Robert and Arena Darkblade

Once two people that were alone, now stand together... their story

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Robert Darkblade, also known as Blade, walked into a tavern, beaten and bruised with a large gash in his side. He looked around, dizzy from so much blood being lost in his previous battle. Black blood was dripping from his side. The scent itself filled the air of the tavern. As the blood hit the floor, it melted through the surface. Blade moved over to a corner and collapse in it. Arena, caught the scent of the blood, raising her nose to the air, tracing it back to the corner where Blade sat, holding his side. Blade wore a black trench coat with a white shirt under it and black leather jeans. Arena could tell, just by looking at the way he feel to the floor, holding his side, that he was hurt. She moved over to him, and sat beside him. "Are you ok?" Blade looked at her bitterly, "I'm fine, why would I not be..." Arena looked at him and smiled, "because your holding your side, and is a whole forming beneath you from your acidic blood. I assume your demon, correct?" Blade shakes his head slowly, and laugh softly, "Your definitely persistent aren't you. Fine, Yes, I am hurt, But I'm no Demon." Arena Tilts her head to the side curiously, "well your blood smells like a demons." Blade looks at her again then looking down "I'm a Created Angel, I was Created for the soul purpose of destroying the demons of this world. Their are 11 more like me. I'm part Arch Angel and part Hell burner." Arena looked at Blade with a very surprised look on her face, "If that is true, then shouldn't you self implode?" Blade looks at her, "Look, if your going to pester me about my life, then go away. I don't appreciate those who bother me about my past, its not a happy one." Arena smiled and then moved her right hand and parted his trench coat to the side catching a glimpse of the deep gash before Blade growled softly and closed his trench coat, whincing lightly, "What are you doing?!" Arena looked into his eyes "TRYING TO HELP YOU!" Blade looked away, " just everyone iv met lately has tried to kill me." Arena just smiled and stood and offered a hand to him to help him up. Blade looked at her for a moment then got up slowly, "I'm fine, I can stand myself" Arena still smiled, "your cute when your stubborn." She winked at him and then grabbed his hand and dragged him up to the room she rented the previous night and pulled out her spare med kit that she uses for herself after battles. She pushed him down on the bed and crawled on top of him and sat on his waist, being sure not to sit on the gash on his side. "There," She grinned, "Now you cant resist me." She smiled and took out some medical creams and Alcohol. Blade looked up at her, watching her carefully, He finally became aware at the fact that he can trust this girl...she wasn't going to hurt him. A short time later, Arena stood up from where she was, "There you go, all done." Blade sat up, and looked at her curiously, " doesn't hurt..." Arena giggled, "Of course not silly, its supposed to help you not hurt you." Arena smiled and left the room, "I'll be down stairs after your done relaxing." Blade smiled some as he watched her leave the room. Blade did as she said, and laid back for a only a few moments before falling asleep. It wasn't long before Blade was awakened by ear shattering scream, Blade Shot up, "Arena?!" He jumped up and extended his wings to full extent and smashed threw the wall, only to see Arena Being almost being killed by another female assassin. Blade flew down at near light speed and barreled his own body into the assassin sending her out of the tavern threw the wall. Blade turn to Arena, She had a slight stab wound in the side of her stomach. Blade growled and then flew out of the tavern towards the Assassin. A few moments later, as Arena was pulling the dagger from her side, There was a Scream coming from the forest outside the tavern and then a large Black Flame Inferno, appeared out of no where. Arena ran outside and very slowly, Blade walked out of the Inferno with Black feathery wings at near full extent with a demonic grin on his face as he reaproached the tavern and walked up to Arena, "Are you ok?" Arena looked up at him with a smile, "I'm fine, Thank you." Blade took Arena up to the room once again, and put a sheet over the hole that he made after smashing threw it. This time, Blade Wrapped Arenas wound up. Arena then stood along with Blade, She leaned up and kissed his lips softly. Blade wrapped his arms around her waist and his wings around her form and kissed her lips softly back.