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why that little [censored] i'm gonna kill her! actually, i can't. she's my bff. but she took my counter and my like's dislike's(they were on my old site i had to taything off to make my new layout!) oh well s'over on the other div layer thingy...

Dislikes~, and just to save time i'll copy the rest here.:

5 things I hate about everyone!

1) People who point at their wrists to ask about the time. I know where my watch is, where’s yours, and do I point at my crotch when I ask where the bathroom is?

2) People who are willing to get off their ass and search the entire room for the remote but not just press the button on the TV.

3) When u r watching a movie at the theater and someone leans over and says, “DID U SEE THAT?” no loser I paid 12$ to stare at the freakin floor!

4) When people say “life is short” what the hell are they talking about?!?! There is nothing longer to do on this desolate ball of dust! What the hell else could you do that would take longer than your life?!

5) When you’re standing at a bus stop and someone asks u “has the bus come yet?” if the bus had come, would I be standing there retard? >:P

i got this ftihae at another site, which i then lost the link to. so PLEASE don't ask me where i got it.

Posted by

the Girl
Kita, 12, Rhode Island, Love:wolves,Horses God Dogs&Cats Vid Games My Computer LOVE ANIME! Dark Cloud! Christmas(duh! who doesent?) music, ooohh i love this song!, cool pens n stuff, friends that are TRUE, harry potter, my host(u couldn't read this if not for them!), bravenet, linkin park, pink, kingdom hearts, dark could, final fantasy X, dbz budakai.

Strange Thing: my 2 fave songs are both in japanese and i have no clue what they mean.

Hate:Cheaters, Jerks, People With no sense of humor, horror movis and books, horny people, people who when singing christmas carols say "Eww!" or giggle like mentally challenged little wirdos when it says"gay"...and when people make fun of anime

need i go on?

Bf's:libby erika, erica, melissa, sophie, corrine, rosa, menely, reshma, alex, kimberly b., Kaytee, Katie, and kimberly a.

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the Quote of the Day
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the Counter

the Site
uh...basically just a personal site with some stuff 4 the visitor and (Maybe) some graphix.

Contact meh:
AIM: KitaStarrie12 (i <3 getting AIM'd so PLEEZE aim me!)

the Guest
Doll Maker