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:05:10:04: @ 18:34
Alrighty then. I revieved an email from my cousin Belinda.. She lives in NJ. I really want her to come and visit me, and yes, I told her that. So, anyways. Right now, I'm on a LIBRARY computer.. Ugh, very bad quality, but oh well. The computers at my home are all unavailable. Later on, I plan to go play basketball at a school.. I'm really good at basketball. Today at school, my class played kickball for gym. I'm so bad at it, I swear, but I can kick it atleaset five metres! Heh. Anyways, My graphical site will be Starry Girl and I hope it will end up sucessful. Lovely Designs is so good! I have the link in my favorites, but since I'm at a public computer, I don't really know the URL.. You can look it up! Starry Girl will open ASAP since at my new school, we never get homework. Plus, to make matters worse, today is monday. Which means that my Human Body Report is due tomorrow. And it's on Diarrhea. And I didn't even start yet. I barely have time! Should I make up an excuse? Arg, I'm so mad. Oh, and this Friday, I have piano class. Ugh, I hate piano. And I didn't practice for two whole weeks!! (I missed the last one cuz of an excuse!) I am SO gonna get yelled at by my piano teacher. *sigh* I'm not as sick as before, but I still sneeze and cough a lil. Oh, and it's 32.C right now. Pretty hot.. Ugh, piano? Diarrhea? How much more can I possibly take? :05:07:04: @ 15:35
Well, okay- I just opened up this blog called DD, aka Dead Diary. I called it that cuz it sounds erm.. Unique. This page is the only one that's actually working. The links and the other pages don't work- yet. Also, I did not make a layout yet. This is only a little thing by HTML.. No biggie at all. But I'm really lazy to make layouts.. Ugh. Anyways, tonight at 09:00 on channel 14, there's this really good show called The Death Curse. You can look it up if you like. It's chinese. I've watched it before, but I want to watch it again! *sneeze* *sneeze* Ugh.. I think I'm catching something. *sniff* But atleast I might not have to go to school. Anyways.. A lil about me. My name is Ellen, and I'm really smart (I'm not blabbing. I really am!) and I'm sick. The one and ONLY reason why I don't update is because my mom says the computer is bad for my eyes- I know it is, but.. Anyways, I'm so bored. I swear. *yawn* *sneeze* *sniff* Ugh..

That's what Ellen said.

Why are you looking down here? It's where I hide the advertisments! Oh well. Totally your fault. Did you know you made over a million blood cells die? What a waste. Personally, I'd never scroll down like how you just did.

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