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Cowboy BeBop Shrine

Hey all you Cowboy Bebop fans out there! This webby is dedicated to the hit anime show 'Cowboy Bebop!' I'd like to thank Mandy for helpin' me with this webpage as I am pretty clueless ;)


October 13/03- Im just trying to find out how to work all of this, so please be patient! Any questions, suggestions or comments, then please email me at Thanks!

October 14/03- Heyas I didnt get around to updating, I had to fix some errors in my links and such -.- Im now going hunting for some images and Im working on the character bios as well as uploading my pics I drew ;) ~*~Later~*~ EEEEEEE! go check the images! =^-^=

October 15/o3- Hey I updated the images so that when you click on them they go to another page....I only had time to do four though ^^;; more tomorrow, I 'spose.

October 17/03- Heyas I updated the Characters page and I made a new waiting message to the other parts on the site your waiting for lol ^^;; More updates tomorrow-hopefully! Byez~

October 18/03- Otays now all the piccys have links so when you click on it, it goes to a seperate page ;) There might be more updates today but I really should start on my homework >.<

October 19/03- AHA! The evil homework is done ^-^ I did the Show listings! Im so proud! *sniff* Also, I did the first two parts to my fanfic. Please email me if you find grammatical or spelling errors =^-~= Thank you!


Cowboy BeBop Shrine

About Me

Other Stuff

Show Listings


Anime Galaxy