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Chapter 1 Memories
It has seemed long since I can remember being with my parents, I really don’t care for them anyway, they were the very point of any insanity I have now. I had always lived with my mother until one day she absolutely insisted that I meet my father. in my mind I had always thought of what he was like but yet I had always had another feeling stronger than that which had not cared whether he was dead or not, I would soon find out that I really do want him dead. He is my creator I shouldn’t hate him but yet I do so much that my mind tear itself apart because of it, almost everyone I talk to says that I shouldn’t hate him, that I should cherish him and learn from him, well they do not know my real father, if they did they would be singing a different tune. When I had first met him he had a smile on his face and talked cheerful and was interested in all I had to say, but whenever I truly looked into his eyes I could see that he is nothing but the very kind of person that I would normally hate. He was always the redneck drunk in my household, he always did drugs, he bitched at me when I wanted to do something that he didn’t like. My mother was no better, she always did what she was told by him, she was always with him, she was always fighting with him and forgiving him in no time, she never took my side, they were the original creators of my Darkside. Both of my parents were have made me dark and deprived, not in a gothic way, but very depressed, all I ever had was my friends, I don’t even know about my other family members, they were probably just as crazy as my parents. Everybody’s sixteenth birthday is supposed to be one of the best, that’s the keyword there; supposed, my sixteenth birthday however was all spent up my father’s nose, literally. I had found out perhaps two months later that he was doing drugs and crack happened to be one of them, for my birthday all I had gotten was a special ops knife which I still have to this day. Oh well, I guess everyone’s life isn’t perfect, especially mine, but there was always the people I can count on. Ryan has been a friend of mine since sixth grade, he has black short hair and eyes that always seemed to change, he had always started growing facial hair since the first day I had met him, the day I met him was one of the first days he was at my school, one of my greatest enemies of all time Aaron. Aaron always kept trying to buy Ryan’s friendship and failing until one day I saw this and was finally fed up with Aaron and marched my way up to him antagonizing Ryan. I opened my mouth and spoke quietly, “Ya know, it‘s not very nice to push someone into being your friend so knock it off.” Aaron turned around and looked to me, “I‘m not trying to push him, I‘m offering so back off!” he had spat off to me, my whole life that I had dealt with this loony I had learned to just shut up and knock him down a notch, and so I did. Aaron collapsed from the blow and my knuckles burned but I felt nothing, the only thought in my mind was the order ‘get up so I can finish this you worthless son of a bitch’ but when Aaron got up to try his chances with me the teacher walked up and punished both of us. Later that day, Ryan and I met up and talked for a while. Another of my friends was named Michael, he was always in my classes but I had never spoken with him, the day I became his friend was the day Ryan and I had returned from camping and had gone to the mall to get some R&R. Ryan and I had gone to all the stores we normally go to and wound up in Borders listening to music when Michael walked up and said hello to Ryan, ‘apparently’ I thought in my head, ‘Ryan knows him’ . After the trip to the mall we went back to my house and talked for a little while and got to know each other, Michael had short brown hair, a big mouth for sure, and bright blue eyes, you could always spot him out of a whole crowed by the way he dresses, he always matches and he wears that flammable material that they make most Hawaiian shirts out of. Ryan and Michael have always been the greatest of friends and have always been there for me as I was always there for them, we have been through almost every situation and have always got ourselves out of the greatest of messes and will continue to be there for each other.