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Made a few tweaks...
Post by: Fuse on 2004-06-19 07:21:53

As you´ve probably noticed, I´ve made some changes to the forumchanal.php layout. Many people were complaing about the cluttered look, so I went ahead and took your feedback into account and made what I thought were good changes. I´d still appreciate any feedback you may have.

Quick Server Maintenance
Post by: Fuse on 2004-06-02 22:04:51

In an in-game announcement:

Attention users!  This is the iRO GM Team.
The servers will be shut down in 5 min for quick server maintenance and will be back up in approximately 20 minutes.
Please log out now.  Thank you.


IRC chat
Post by: Antialize on 2004-05-31 11:55:36

Hello I have compleated the first version of my IRC bot chat.. it will only work when my computer is on (Ill try to leve it on).. you can try it out at

IRC Channel - final move
Post by: Fuse on 2004-05-29 03:01:09

I apologize with things going awry with the IRC moving. The final move is going to be to: #ragnarokhq

Feel free to join this channel. Please keep the chat clean, no inappropriate discussions please! I will be adding a javascript or some sort of script on the site that allows you to connect via IRC using an applet or via us. I´ll also supply the IRC address on the same page. Look for it soon under the Main pane.

Happy IRCing! 

Post by: Antialize on 2004-05-27 07:25:50

Im currently working on an IRC bot (Baced on BOTNET) that will allow users to chat on the ragnarok IRC from this page.. This bot will need to run on one or more local computers.. so if anyone has a computer that is on 24/7 (or most of the time) and can spare a little bandwidth (will not take much) it would be apreciated..

both linux and windows will do.. but there needs to be direct access to some port (of you choice)

Quick Maintenance
Post by: Fuse on 2004-05-27 02:14:37

In an in-game announcement:
Attention Users!  This is the iRO GM Team.
We will be shutting down the servers in 10 minutes for a quick maintenance
and the servers will be up again in approximately 30 minutes.
Please log out now.  Thank you.

User profiles
Post by: Antialize on 2004-05-24 19:22:55

I would like to encourage everyone, who have poorly filled user profiles to update them (Use the “Edit profile” button). I have made a BOT who has send pm messages to all the users who’s profiles were very bad. I apologise if anyone has gotten a message and feel that is was misplaced. 

Post by: Antialize on 2004-05-24 12:50:42

Taras has supplied me with database update information. trough alot of sed´s and other stuff i have succeded in incorporating this information into our db.. the update applies to the following:

The names has been updated to the REAL iro names
The descriptions has been imported
The icons have been importet
The large images have been importet

I would like to thank Taras for this valuble information..

Ragnarok HQ is OFFICIAL again ^^
Post by: Miyako on 2004-05-20 01:09:18

Just noticed it on the official fansite links on the main site

Let´s Celebrate 

RagnarokHQ IRC Channel
Post by: Fuse on 2004-05-19 22:30:48

RagnarokHQ´s IRC channel has moved to: : 6667 #ragnarokhq

This is due to two reasons. First off we stopped advertising for our channel because one of the main IRC mods that decided switched fansites was not acting on behalf of RagnarokHQ. Instead he was trying to promote illegal activities, in spite of me, for no reason - or a reason that´s not apparent to why I upset him.

Secondly, decided that there will be NO MORE channels relating to Ragnarok Online. I guess limiting the number of channels was not enough, they decided they couldn´t even afford to allow the current channels to operate.