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Tsuki's Anime Marriages

Note: the marriage request lines are currently closed until further notice. Thank you! Welcome to Tsuki's Anime Marriages! You can marry any character you want from any anime, just follow the rules and fill out the form. Once you fill out the form email me and I will try to get your marriage certificate to you A.S.A.P., when you recieve the certificate claiming the bishounen/bishoujo belongs to you, you may put it on your site, but please link back using one of my many picture links found right above the list of rules on this page. If you dont like the character choices of affiliates I can make you a custom one.



Lines are closed for the time being. I'm overworked right now (webcomics, first book, finals, plays, etc.) and my computer is absolute trash (had to actually throw it out) and the library computers do not have paint or photoshop programs for the certificates. Minna-san, gomen nasai!

11/17/04- IMPORTANT

It's been a while, ne? My AOL account is frozen or something, so all requests have been lost. Please resend to!!


I have decided to take off a bunch of the site, seeing as for some reason I cannot upload pics anymore. If I figure out the problem, I may bring back the marriage gallery, but probably not because it is so much work to keep up. I just don't have the time to keep up with the old demands, seeing as I send most of my time writing. Read my fics at


My computer has been down for quite some time now. I'm hoping it will be up and running soon....but how will I catch it then O_O haha I have a bad sense of humor. ANYWHOZ! If you requested a marriage, I'm sorry its taking so long, but I will get your bishies to ya A.S.A.P.! I promise!


I added Pan's corner, and two of my fics as well(found in Pan's corner). I have gotten quite a lot of marriage requests, I feel so loved!


I have re-ordered the marriage gallery and remade some of the certificates.


My first real update, I have found a new form for the marriage certificates. Keely was the first to recieve the certificate. I will soon remake all the certificates with the new borders.

My Adoptees


Rules and Form