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The Home Page of The Mysterious Dark Angel!


As i have lost all my stuff on my computer due to an EVIL virus and lack of bandwidth that u get with angelfire ive decided to change this site. I know how hard it is to find anime stuff that's decent on the net so im gonna add a links page to the best ones that ive spent many a long bored hour trying to find! i will keep my old stuff up for ya tho. So click the link below!

My Links Page

My Escaflowne Page

My Chobits Page

My Pita Ten Page

My Final Fantasy Page

My Cowboy Bebop Page

My Outlaw Star Page

My Cardcaptors Page

My .Hack Page

My Sailor Moon Page

My Anime Lyrics Page

All stuff on this website is not mine but is the property of its original owners by copyright. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. I thank goku64online although i can't remember your website's address,, and for pictures, wallpapers etc.For lyrics i would like to thank For more please visit their websites using the above addresses! If i havent mentioned ur website and u see sumthing that's urs please email me and i will update this list. Please come back and visit again sumtime! luv the Mysterious Dark Angel!

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You can find all the quizzes that i have done and put on my website on so go there! Below are some of my results

Tales of Symphonia What Tales of Symphonia Character Are You?

My anime personality What Personality Do You Have?