Exposed
Wednesday, 3 September 2003
what the hell?
Well it has been a while since I had anything worth writing and now come to think of it I still don' have anything to write about....I guess that things are as expected....boring like usual. Days drone in endlessly fusing into one another, but I manage to go on. I guess I should try to thinkabout something that everyone would like to read about but I can't....hey wait I know....Soul Caliber 2 kicks ass! Aw man I gotta tell don't know the joy you can get from stompin mudd holes in cervantes with Heihachi Mishima!

Well I guess I better get going then....but as usual here's a little something to tide everyone over.

target="new"> border=0>

target="new">Which Street Fighter are you?
Test by Nathan

Posted by anime5/densetsu at 9:43 AM EDT
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Monday, 25 August 2003
Ryu wins!
We are about to watch a video with ryu vs sonic from new grounds. Shot out ot my brother and his friend chunky lumps. Sup!

Posted by anime5/densetsu at 11:33 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 19 August 2003
Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto!
About six days after otakon....I am still feeling bad. Riding pass but never able to stop. Woe is me. The fun that must have been had...the smiles, the laughter, the joy, the skin, the breast, the drooling...the hell..the everything...and I missed it. Through the last couple of nights I have been having mech dreams...I dreamed I was a fat Domon Inkashu piloting an extra small version of the G Gundamn. I have had dreams that I lead the resistance movement and operated an odd version of voltron, and even a day dream about being apart of cyborg 009. Crazy's like that in my head, all crazy and scary and dangerous and what not.It's the type of place where insane people would be afriad to go. I guess that's what makes me special huh...yea...I guess it is.

Posted by anime5/densetsu at 10:17 AM EDT
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Monday, 18 August 2003
Long Days, Longer Nights
It seems that things just seem to happen to me one after another, but you know how it is you have to take it in stride like everything else. Right now at this very moment I have this very large and unfriendly woman sitting next to me. She thinks she is better than everyone on this planet, and all because she drives a cheap as 99 mind you, and seems to get used by men quite frequently. You know....she is the type of person....if you paid her to think, you'd all ready be asking for your moment back and a bonus for the lost of valuable time and energy. But live it to her she is god's gift to everything. You know, sometimes I wish my life were an you know why? Because right at this moment I would be charging up the world's smallest particle disruptor. And then after it was charge I would look over and say...Rubber baby buggy bumper.....and of course she would say what and I would say....WRONG BITCH! and let her have it right in the face... but know they say civilized people don't act like that. So I just ignore her, and wait for the day that revenge can be mine.

You know somethings ever went bad in the job market and I couldn't find work, I would make a pretty decent evil henchmen. I can think up some really bad things to do to people....::rubs hands methodically: Yes...bad things *smrik* mean things....yess..

(What kind of writer am I)

You are a dark writer. A fierce and loyal follower
of Poe and the other gothic authors, you LOVE
to instill a sense of revulsion and somewhat
fear in your readers. You love to poke their
brains with logic dealing with the darker side
of the human mind and character. Truly
surprising and a true individual, you'll do
ANYTHING to create a scene. :)

What's YOUR Writing Style?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by anime5/densetsu at 11:13 AM EDT
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Friday, 15 August 2003
Conferences Kick ass! -.0
Well yesterday was quite eventful. I went to a youth leadership conference and it kicked ass. I have to admit, the food left somehting to be valued, but everything else was pretty okay. The mayor came, and we asked questions and pissed him off when he didn't give us the answer we he just left. That was weak as hell. I mean come on, don't get pissed off....your the mayor! I would have been sweet if he got some of his croonies to kick our asses! Then we heard this chick named ja hipster do some poems, also sweet. I write poetry but she kicked ass!. GIVE IT UP FOR WIDE HIPS! (wide hips was one of her poems) Well after we did some workshops we got into an altercation with some other centers that were there, and we almost needed to stomp some ass, but ass you can guess we didn't. Westside! To bad I didn't have the powers from the test I took today. We would have really got live! On top of all of that I met this girl. her name is neshuanette or somehting to the extent. I really hope things jump off when I call her....wish me luck. Oh yea...furi curi is one crazy as anime, and blue gender....bugs...what else can you say.

Find your Role-Playing Stereotype at

Posted by anime5/densetsu at 8:49 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 15 August 2003 8:51 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 13 August 2003
Well I feel alot better in the small amount of time i had to rest. So I guess it is back to things as usual. First up, has anyone played the naruto game yet? I heard it kicks ass, and on top of that it's cool too. I have spent most of the day lookin for places to download some more episodes seeing as though I but the third disk. (eps-17 to 25 I think) So now I have to find some more. Now for the time being here is a topic for you to think about among yourselves....a....moment of zen if you will. Alucard is really sercurity for barney the dinosuar. Is this why he is so angry and violent? o.o?

What Type of Villain are You?

Posted by anime5/densetsu at 10:25 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 August 2003 10:42 AM EDT
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Insanity is relative
Today is as you know august 13 2003. It was a normal day in the beginning. I woke up, did the morning thing, kissed the misses goodbye and headed off to work. Work at a job I can't stand. Sure I may grip alot but sometimes I feel the need for somehting more. And then it hits me. These people at my job are the lowest forms of creation. The stupid, deliquent masses, the neaderthals of old, and all in between. You probably won't find an intelligent thought among the lot of them. And this is were I am.
I haven for drugs users and abuser, women who are nothing but whores on vacation, and this is where I am. I man who tries to have moral fiber. This is where I am put. Yes those under me state that I think I am better than them, to other people beneath me. But how often do those WORMS gather the heart to say this to my face? It's not that I htink I am better than anyone, it's that I KNOW i am better than them. Because I care about things and I have a thought process and my whole world doesn't revolve around the filth that this world has breed to look like okay ways of life! Sometimes I wish that I could tie every last person on earth like this together and toss them into the hottest pits of hell and have the enjoyment of watching them burn. But I suppose this is just a bad day. I suppose that after I calm down I will feel better tomorrow. Any body read this....tell me....what should I do to remain sane? Please help me.

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?

Posted by anime5/densetsu at 9:17 AM EDT
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