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My Refreshing Shoutouts

Shout Outs

Well, to the people listed above I just wanted to send a shout out of thanks. Thanks for being there when no on else has. I have to thank the lord, Jesus Christ, for allowing me to live in this world he has created. Second, I want to thank the goddess in my life, Tyneisah, for being there for me and giving me some much unconditional love. I thank you for giving me hope and believing in me. That really makes my day. Kamikaze Li, I thank you for being not only a good friend and a dear sister but with this site. Without you, I don't think this site would have made it this far. Raphael and Michelle, you two have been my peeps since high school and I hope you two will go far in life. I want to see you both get married soon. And if you two have a child, may he or she become successful in their lives. Charles, you have been my dog since high school as well. Just want to say thanks amigo and may you go far in life as well with a beautiful wife. Travis, I also knew you since high school and I know you will go far in life. Besides, you are a bigtymer!! Well, I can see it are a big time movie director making grammy nominated movies. Well, may you be more successful in your life. Daimon, a.k.a. Icyie, you are a friend with a heart of gold who has a burning ambition to strive in life. I have never meet you in person but judging from your pic on BP(BlackPlanet) you are a woman who can find any man with your looks and personality. The right man will come to you and when you do find him, holla at your monkey friend. Well, may you be more prosperous in your life. My family, I love you guys and thank you all for being there for me when I was here in Bagram, Afghanistan making those eyeglasses. Too many names to call out but I thank you all. Oh,and let me not forget about my friends who were with me in Bagram. Too my best friend and fellow brother, Chakareon. Bro, do your thang and may you go far in life. You have a talent and a gift now you use that and you will be fine. May God be with you and your loved ones. Preston T, you are one crazy dude but you have been a good friend to me while we were in Bagram. May God be with you as well. You also have a gift. Now use it and let God guide you in the right direction with that gift. Sista,oh sorry Sgt., Rosa Parks(here real name is Erica but Rosa is more suited for her), you have been the one who has shined a light into my eyes. I was one angered dude out there in Bagram but after a while,thanks to your words of comfort, I began to change. Still holding on to some habits, I am still changing little by little. I thank you for that sista and may you find the right man in your life and allow God to guide you in the right direction but you already knew that,right? Of course you did!! Brother Hawkins, you are a trip!! You are one funny dude but all in all you have been a good friend. May God guide you as well in the right direction. Too many others I did not say in here or who I will meet in the future, may you all be prosperous in your lives. Well,goodnight this is long...what the heck was I thinking? Well, it's all good. Peace to everyone across the world!!!