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Hello. My name is Uchiha Sakura (formally known as Haruno Sakura). I have two husbands. Their names are Uchiha Naruto (formally known as Uzumaki Naruto) and Uchiha Sasuke. We have three beautiful children. The oldest is a boy named *insert name here* and the second youngest one is a girl named SasuNaru-chan. The youngest is a boy named Konton.

I also have a brother in law named Itachi. He is Sasuke's older brother and is married to a strange shark-like man named Kisame. They adopted a boy named Zousho. I also have a sister in law named Mokusatsu. This family of mine seems to get bigger by the day. *Sighs* It's all very confusing... ^^;;; At least I can say that I was a MAJOR part of reviving to Uchiha clan! YAY!!! =D hehe

This is a lovely picture of me on my wedding day:

(6/30/2004) UPADTE!!!: I have another newly born child! His name is "Myu", he's 5 years old, and he's adorable! ^^ He was the product of Naruto and Sasuke somehow managing to henge into one body and then well... y'know...with me and; BAM! A new child!

A Table Of (Most Of) The Family

My Family Member's LiveJournals (...well... most of them...)

Below is the forum that I have created for the family... (NOWHERE NEAR COMPLETE!!!)

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