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Sunday, 27 July 2003
tHiNgS yOu cAn OnLy SaY At ChRiStMaS
Things you can only get away with saying at Christmas
1. I prefer breasts to legs

2. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist.

3. Smother the butter all over the breasts!

4. If I don't undo my trousers, I'll burst!

5. I've never seen a better spread!

6. I'm in the mood for a little dark meat.

7. Are you ready for seconds yet?

8. It's a little dry, do you still want to eat it?

9. Just wait your turn, you'll get some!

10. Don't play with your meat.

11. Stuff it up between the legs as far as it will go.

12. Do you think you'll be able to handle all these people at once?

13. I didn't expect everyone to come at the same time!

14. You still have a little bit on your chin.

15. How long will it take after you put it in? .

16. You'll know it's ready when it pops up.

17. Just pull the end and wait for the bang.

18. That's the biggest bird I've ever had!

19. I'm so full, I've been gobbling nuts all morning

and finally-

20. Wow, I didn't think I could handle all that and still want more!

Posted by anime5/billabong_babe_69 at 5:11 PM
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Friday, 18 July 2003
Kirsten-I luv ya always hun[bff] kan*t wait til ur b-day we're gonna have soo much fun!!!

Keeshia-Oh my god i kan*t wait til kaslo we're gonna have such good memories and u get to meet everyone!!

Brittany-To bad we couldnt go camping together we could of bugged your brother for a long time!!

Kyrra-I miss ya soo much i kan*t wait to see you when you get back so we can hang out till i go on vacation!!

Megan-Hey hun i havent talk to you in so long since you've been in calgary and all but i hope your having a blast!!

Anita-Hey sweetie we havent got to hang out lyke at all this summer so we should hang out sumtime alright!! Luv ya lots!

Becky-Your still one of my best friends even though i moved and all i kan*t wait to see you when i cum up and you get ta meet keeshia cause im bringin her!

Grace-Hey you lil sweet thang i kan*t wait to see you when i cum up and we gotta find sum time to hangout so we can catch up on stuff.

Alysa-hey lil poohbare i've missed you soo much and kan*t wait to see you i luv ya lots!

Carrie-you lil hoe, you better be staying outta trouble b 4 i cum up other wise i'll kick you ASS!

Taylar-I probably kan*t you go ontario when you go cause i gotta take my dads vacation with him adn my mom's so im sorry hun..i hope you have lotsa fun tho

Cheryl-Hey you lil forsberg fan i miss ya lots and i hope we find sum time to hangout i've missed ya to much!!

Lexy-hey i dont care whut grade ur going in but we should be friends like we used to be...if we really were even friend heh heh

Alysia .L.-Hey remember how we used to be friends..why did that change anyway..??

Tara-i no i dont really no you like we see eachother sumtimes but we go to different skoolz so its kinna hard to we should hang out sumtime.

Emily .H.-Hey i havent seen you since dance, i hope i see you this summer!!

Jodie-I hope that ur having i great summer, but i heard that carrie has been hanging out with josee...whuts up with that?

Stacia-I hope you didnt move to far away cuz i would miss ya!!

Ashlee-hmm i dont no whut to say to you except that your a great friend and all!


AJ-mai kuzzin heh heh..luv ya lots
Dylan-We left on really bad conditions, i hope that we can still be friends hun..luv ya lots too

Eric-Im sorry about whut happening but i kan*t wait till skool starts to everything can be back to normal..luv ya sweetie

Timbre-We dont really no eachother and when your with aj its usually just at a movie and ur really quite...but ur really hott so its all good!!

Kody-I hope your not gonna move to go see your dad we have lots of fun together with our whole buig group and if u left it wouldnt be the same anymore:(

Chad-I just got ur e-mail and we finally talked i was like WOAH its chad!!

Nicolas-Your mommie told my mommie that told mee that you were sick i hope your gettin better so i can bug yah when i cum up!! P.S. You guyz kan*t push mee in the pool this year!!

Colin-Hey we had lotsa fun at peace island park and sorry i only went swimming once but remember i said that i'd watch ya...hun im really gonna miss ya when you move...theres not gonna be a colin in mah class that i can bug and colour on anymore:(

Matt-I no we werent really friends but we kinna were so ill miss you too..take care of ur brother to he doesnt get run over or sumthin since he's soo small!!(sry colin)

Josh-Keeshia told mee that your gonna be stayin with her for 5 weeks for motocross so at least i get to see you and bug ya b 4 you move to vancouver!!

{[If i missed anyone im really sorry im sure i did tho so tell mee if i did and ill add ya..luv everyone lots!!!]}

Posted by anime5/billabong_babe_69 at 8:30 AM
Updated: Saturday, 19 July 2003 5:14 PM
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Thursday, 17 July 2003
AbOuT mEe
NaMe: Nita Sears
NiCkNaMeS: Poohbare, Bear, Nits, Nitters, Needia, Butthead, Babe, Peanut theres lots more im probably missin sum
SiNgLe Or TaKeN? single
BiRfDaY? March 8th
HaIr CoLoUr? Brown /w blonde streaks
EyE cOlOuR? Brown
ShOe SiZe? 6 or 7
HeIgHt? 5'3
Do YoU gOt A cRuSh? Yup
If So HoO? Kan*t say
WhErE dO yOu LuKe To ShOp? Bootlegger, stiches, extreme, west ed and lotsa other places
HaVe YoU eVeR sMoKeD? nope and dont plan on doing it ever
Do YoU dO dRuGs? Nope dont plan on doin that either
WhAt KiNdA sHaMpOo Do YoU uSe? Fructis, dove, salon selectives
WhAt CaR dO yOu WiSh To HaVe? a silver bmw or a black convertable mustang
WhErE dO yOu WaNnA gEt MaRrIeD? i dunno somewhere nice
SmElL? Addias cologne or vanilla
NuMbEr? 21
BoYz NaMe? Tyson and Kris
GuRlZ nAmE? Nicole or Kaci
FoOd? Hamburgers, grilled cheese sandwishes, pizza, chocolate chip cookie dough icecream, cheesecake and lots more
~*other stuff*~
If YoU wErE a TrEe WhAt KiNd WoUlD yOu Be? cherry tree
If YoU cOuLd Be AnYoNe FoR a DaY hOo WoUlD yOu Be? umm im not sure
DiD yOu LyKe ThIs QuIz? no not really

Posted by anime5/billabong_babe_69 at 3:30 PM
Updated: Saturday, 19 July 2003 5:28 PM
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Love Quotes
1.You mean everything to me baby, promise me you'll never leave me...not even maybe.
2.How can you make other gurlz luv you but pay no attention to one who already does.
3.Trying to forget someone you luved it like trying to remember someone you never knew.
4.I think the worst thing about life is trying to go through it without you.
5.I tell him everything, i mean everything, but why cant i tell him that he means everything to me?
6.Just when i thought things couldnt get better in life...i met you.
7.The worst way to miss someone is to be right beside them, but no that you cant have them.
8.Its hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart still does.
9.One of the hardest things in life is watching the person you love, love someone else...someone thats not you.
10.What do you do when the only person that can get you to stop cring is the person that made you cry.
11.When we first met the angels whispered 'perfect'

Posted by anime5/billabong_babe_69 at 9:52 AM
Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2003 9:53 AM
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Kool Quotes
~Sexi Smile, rockin style, banging hottie, sexi body, sweetie baby, foxxi lady, luchyz thighs, kandi eyez, total QT, with a boodi, lil hunni, playboy bunni, temptin lips, killa hipz, to bad, you kant handle this.
~All you Gurls think you tough well all your shyt, aint that rough, you think you no the deal, but its mee n mah gurls who are keepin it real.
~Sexi, sweet, hard to beat, pretty, kool, rulez this skool, knock 'em dead with your looks, we're popular -n- got them hooked.
~We luv to party, kiss, and tease, we certainly no how to pleazz....dirty dancin, you scream for more....just remember not a whore
~I'm a mind shocker, bodi rocker, earth quacker, money maker, sittin high, lookin fly, dream gurl for every guy
~Can you put your hands on my waistline, want your skin up against mine, move my hipz to the baseline, let me get mine, you get yourz.
~I've got a perfect smile, a cute lil waist, lips that the guyz just wanna taste, pretty hair, and sexy eyez, baby i got you hypnotized
~So your the hoe that told the how that im a hoe, so listen hoe you gotta be hoe to no a how, how.
Shakin mah booty, movin my hipz, makin you frool, n lickin ya lips, bet no other gurl, can tease you like this

Posted by anime5/billabong_babe_69 at 9:49 AM
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Quiz, i found this quiz on sumones site and its oh so long!!
1. What brand of toothpaste? Colgate
2. Shampoo Conditioner in one or separate? Separate
3. What Brands for shampoo? Dove, Fructis, salon selectives
4. What flavor dental floss? Mint...?
5. Do you roll your socks or pull them up? I wear ankle socks so its kinna hard6. Toilet paper: wad or fold? uhh?
7. Do you know Donald Ducks middle name? Quack hehe lol
8. Favorite color? umm red and blue
9. Summer footwear: sandals
10. Apples, oranges, or bananas? apples
11. Lefty or righty? righty
12. Glass is half-empty or half-full? lol umm half full!!
13. Bleh or blah? Blah
14. What do you like about yourself? smartness!
15. Would you ever wear Taz boxers? Sure
16. Do you sing in the shower? Hell ya!!
17. Do you talk to your pet? yeh hoo doesnt i talk ta my kitty
18. Do you talk to yourself? sure all the time!!
19. Do you have a secret crush on your dentist? how bout no
20. Do you know your mailman/woman's name? no
21. Do you give your mailman/woman a gift on Xmas? Nope
22. Do you have 11 toes? No 10, 5 on each foot
23. What is the lamest pick up line you've ever used? i dunno
24. Would you ever buy/use a pink pen? YAH!!
25. Would you ever buy ANYTHING pink? Oh ya
26. Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny? Mickey Mouse.
27. Do you think Daffy Duck is hot? No??
28. Would you ever recite poetry to a girl? Whut kinna question is that
29. What color nail polish/lipstick would you wear? None..
30. Do you bite your lip when you're nervous? Yah
31. Would you skip school if you had a huge zit between your eyes on picture
day? YAh probably
32. Do tight jeans make guys look gay? Yah guys that wear tight jeans are gay apparently
33. How do you take mascara off? huh'?
34. Would a girl wearing blue/green mascara turn you on? No im a chick
35. Do you know HOW to figure out bra size? Lol whut kinna stupid question iz dat
36. Would you ever wear lip gloss? yah i do all the tine
37. What's better: gummi sweettarts or sweettart gum? Neither.
38. M&MS or Skittles? M&M's
39. Do you go to public places with your mom, and actually TALK to her? Sumtimes
40. What is 1+1? 11 lol no 2
41. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas and my birfday!
42. Pick one: RuPaul or Dennis Rodman: Dennis Rodman???
43. How old are you? 12
44. How old do you WANT to be? 16!!
45. Where do you want to live? IN A MANSION
46. Where do you want to go? ta heaven..heh heh i dunno
47. Who do you want to meet? winne the pooh!!
48. Do you like Kool-Aid? ya
49. Does pine-sol smell good? not really
50. What are your favorite pizza toppings? pepperoni
51. Do you like toast? no
52. Do you still carve pumpkins? yah its fun fun
53. Do you still leave cookies & milk out for Santa? yah heh heh then i get more [resents from mah parents
54. Have you lost all your (baby) teeth? almost
55. Have your wisdom teeth seen light yet? huh
56. Clear or colored? it depends
57. When your dentist asked, what flavor fluoride did you pick? bubble gum!!
58. Where is your hand right NOW? typing
59. What is better: your right ear or left pinky? it depends
60. Okay or O'tay? okay
61. French poodle or french kiss? french kiss heh heh
65. Do you know your parents' birthdays/ages? I think soo
66. Do you know your siblings birthdays/ages? yah
67. Does your grandma tell you she is 29? lol no
68. Have you ever used colored white-out? no..
69. What do you think of Smurfette? hoo??
70. What is your favorite book? i dunno im not in skool anymore so i dont have to read!!
71. How does a cabin far, far away, with a fire, candles, and the one you love sound? oh good good
72. Salmon or Cod? Salmon
73. Crab or Lobster? Crab
74. What sounds better: up or down? Up
75. What sounds better: sideways or sidewards? Sideways
77. Describe the best day of your life. Omg U no heh heh
78. Broom or mop? i dunno i dont clean
79. What is your favorite word? Ass Fuck lol
80. Free! Don't have to answer this since there is no question. So technically, its not 200 questions, only 199?
81. What is your full name? Nita _______ Sears, i ahte my middle name
82. What do you wish your name was? Nicole or Kaci
83. Describe your kinkiest fantasy. ?
84. What is the weirdest middle name you've ever heard? i dunno
85. Are your feet the same size? i think so
86. Cassettes or CDs? CDs
87. Is watching "How The Grinch Stole Christmas"; a tradition in your home? no??
88. What are your Christmas traditions? opening presents!!
89. How do you open your envelopes: tear or cut? tear
90. 10 more to go, are you bored? Thats a lie!!
91. Do you like onions? Yes.
92. What would you name your band, if you had one? whut a loserish question
93. Have you ever worn a dress? yah like 2 years ago when i was lil a stupid
94. Did you know that if you talk into a vent, someone in a nearby room will hear you? I do now
95. Frogs or toads? froggies
96. Do you believe in making a wish at 11:11? What happens if I make a wish then if i make it at 12:12??
97. 8 or 3? ??
98. How long can you hula-hoop for? forever
99. Did you know Dave is AWESOME? so hoo's this dave guy, is he hott?
100. You made it. Do you love me now? Hell no!
101. Did you ever eat crayons when you were little? Probably
102. On your last birthday, what did you wish for? To go out with dylan again
103. Do you know all the words to the National Anthem? yah
104. Is watching the Superbowl a party in your house? lol ya
105. Are you going to name your son Elvis? no
106. If not, what? Kris or tyson
107. What about your daughter? Kaci or Nicole
108. Describe your most embarrassing moment. to many to name
109. Do you read tabloids? No
110. Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played? No
111. Do you like cotton candy? Yah!!!
112. Do you suffer from cramps? sumtimes
113. Do you have that not-so-fresh feeling? no
114. Favorite food? Lots
115. What would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Go to west ed and shop til i drop
116. Ribbed or plain? Either
118. Apple pie or cherry pie? Apple pie
119. Pepsi or Coke? Coke
120. Strawberry or Vanilla? Strawberry
121. Favorite movie? 2 fast 2 furious
122. Favorite Actor? Paul walker and josh hatnett
123. Favorite Actress? reese witherspoon and mandy moore
124. Cheerios or corn flakes? cheerios
125. Panty hose or thigh-highs? Neither
126. Do you shave your legs? yah
127. Midnight or mid-day? im usually asleep at midday and out with my friends at midnight
128. Hope or Billy? Neither
129. Cottonball or Q-tip? huh?
130. Dry or lubricated? huh
131. Fast or slow? fast
132. Hard or soft? Soft
133. Yogurt or ice-cream? Ice-cream
134. Spoon or fork? fork
135. Are you crying right now? no
136. Fling or flick? huh
137. Look at your middle finger, on your right hand, what do you see? Skin lol
138. Look to your left, what do you see? my computer desk
139. Look to your right, what do you see? a fax machine
140. Who is at your house right now? just mee
141. Are your legs crossed right now? yah
142. Do a few twirls, are you dizzy now? no
143. Favorite song? umm too many
144. Boxers or briefs? For whom
145. Tootsie pops or blowpops? whut
146. Big Red, Juicy Fruit, or Doublemint? juicy fruit
147. Do you like to fish? kinda, not really
148. Is your grandpa cool? if he wasent dead then sure
149. Does your grandpa bore you with long stories? if he did when he was dead that would be freaky
150. Do you snore? how would i no that im the 1 sleepin
151. Describe how your breath smells right now. minty fresh
152. If you were a girl, would you rather be "Matilda" or "Alexis"? Im already a girl.
153. Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge? get my brother to
154. Does it taste good? Envelope glue? eww its nasty
155. Do you chew on pens/pencils? yah i no when im nervous, on the end of a pen
156. What is your favorite comic (like in the paper!) i dont read the paper
157. Acting class or class act? class act
158. Upside-down or downside-up? upside down
159. What's up? The ceiling
160. What does "GROWL TIGER" make you think of? A big cat?
161. What does this -> .dm,'fglkserhngjkqb; make you think of? mee heh heh
162. Blondes or brunettes? Brunettes
163. Push or pull? Push.
164. If a door says pull, do you automatically push? yah lol
165. Do you even read those door things? no i just push
166. Do spiders scare you? yah

168. Did you know I was scared of FROGS when I was a baby? and hoo are you
169. What was your first word? dadda
170. What was your first phrase? ask my parents
171. What can you not pronounce? ??
172. Did you know my phone just rang? thats just wonderful hoo was it?
173. Is your phone ringing? no im already on the phone
174. What's your phone number? i'd luv ta tell you but dont wanna
175. Do you eat your toe-nails? eww no thats just sick
176. Are you in drag right now? no??
177. WalMart or Kmart? wally world
178. Jim Carey or Mariah Carey? jim lol he's soo funny
179. How many REAL push-ups can you do? like 3
180. How many fake push-ups can you do? like 20
181. Go run a mile. You have ten minutes. Are you tired now? It'd take me an hour to run a mile. :P
182. Does your bike have 2 wheels? yah
183. Are they flat? no, not for my age
184. Can you do a hand-stand? it been a while, im not in dance anymore
185. Front or back? Front
186. Walk backwards for 5 steps. Stop. Turn around. What time is it? The current time right now is 12:25
187. Are you on fire right now? no
188. If I give you a piece of paper, what are the odds of you not eating it? Umm.. high.
189. Sprite or 7-up? 7-up
190. Mug RootBeer or Dr. Pepper? Rootbeer
191. Bambi or Thumper? thumper!!
192. Do you think Flower is hot? no hehe
193. If I told you to jump off a bridge, would you? no do u think im stupid
194. Would you lick Prince's feet for $5? no!!
195. Do you know there are people who would do that for free? shame
196. Umm. Can you count how many questions are left? 4.
197. Is your left pinky right-handed? whut?
198. 5+7+8-1234569555x3=? -3703708695
199. If you had 5 dollars, went to the store to buy 1 apple for 50 cents, but they were out, how many apples would you have? None
200. Do you know how many calories you burn when you do the wild thing? Not enough!!

Posted by anime5/billabong_babe_69 at 9:11 AM
Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2003 9:54 AM
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